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He was the first to back off meanwhile I still in utter shock. I'd already forgotten about Aeyun watching us. I meant, sooner or later, she would probably knew about my feeling for Jongin.

But, I didn't meant it to be like this.

"Wh-what do you want to say?" I stares straight on his broad chest. Heck. The kiss gave me a goosebumps suddenly and I didn't dared myself to look into his eyes.

I heard him breathe deeply, as if any words that will be coming out from him is really has big meaning and would make me sensitive to hear.

And I'm not wrong. Because I don't know what to react when he said those words that I'm dying to hear directly from him.

"I love you, Kim Hana."


That night, my Kakao Talk has not died down from the continuous ringing of notifications coming.

I know it's from Aeyun. She bombarded my chat with her curiousity about this afternoon. Because she has no time to ask me right away since Kang Ahjumma said she was dragged by Sehun from the scene.

I sighed to myself and reach for my phone on my study table.

2 unread messages from Aeyunnie
7 unread message from Kim Jongin

Heol. So it was him filling my Kakao Talk notifications? I grew nervous suddenly. He didn't talked to me after the confession and now he is sending me 7 messages?

Out now.

Where are youuuu?

I'm waiting pls come fast...

Kim Hana get down right now.

Yaaahh~ I'm cold alone here.

Last warning or I'll kick your door off.

I'm going to get you now.

My eyes widened on the last message. Heck. He kept on messaging me for half an hour and I just read it now. Well, I thought it was from Aeyun that's why.

But, that's not the point. Did he really coming here into my room? Heck. Why did my blood pressure going up out of the blue? I felt dizzy. And I'm not ready yet to meet him in this moment.

Not when I didn't have courage to say my feeling for him.

"Why aren't you coming down? I nearly died in coldness if I waited for you for another few minutes."

There Jongin barged into my room with his body covered up with several sweater and thick clothes. My heart sanked. He really waited for me for half an hour?

"Yah. Doesn't mean you're my girlfriend now I'll forgive you easily."

By the mentioned of my girlfriend somehow sending goosebumps on my skin. I don't why but I want to smile really wide right now.

"I'm sorry. I just--"

"Nevermind! Aisshh why I get soften quickly when it comes to you." Jongin bounce on my bed as he take a sit there, watching me on the study table.

"What are you doing until you ignored my plead?"

I chuckled. So this is the feeling of getting myself a boyfriend, huh? Meh. This is so weird. Strange. Peculiar. I've been single for 17 years and this is the first time I had someone to take care of me after Taehyung.

"Are we really official?" I couldn't help but to ask. I just afraid if he is just playing with my feeling and it was only me having one-sided love. I mean, it's really unbelievable how we could hitch together after those bickering we had before.

Jongin raised his brows to me, "Are we not?" I gulped, "So, we aren't?"

There was a pregnant of silence before Jongin send me a small smile. "It's up to you. If you're not ready yet for the relationship, then I'll back off and wait."

Gaaaahhh. Kim Jongin and his sweet talking. He let me make a decision and that was nothing could beat how respect he is towards me. Well, until he confessed to me.

Because he is a complete jerk before the confession.


"Kim Hana didn't reply my chat and she is really a dead meat if I meet her this Monday at school."

Aeyun said through her gritted teeth. Sehun rolls his eyes. "Would you stop thinking about them and focus about us?"

The swing mood she had immediately faded away as she look at Sehun. "Us?" Sehun growled, hand tightly gripped on the steering as he pulled the handbreak. His green Ferarri stopped on the roadside.

"Do you ever remembered something unfamiliar to you? Do you ever saw a scene that was so strange to you? Do you ever remembered me in your past life?"

"Sehun, what are you--"

"I know you don't and that was because of me!" Sehun couldn't controlled himself as he burst. "I made you forgets me, forgets us and our memories."

Aeyun was on the verge of tears. She never saw Sehun this depressed in front of her. She never knew Sehun had something related to her past. And she never knew Sehun is hers before.

"Sehun, I really don't understand a bit."

The said guy searched for her eyes, and they met. God knows how badly they're in love with each other in the past. Even until now. But, only Aeyun hasn't realized it. She tried to open up her heart for Sehun. And she is trying.

Sehun locked their fingers together. He had the courage to plant several kisses on her knuckles. At that moment, a lot of scene begin to attack Aeyun's thought.

She shut her eyes and fought herself to stay awake and make out what that scenes are all about. Her gripped on Sehun's hand became tigther. Another scene attacked her but it's a little clear now.

She saw Sehun's figure. In a car. Smiling at her. And she was smiling back at him.

"I'm sorry. I almost killed you."


Sooooo, I planned on finishing SeYun's past first before I give my full attention on the main characters ;; but, don't worry. SeYun will be sailing until the end of this ff though haha. I just focus on them first so my ideas would not crashed with HaIn's moments ㅋㅋ

And anyway, *cough* they are *cough* official or not? Meh. I don't know. I just felt like the drama between Hana and Jongin are still not enough lmao. Moreover, I want to put Myungsoo fighting over Hana with Jongin HAHAHAHAHAHA okai ignored me --"

Btw, sorry for the short update ;-;

Oh and, I was thinking to publish a new ff ._. Maybe after this ff almost done in about 5 chapter. Main is Kris ^^ #Krishanday screwed my life and I'm a bit overdosed to Kris nowadays haha. Whatever. Yifan or Kris, it's the same.

Adios and enjoyed!


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