It's Them + Detention

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Lunch Break.

I head for my locker first to grab the Chemistry text book until Aeyun appears out of nowhere and dragged me to somewhere. "Yah! This is called as kidnapping!"

It's true right. Getting dragged by someone without permission same like kidnapping.

We reached for the school cafeteria and the dimple girl still dragging me. Then, she pushed me to sit on a vacant table at the corner of the cafeteria with her sitting across me.

She wore that creepy grinned causing me to cringe. "This school has nothing important to tell you about but there are three things you need to know."

"But you don't have to kidnap me like that." I rolled my eyes. She curled her finger and just stick out only two as a 'piece' sign, "Mian."

A guy with all white uniform from head to toe heading towards us while holding a tray on the air. Aeyun squealing and clapped her hand like a seal upon the guy--or should I address him as the cafeteria worker-- serve the food.

I didn't realized I had my mouth hanging until Aeyun snapping her finger in front of me. "Surprise? This school usually serves food for lunch break every school day with difference menu each day. So, for today in Tuesday, they serves Macaronni Bolognise."

I gulp my saliva roughly. I can't wait to rape that Macaronni Bolognise as Aeyun push my plate in front of me. "That's the first important thing you have to know. Now, the second--"

"Shut up and eat."

I scoffed and quickly pick up the spoon and fork and begin to munching the menu. Lord. How could there are exist such a heaven taste of food. Macaronni Bolognise is my style starting now.

Out of the blue, the whole cafeteria begin to fill with squealing and whining of students. Mostly female students.

But I give no care and continue raping the Macaronni Bolognise. "Yah." I tilted my head and saw Aeyun eyed me curiously. I swallowed the rest macaronni and raised up my eyebrows.

"You're not curious of that squealing?"


I pick up my fork again but Aeyun hold my hand. "Second and third things you need to know is,"

I shot her an eager look. How dare her making me suffer to stop eating in the midway? I try to let my wrist free from her grip but she just shook her head. Until the door of the cafeteria slammed open.

"They're here!"

A female student exclaimed while panting and run inside the cafeteria, giving way for... 1,2,3,4.... Oh, 12 students.

"They're EXO."

My eyes still staring at the group or what Aeyun called them with EXO as they walks like a model inside the cafeteria. Each of them look charming but still, I couldn't make up their face since there are the 12 of them and you expecting me to recognize them in a shot?

Not reaching for a minute the cafeteria turn quiet, the students begin to scream and squealing like a maniac again. I turn to the door and this time I saw 7 charming guys made their way inside.

"And they are INFINITE."

Aeyun seemed to read my mind. I still drooling over to that 19 charming students causing Aeyun to pinch my cheeks to bring me back to the earth.

"What was that for!"

She rolled her eyes, "They are enemies." My eyes bulge out, "What?" Aeyun sighed.

"EXO and INFINITE are the Kingkas. But they were separating into two level. EXO, consist 12 handsome students, mostly coming from wealthy family. So they were treat as princes in this school even though they like to bully the students and do whatever they want. Oh and, Kim Jongin is in EXO.

"Meanwhile, INFINITE consist 7 charming students. They're coming from normal family, not too rich and not too poor either. They're the angel badass because their hobbies is helping students from getting bully by EXO. The actual story is, EXO and INFINITE happened to be best friends with each other until an incident happen between their visual.

"Abruptly, they become enemies starting 4 years ago."

I still sitting like a statue by the time Aeyun finishing the whole story about the 19 guys I saw earlier. "Daebak." is all I could say for now. She sighed, "Now. Continue eating."

But I have no appetite anymore.

Time Skip.

"See you tomorrow~" Aeyun sang and blow me a kiss as she rushed exited the classroom, leaving me alone.

Now, detention.

I groaned and pack up my things. I grabbed my bag and headed to the detention room that Aeyun had showed me earlier.

I knock on the door and heard a faint voice of Mrs. Ha, the Physics teacher reply me with a 'come in' from inside. I open the door and saw a guy already sitting on the couch in front of Mrs. Ha's desk.

"Mrs. Kim Hana, have you any chance saw Mr. Kim Jongin on the way here?" I shook my head and Mrs. Ha let out a heavy sigh. "As expected from that kid."

As expected? That's mean that Jongin guy must got uncountable detention but never showed up. Duh. He is in EXO anyway. Like Aeyun said,EXO is carefree. I take a sit beside the guy on the couch, not so close yet not so far.

I examined the person beside me. He had his blazer unbuttoned and two upper button of the shirt inside the blazer were open. His dirty blonde hair slightly messed as his ear were stuck with earphone.

I don't know why but somehow, his features attracted me. I love how he close his eyes while his head bobbing up and down, maybe following the beat of music he is heard to. His pointed nose and sharp jawline with his thin red lips increasing more point for his good-looking look.

"I'm going to the restroom. Don't ever try to sneak out until your detention end in about 1 hour more."

Mrs. Ha already left the room without waiting me reply. 1 hour more in this room with my stomach growling anticipation for Kang Ahjumma cooking lunch at home? Aigoo. The taste of Macaronni Bolognise still lingering on my taste bud causing me to feel hungry again.

10 minutes has passed and I grew bored. The guy beside me still in his own world without even bothered me beside him. Or he doesn't even know I'm in a room with him too. Tch.

I stand up and walks to the door. I try to jingle the doorknob and my expectation is true. I was locked up in a room together with a handsome guy that barely noticed I'm here.

"If you try to run away, then use the window."

I jerk up and froze on my spot by hearing a voice out of the blue. I clear my throat awkwardly and acted all calm and cool before flipping my hair to the back of my neck, crossing my arms.

"I'm not--" My sentences stop midway as my eyes were lock to his alluring eyes.


I never knew he owned a pair of beautiful eyes. His stares sent down shiver to my spine as he stretching his body and walk to me like a model. A bag hanging on his left shoulder. No, a guitar bag to be exact. And then, something pop out in my mind.

He was the one that playing the guitar in thay abandoned room this morning.

I felt hard to breathe in a sudden by his charming presence. "Have you ever done a crazy thing before?" Even his voice is sexy. I gulp down my saliva and shook my head eagerly. What crazy thing? Does he mean... doing that thing?

His corner of the lips pulled up to a devilish smirk. "Wanna do that now?"



I couldn't think anymore since I'm so sleepy. I had a mountain of homework to do for this upcoming holiday for Muslim's event, Hari Raya =_= What is holiday and Hari Raya if you still had a lot of homework to do urgh.

And I has many to do in my holiday list such as watching High School Love On and It's Okay, It's Love haha.

Enjoyed :)


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