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"Yah! I talked to you, you know."

Totally ignoring Sungyeol, Myungsoo put his headphone on and increasing the music volume he hear to, proceeding his path to the centre city where the place that Mr. Goo asked to meet at.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see how Sungyeol's mouth moving fast, probably throwing out some words or cursed at him for giving lacking of attention when his best friend talked to him just now.

Heck. He just need some space. And that Lee Sungyeol guy kept on bothering him since yesterday.

He felt the buzzing on his phone from his pocket. A text from the girl he starting to grow feeling for. Nobody knows about it. And he won't to tell anyone about it, even to INFINITE.

Me and Jongin are here already ^^

That's the reason why he was hesitated to accept her offers yesterday to be in the same group as her. Of course Jongin would be in the same group as her too.

He can't ensure his feeling to see them to act lovey-dovey in front of him. He afraid that he couldn't help himself from not letting Jongin going back home with bruises on his face.

Because Kim Hana is Kim Jongin's now.


"Don't tell me that you're still haven't make up yet."

The four of us -Sehun, Aeyun, me and Jongin- are having our breakfast at a cafe in the Art Seoul Gallery while waiting for Mr. Goo and the other students to come when Aeyun came up with a topic.

About me and Jongin.

I just want to shout at her right now. By the fact that me and Jongin were facing the different direction from each other, me staring out the big rectangle window beside while him looking around the cafe despite we're sitting beside each other, do Aeyun need to ask me about it?

And the answer is no.

Not yet.

We didn't make up yet.

Because it's not my fault.

And he didn't even coaxing me.

"I guess not." Thank you very much, Oh Sehun for answering Aeyun on my behalf.

The ringtone of my text came up and I got a reply from Myungsoo.

I'm on my way there.

"Tch." I heard Jongin scoffed as he take a peek on the screen. Seriously what his problem for me getting Myungsoo in our group? Please, at least be matured and be professional and don't include their past and their enemies mode into this work group.

How badly I want to bang his head on the window beside me to wake him up from the stupidity.



"First of all, thanks for coming. Today's event is just to wake you up and opens your eyes on how precious drawing and arts nowadays. People would think that it's just a simple drawing and sketch but they can't feel the aura of arts. Some of you may couldn't express your feeling by words but arts,"

Mr. Goo's voice echoed through the microphone and the hallway. I secretly agreed with him. I would doodling in my notebook when I have some trouble with studies.

Another example is when I'm doodling Jongin's ugly cartoon in my phone using a drawing applications last night because of the fought. And I'm using it as my wallpaper, replacing his real unugly casanova face.

Unexpected Love [EXO & INFINITE fanfiction] (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now