Kim Family

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Leaning my head on the window of the bus, I take a mental note to the way of Seoul City. Sometimes, I would glance on a piece of paper in my hand. It showed an address of a family.

Sighing, I thinking back the eagerness of my grandma. She really wanted me to find this family today and stay with them until I graduate. Grandma told me that I've been knowing this family for long but, it was years ago. When my parents still alive.

I felt a couple of tap on my shoulder. I didn't realized that I've been sleeping. I bow slightly to the whoever waking me up from my slumber or else the bus will send me to the other stop.

Struggling with my luggage, my legs carried me to wherever I want to go as my mind still in dazed. I scanned the address again. I need to ask people for the address because I'm doomed if I lost in this unfamiliar city for me.


I flung my bag on the ground and wipe the unavailable dust on my hand. After seemed a year I'm walking around the city and almost 10 times I found the same place since people ignoring when I'm asking them in Busan accent, finally I'd reached for the destination.

My pupil moving up and down staring on the mansion in front of my sight. Precisely, this is Kim's residence by the surname that cover by layer of gold, or maybe the fake one on the main gate.

I made my way to press the doorbell when a motorbike passed by me with a fast speed causing the puddle near me splashed all over my dress. "Yaahh!" I screamed to no one in particular as the previous motorbike reverse and stop beside me.

I flew on my bangs, a hand on my hips as the other one on my luggage. Shooting my glares but I couldn't see the face since the helmet cover the face fully.


No reply. Instead, the gate of Kim's mansion widely open. I stepped aside when noticed the motorbike drove passed through me. I scoff. So that rude person is Kim's relative, uh? Don't tell me I have to face him/her along I stay here.

Shoving away my thought, I took the oppurtinty of the open gate to walk inside the mansion area. My eyes begin to scanned the whole are and spot a garage of a Limousine, 2 garage of red and green Ferrari and 2 garage of red and green Kawasaki.

I then make my way to a high and rich-looking golden door, which I guess this is the main door of the mansion. I was about to knock when the door already open, revealing a middle-aged woman in maid outfit and immediately I take a mental note that she is one of the maids.

"Young Mister Sehun or Young Mister Kai?"

Her lips twitched into a smile as tje side of her eyes crinkled. I don't even know who is these Sehun and Kai though. Clearing my throat, I formed a small smile.

"My name is Kim Hana. I want to meet with Mrs. Kim Yooin. Is she here?" The maid seemed taken aback by my statement. "Or... Mr. Kim Jonghyuk. Please it's an urgent."

The maid gasped. Weren't she believed me? Maybe she think I'm a thief or--

"Agassi!" The maid exclaimed. "It have been long time since I last Aigoo... You're became more pretty."

The maid chuckled but I awkwardly laughed. So... I know this maid as well?

Just then, a woman with a black elegant dress under her knees appears behind the maid.

"Who is it--Omo! Is that you, Kim Hana?" Now... there you are the real Mrs. Kim Yooin.


I changed into my pyjamas when a soft knock on my bedroom that Mrs. Kim had been prepared for me were heard. I turn around and saw Mrs. Kim peeking her haid and smile and at me.

"Honey, let's have dinner together. I'll introduce you to the family."

With that, we descending the stairs together to the dining table. I felt nervous out of the blue. What if their children doesn't like me? What if they bully me?

Mrs. Kim rubbing my arm, noticing how tense I could be. Upon reaching the dining table, I saw a good-looking man in his middle age talking to the phone and a guy seemed my age sitting with his poker face on.

"Yeobo," The man stop talking to the phone and smile at me. "So this is Kim Hana? Aigoo.. you're becoming more pretty now." So, he is Mr. Kim Jonghyuk.

"Look. You has you father's pointed nose and rounded eyes. And your mother's lips and face."

He kept on complimenting me. Now I know how much they closed to my parents until he could describe my parents' features.

I take a sit in front of the poker face guy by Mrs. Kim requested. "Anyway," Mrs. Kim continued and calling for the guy. They talking about something but I barely heard since I'm busied myself with that guy.

Could it be he is the one that rude human being this morning?

"So, Hana." I turn to Mrs. Kim and deleted away my negative thought. "Meet my nephew, Oh Sehun."


That's the beginning. I know it sucks aigoo T^T I'll try my best.

I currently crying over INFINITE's comeback stage with Back. Heol asdfghjkl it was amazing!

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy. Or more, I hope there are at least one person reading this.



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