My Savior

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"So do you."



I slammed my History book that I've been reading all of this time in a quiet peace but everything got ruined when these two human being called Park Aeyun and Oh Sehun came into the picture with their usual silly fight.

I glares at the both of them who were facing each other at the front of the class, "Park Aeyun, don't acted like a child," And I shift my glares to Sehun who seemed has no interest of what will I warn. "And you Oh Sehun, you just need to stop."

Right when I finished my sentences, our History teacher, Mr. Yoo come into the views. "Aigoo... what now Park Aeyun and Oh Sehun?" The called name just rolled their eyes to each other and went to their seat.

Still doing the small fighting on the way to their seat such as Aeyun slapping Sehun's arm and Sehun's pulling Aeyun's ponytail when Mr. Yoo didn't look at their direction.

"How I wish Oh Sehun never exist in this world. His existence increasing my headache."

I could heard my seatmate mumbling in annoyance even though Mr. Yoo is busied elaborating History at the front. Aigoo... What if I tell her that Sehun threw me on the bed with such hard force. Thanks to the wealthy thick and soft bed or else I might have break bones now.

As on cue, the event last night flashed in my brain.


"Who are you?"

The puppy barks, helping me reply the unexpected question. I grabbed Kai and throw the poor monster bear to Jongin's friend.

"Ouch!" He yelped. I blink thrice seeing his pain expression. Duh. Taller but has weak body. Kai as soft as a pillow yet he acted like Kai is some rock I picked up on the roadside.

"Are you a robber?!" He pointed at me. I rose up and handed the puppy to him before grab Kai on the floor. Poor my baby.

"Take the puppy," He obeyed and take the toy poodle from my hand. "I already help you finding this puppy, now it's time for you to help me," He remain silent, giving me space to finish my words.

"Don't ever tell Jongin or Sehun that you met me. Thank you."


He is really kept our deal. I know it he won't tell Jongin or Sehun since the both of them just treated me like how they usually did ever this time. Duh. Well, he is my second knight in shining armor. Myungsoo still be the first though. Heh.

"So, assignment!"

My mind snapped into reality the moment the whole classroom filled with a loud groaned. What? What is it? I nudged Aeyun beside me and being the best person that could read my mind silently, she spoke, "History assignment. Deadline next two weeks."

Ahh... I nodded in understand. "So, partner," Despite the groaning and laziness for the assignment, the students waited patiently for their partner but me. I just hope my partner is Aeyun.

"Aeyun and Sehun--"


I winced the moment Aeyun's high pitch collaboration with Sehun's deep yet loud voice. Mr. Yoo only could shake his head while smirking. So, he is already get over with these catdog behavior?

"Alright. Aeyun and Hana. Sehun and Taekwoon."

Aeyun let out a heavy sigh beside me and groaned dramatically. "God hearing my prayed."

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