Who You?

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Days passed very quickly without I even noticed it. And today is D-day that what have the students of XONITE High School waiting for, Students' Day.

But, not me. I'm not ready for the theatre, yet. Moreover, with me and Jongin are currently not in a good-terms, which I don't know why the heck he avoided me for a week now and I can't pay attention on my role.

Can you imagine how awkward we are when we're on our way to school or home without hearing him mocking me about anything that could pissed me off. Doesn't it was supposed to be me that avoiding him?

"Kim "Juliet" Hana, when will you want to exit from that dressing room because I've been waiting for my turn for 10 minutes now and we left an hour more before our theatre and--"

I drew open the curtain with an annoyed look on my face, mirroring a priceless face of Aeyun. "Gosh! You're Kim Hana, right? OMG YOU'RE VERY BEAUTIFUL VERY PRETTY VERY FLAWLESS VERY AWESOME VERY SEXY IN THAT DRESS!"

I narrowed my eyes at her before looking down on the white and long dress below my feet that I wears. It was sleeveless and a bit revealing on the top of my chest with ribbon at the middle.

Sujeong then came in between our conversation with a squeal. "Heol. That dress is so beautiful." Said her to me before scanned down her dress that she held. It was a creamy white dress, that I assumed long only above her knees.

"Can we exchange?"

She is just like an ant in my eyes that I want to step on right now. She is freaking want to exchange the dress I wears that Mrs. Ha gave to me as a prop. Hell no. Dammit, no. Not when she want to wear this revealing dress when she is performing with Jongin.

Fucking no.

Geeez. I'm cursing really bad. And that was because of the jealously feeling that have been boiling up in my head, like a valcano waiting to throw out its lava.

"Sorry, but no. We got our own dress and you're the one that picked up that dress so just wear that." Aeyun said vougely before flipping her dark brown hair aside on her neck and walks passed me inside the dressing room.

Sujeong pouted and sighed in defeated before walks to sit on the chair beside. Heh. Serves you right. Ugh.


The guests were clapping in the hall and the nervousness I felt just over its limit. It's started. And heck, I'm the first to perform with Myungsoo who is at the other side of the stage.

I take a deep breath and stepped on the stage upon Mrs. Ha announced for the first partner of Romeo and Juliet. I swear I could collapsed right here, right now the moment Myungsoo appears from behind the curtain, walking towards me.

He is in a complete white suit, looking so perfect with his black hair gelled to the back. His face remain plain but once he reached for me, his dimples greeted my sight as he pulled out one of his hand, kneeling. Though I know he is still feels sorry for me for Howon's behalf few days ago.

I don't know why Lee Howon doesn't like me the way other INFINITE's members does and I don't bothered to know why. People's feeling cannot be force. I don't care anyway.

"Pleasure to meet you, Juliet."

The whole hall echoed with guests' loud 'aww' to us and I'm sure my face is in crimson red. Myungsoo pulled me to centre stage and I immediately pulled myself into the Juliet role.

A humble Juliet to be exact.

"Oh Romeo, how did you know I'm your Juliet?" By the time I finished my first dialogue, Myungsoo's right hand wreathes around my waist as his left hand grab mine. We dance on the centre stage when a romantic song is played.

Sometimes I would glance at Jongin, who is waiting at the other side of the stage for his turns. His outfit was different from the other Romeo. A white coat perfectly fits his body. A black shirt inside the coat and matched with a black pants.

Our gazed met but last only few seconds before Myungsoo's dialogue withdraw my attention to the theatre. "Because fate were meant to be for us."


"Good job!"

Mrs. Ha shrieked upon I jumped off to the backstage again with my legs feeling slightly numb. Myungsoo quickly grab me by lifting me bridal style and put me on the sofa nearer with Mrs. Ha commanded.

"Are you okay?" The concerned face of Myungsoo sending a guilt feeling all over my nerves. I don't want this theatre to be a failure. Perhaps, this is my very first time acting in front of many people and also, as the main characters.

So I just felt nervous and insecure. Maybe.

"Hana yaaahh!!" Aeyun appears out of nowhere and slumped on the sofa beside me. "Juliet, please. Don't be sick for now." The back of her palm met my forehead before gasping.

"You're hot!"


"Rest here for a while." Myungsoo put me down on the bed inside the school clinic room. He checks my temperature again the same way as Aeyun did awhile ago before sighing.

"Are you sure you want to proceed the role?"

I look at him under my half opened eyelids. My whole body is weak. I even couldn't even open my mouth but I forced myself to. "I-I'm... alright.." My voice almost whispered.

"Don't. Just rest here. Don't ever think about the theatre again." Said Myungsoo firm and his cold lips left a peck on my hot forehead. My eyes trailed on him before he lost from behind the closed door and I roll on the left side of the bed.

This is my first time in 5 years I'd caught a fever. It was rare for me to catch a cold and fever but when I sick, I'm definitely dying. Just like this.

I don't realized how and when I fell asleep but right now, I was awake with eyes still closed as I heard the door cracked.

My body is a little energized now compared to before. But the headached is still lingering on my head. Can you imagine a ton of elephants and rocks fell on your head?

That's how I felt.

A gasp nearly passed my lips as I feel someone stroking my hair from behind since I still laid down on my left side, facing the wall. "Get well soon," I shot open my eyes, blinking on the wall as if expecting a respons from it to tell me if he is the person that I was thinking in my head right now.

I heard him sighed heavily, hand still playing with my hair softly. "Get well soon," He repeated the same sentences for the second time and I fought back the urge to roll on my back and see his face.

Either Myungsoo or Jongin.

I don't know how the temporary fever could make me forgot their own voice that are really difference and I'm so curious right now. I just hope the wall I look at now is a mirror so I could watch him through the reflection.

"I love you, my Juliet." He added, sending goosebumps to my spine. And I finally snapped out of it.

It's Jongin. I know it. It's him. Only him that could gave me this peculiar feeling that have been normal for me to feel it now. I quickly cranked my neck to look back over my shoulder and all I could see is a shadow before the door closed.

He loves me?



Without you guys, I don't know if I could have any couragement to still updating this ff ToT Though I'm really busy this year and barely update as usual as I could but you're patient enough to wait for meeee ;_;


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