What If...

572 17 1

"Damn," He cursed for the umpteenth times already for today. His legs stepped on the pedal more harder. For once, he doesn't care if he drove his red Ferrari in dangerous way.

All he cares is only her.

"Hana?" Mrs. Kim looks at her son in confusion. "What are you talking about? She is going back to Busan with her brother yesterday when you're going out with EXO."

He feels like all of his world crashing down onto him. Was that the reason she returned back the phone he bought for her when they were at Jeju?

He sees the iPhone perfectly placed on the bedside table in his room, like how the first time he gave it to her to use, without scratches around. Without broken.

But his heart is. His heart broken, scratches paved the surface.

"Fuck! Fuck! Damn!" He cried. He cried again for a girl. Even more worse than how he cried for losing Mijoo years ago. He even swore that his love for Mijoo couldn't beat his love for Hana.

"Where are you?!" Shouted Suho from the other line. After Jongin came to their dorm just to take his red Ferarri that he left after their outing yesterday, they know something urgent had happened.

"Dude! I know you're going the fastest you can drive your car so slow down a bit!" This time, it's Chen. Probably Suho turn on the loud speaker.

"Help me," He finally slow down his driving and then gradually stopped on the roadside. His head banging on the steering, sniffling while clucthing his shirt on his chest part.

"Help me for getting her back." He begged helplessly.


"You're going to help Seokjin at the cafe?" Taehyung asked me, as he helped grandma to sit on the couch. "Yup. And then I will buy something for dinner tonight for us." I replied, hanging my bag on the shoulder.

Taehyung nodded, "Say to him that I can't help him doing my duty at our own cafe." He pouted and grandma didn't even hesitate to smack him on the shoulder. "Geeez... can't you act manly for even a second?"

I just shook my head and biding them farewell before start walking to BTS's cafe that they afford to open after working part-timing when they were on semester holiday.

"Hanaaaaa!!" Jin welcomed me with a bear hug and I volunteerly letting my body to fall into his arms. Gosh. How much I miss this princess boy.

He then withdraw, "I'm sorry I can't go to your graduation day yesterday! And you don't know how badly I want to kill Jungkook because he ran away from his work here and he got the chance to meet you there. Geezz..."

I chuckled. "It's okay. I'm here already and Taehyung couldn't help you today," I beamed. "Now, what should I do to help you?" Jin narrowed his eyes at me, waving his hand agressively to me. "No need." He wears an apron on his body.

"Though I'm the only one working here and I don't know where are those other bastards going, at least I'll have a date with you alone here." He smirks, "But first, I'll make your favourite baverage."

And this is the reason why I love living in Busan.


"So, do you have a boyfriend?"

I know this question would come out from everyone that are closed to me anytime soon. And Jin was the first to ask before the rest.

I gulped down the Ice Mocha he made for me and look at Jin in the eyes. "No." Yeah. It's exactly the truth. I'm single, I don't have a boyfriend. Although my heart only belong to Kim Jongin.


Damn. I come back here to my hometown just to take my time alone to not thinking about him but I guess I can't. Even though my live in Seoul just less than 12 months compared to my live in Busan since I was born, but the memories I had in the Korean city are overlapping my memories in Busan.

How cruel the reality is?

Jin smiles. I know what he was thinking but I pretend not to think about it. "Do you want us to go back at the time?" He eyed me carefully.

I shot him a sad smile. "We can't. I'm sorry." I muttered bitterly. People around me keep saying me and Jin were the cutest couple on earth when we're in primary school because he was the person that the closest to me after Taehyung and Jungkook.

And I didn't know that the tiny crush he has for me that time became the biggest crush. He likes me. And I knew it right the day before I'm going to Seoul. But, I don't have any feelings for him at all except as a friend and a brother.

Jin chuckles, "Of course, we can't pabo!" He flicked my forehead. "I mean, can we go back to the time where you would always find me to cry your heart out when Hoseok stole your chocolate and the time where Yoongi threw your doll away from your room window?"

I gasped, "I'm not going to cry like that again! Gosh. That's my childhood year duh." I rolled my eyes meanwhile Jin laughs his ass off.


After showering, I sat on the bed with a heavy sigh. Weird. I already miss Seoul even though I just came here not more than 48 hours. How can I survived staying here for three days when I came with Jongin that time?

Right... because Jongin was here as well.

Now, I just think that I made the most stupid decision ever for returning back the phone to him.

What if I didn't returned the phone? I'd probably hear his singing voice to sleep that he recorded when we were at the rooftop. What if I still in Seoul? I'd probably could still see him anywhere at the mansion. What if I answer him that I still love him too that day?

We're probably together now. Without me suffering alone here.

A couple of knock on the door waking me up from my thought and grandma was smiling at me at the doorframe. Ever since she checked out from hospital yesterday, she slowly return back to the bubbly and strong grandma that I know.

"Dear Hana," She calls. "May I know who is the guy that have been waiting in front of our house since this morning?"

My eyebrows met in confusion. Who is the person that grandma meant about? I didn't seen anyone in front of the house when I returned home from the cafe this evening.

Grandma looks at me warmly, "I invited him to wait whoever he wants to meet in the house but he kindly declined, saying the person he wants to meet probably won't to meet him and he will just see the person from afar." Grandma sighed. "Poor the boy."

The oxygen stuck on my throat. Why I got an abrupt strange feeling? I have no related to this boy that grandma talks about but why do I feel uneasy?

"And by the way, he looks so familiar though," Could it be... "Also with the red car."

I hurriedly marched towards the window and draw open the curtain. Without thinking twice-- heck, I really didn't have time to think as I zoomed out with a speed of lightning out of the room.


Updated, finally! ≧﹏≦

I freaking miss Huang Zitao and the feeling hurt me I really missed that panda so damn much can anyone feel me ㅠㅠ

To those who are keep sending QOTD or any questions to me through private message, I'll reply it on the last chap, okai? Thankgyu :*

Keep reading and voting and commenting!

((To my friend, Piqa, I know you're reading this ㅋㅋㅋ ))


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