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I bite back the tears that threatening to fall or I might be the weird centre attention since I'm crying in Chemistry class.

I couldn't concentrated fully despite the final exam is just around the corner. I know I should not think about him anymore but I can't. He broke our relationship without having the strong reason.

The grip on my pen became tighten and my knuckles turn to pale. It's hurt. Freaking hurt. Here, in my heart.

"Alright, class. Now pairing project. Get your pair in 3 minutes starting now," Mr. Yoo commanded as he slammed the wooden ruler on the desk a few time.

Pairing project, huh?

I masked everything, my gloomy and my sadness behind this cold face. I waited for someone, or rather Aeyun to choose me as her partner but I guess not since Sehun miraclelously appeared in today Chemistry class.

"Why aren't you with your pair, Miss Kim Hana?"

"Huh?" As I look up, Mr. Yoo shook his head as he pointed to my behind. "There Kim Jongin doesn't have any partners. Go with him."

Are fate playing with me? Are God test my feeling more? I'm getting hurt second by second.

Forcefully, I ambled to the back and took Sehun seat without even glancing on my partner. Well, I'm not like those girl who will ignore her exes and take revenge on him, no I'm not like that. It just, we're currently ended and I don't have enough time to find myself back and now I'm with him again for a school project.

"Good thing pairing are formed 10 groups so each group will choose one chapter of Chemistry theme. Jotting down notes and summary it then photocopy yours for the class. It's for your final exam preparation."

I sat there like a statue. I don't know what I'm feeling right now. Unexplaination. All I want is some space. Far away from him. Far away from everyone. Yeah, I'm in despair.


That night, I marched towards the library on the ground floor. Switched on the light, I almost shrieked as I saw a figure across me sitting on the table.

I frowned. How the heck he could live in the darkness? "Sorry," Mumbled me and exited back from entering the books heaven until my name slipped from his mouth.


I hugged my textbook even closer to my chest. I miss him calling my name. Putting my cold and indifferent face, I spun around, "Wha--"

I stumbled back on the wall since he was so close to me. I'm not dared myself to look into his eyes or I might cry out loud in front of him, begging him to accept me again.

He handed out a file to me, "Chemistry project."

I hesitantly took it from him. "W-well.. that's fast." I talked to his broad chest instead since I just straightly focus on it.

I heard him scoffed and stepped back giving me space for air. Once, I thought he would jokes with me saying that's only a blank papers and I need to done it by myself because this is so not Kim Jongin to done school project within hours. Even I just about to start it here until I met him.

But well, my heart broke once again hearing his reply.

"Because I don't want to waste my time with you."


It was a silent night. The sky were also losing it shone of the stars as its hiding behind the thick cloudy black skies. It's about to rain.

Unexpected Love [EXO & INFINITE fanfiction] (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now