Can You Save Me?

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My body felt numb. I even couldn't move a little and the pain will shot me every part of the limb. I tried to open my eyes but only black greeted my sight.

I straighten up my position into sitting, slowly without letting out soft voice although I badly want to whimper. I could tell that my body are full with bruises.

I'm in danger.

"Hey, she is awaken now."

I immediately froze on my spot, leaning on the wall as closer as possible upon hearing the voice. How the heck I'm not frightened with my eyes got blind with a cloth as my hands were tied behind me.

I'm not free.

I couldn't fight back.

A hand fist my hair and I accidentally yelped. Damn. Who are these damn guys?

I blinked my eyes once the blinded untied, trying to sense the sight in front and my hands were freed as well. Two guys. One was grinning evilly and the other was smirking beside me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked through my gritted teeth. I'm not freaking rich nor wealthy to be a hostage for money. I'm not someone's famous daughter to be kidnapped like this.

I'm Kim Hana. The village Busan girl.

One laughs like there is no tomorrow, scaring the hell out of me. I shrink more on the ground and if the wall could be pass through, I'd probably thrown in the side of the room.

"Kai's girlfriend, isn't?" The fisted on my hair became more tighten and I hissed in pain. But I didn't showed it off or they might think I'm weak.

"No, I'm not." I denied. If they want to hurt me then don't included Jongin into this. He is innocent. He doesn't deserves this kind of suffering.

Later, one of them pulled out my phone in the air that has been ringing for the umpteenth times I guess. There I saw Jongin's name. The creepy man laughs, "Denied, lied. Show her then,"

I don't know what it means but I feel my body flying to the side seconds after, as the second damn guy kicked me hard on my stomach. And this time I didn't keep it as I scream in pain.

Both laughs seeing me being abused. I then realized that my skirt were half torn and it shamed me since my thigh were exposed.

I got pulled once again by hair, being slapped softly on the cheek. "I think you might be the second Mijoo then," He smirks.

Mijoo? What is this related to her?

"What exactly you want?!" I hollered, already feeling frustrated with this game. First, I'm not Mijoo and never be the second her. Can't they tell me what they want instead abusing me here?

Another man entered the room. He has mustache above his mouth and he looks in his middle-aged. He was glaring at me and we literally having eyes battle right now.

"I just want you to die. That's all."


"Hana!" Myungsoo shouted through the hall. "Kim Hana!" Still, no response. He sure she is here. Inside this same building.

"Wait, here again?" Sunggyu asked unbelievable. It's a good thing Myungsoo thought to call his friends to come to this place before he followed where did those guys brought Hana to.

Hoya, who had been uninterested about saving Hana earlier, begin to voice out. He can't stand letting the incident of Mijoo years ago to occur again. In the same place. At the same time.

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