Tell Me Why

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Tense could sense surrounding us.

I only can observes these two guys in front of me exchanging glares with each other. Of course, Aeyun already told me that they're not in a good terms. But I couldn't help to be this curious. I was never eager to know about someone that I never meet before.

And that someone I refer to is Kim Jongin and Kim Myungsoo.

"With you?" Myungsoo's lips tugged into a slight smirk. If I'm not stucked in this situation, I had probably fangirling over Myungsoo. My neck crancked to my right side upon hearing Jongin scoffed.

"Unbelievable, isn't it? Not enough of her, now Hana?" His voice is monotone but I clearly noticed the playfulness in his words. Myungsoo's face darken, fist clenching tightly.

Uh... this is no joke. I need to do something before unexpected situation occur.

"Uhh waaaa!!! There!!" I shouted loudly, pointing on the sky. Not only I caught their attention but the people that happened to walk passed us as well. Thankfully... it's the right time for the firework.

Red, blue, green, purple... the color rocketed up in the sky every 5 seconds. Childs giggling and squealing at the rainbow firework. People recording the video as their memories. Aigoo... Only grandma hasn't feeling this situation. I miss her a lot.

"Let's go." Jongin dragged me to follow him and I obeyed. I almost forgot the whole tense condition. Well, I won't to add fuel to the fire since he is probably in no mood for bullying me.

I'll talk to Myungsoo if I meet him somewhere.



Poor my heart. I almost cursed at Sehun for suddenly appears behind the door of my hotel room. But wait, what was he doing at here? I quickly grabbed him by the elbow, raising an eyebrow.

"What were you doing inside?" I suspiciously asked. He run his slender fingers on his brown hair, heaved a sighed. "Aeyun fell asleep when we were riding the ferris wheel. So I brought her here."

A simple explanation. But my eyes remain eyed him suspiciously. "Yah! What's with that look? I didn't do anything to her." I return back to my normal face.

"Well, I didn't asked you what have you done to her." His mouth open wanting to debate with me but close it second after. "Urgh!" He growled and enter his hotel room, which is in front of mine and Aeyun's.

Tch. That guy is failed to hide his feeling to Aeyun. And I wondered if Aeyun has the feeling as him as well.

"Where were you?" I closed the door and was greeted by Aeyun's sleepy voice. "From the carnival?" It's more like question than statement because it so obvious that I came back from attending the firework festival.

"No, I mean, with whom?" Now... her voice become normal that has slight teased in it. Geeez. As if I didn't know that she is also suspicious with my relation with Jongin. "With Jongin and Myu--" I stop midway before quickly run to her on the bed.



She laid back down on the bed, snuggling with the pillow. I was fighting with my own if I should tell her about what happened earlier or not. And maybe she knows the reason why they become enemies when they happened to be friends with each other.

"What is it?"

I faked smile and shake my head. Maybe I should not tell her and burdened her even more.


The next day.

Me and Aeyun stepped out from the elevator when the door slide open, making our way for breakfast at the hotel restaurant. She was mumbling something beside me. "What are you talking about?" She frowned, showing me her iPhone. She got a text. Ahem. From Sehun.

'Don't flirt with Luhan.'

I blinked thrice. "How am I supposed to flirt with Luhan when he is not here! Sehun the dumb urgh." Now, I am more confused than before. "Luhan?" Aeyun flipped her hair aside, exposing her milky neck.

"EXO. Jongin, Sehun, Luhan, Kris, Xiumin, Suho, Lay, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Chen, Tao, D.O."

I gaped. How am I supposed to remember those name? Whatever. So, this Luhan guy is in EXO. And Sehun warned Aeyun to not flirt with his membermate. Geeez. How lucky my best friend but still, she is so slow to notice Sehun's jealously towards her--


Jongin appears out of nowhere and I already, once again, got dragged by him. Aeyun is in completely dazed and just let me get pulled by Jongin, exited the hotel.

"Whe-where are we go-going?" I managed to say between the panting. Having no reply from him, I struggle to let my left arm free. I don't care what people want to say because I'm couldn't undestand his unexpected behavior anymore.

I thought he is mad at me last night and today he casually pulled me with him as if nothing wrong happened.

As we reached inside a store, he let go off me. "Choose." Huh? I look down and there are many different types of handphone. "Wh-why?" He hissed and move in front of me, slightly panting from the marathon.

"I don't want you to lost again."




I just feel like banging him on the wall. Gosh. The rate of my heart beating increasing by any second. Probably because of the running earlier. He inched more closer to me and I quickly spun around. "I choose that!"


"Slide it like this."

"Press this and the picture will taken."

I followed his instructed and finally, I succeed using the latest iPhone, like Aeyun's. "Now, try snap a picture of me."

Jongin posed like a model beside me on the bench. Alright. I need to control myself to not burst into a loud laughs. His posed seriously is the worse.

"Why are you laughing?" He whined, stealing my new phone from my hand. "Oh my god. I'm so handsome." Gosh. So full of himself! He then typing something on the phone. I peeked but he quickly give it back to me.

"Press 1 if something happened to you or if it is an urgent." Geez. He acted like as if I was a child. "I know it!" He clucked his tongue and stood up.

"Stay away from Myungsoo."



First : I'll be hiatus. Maybe for a month. I need to focus for my end-year exam in next two weeks. Especially on Physics and Chemistry. Because those subjects are not my style.

By the way, sorry for the late update tsk. I'm not busy but I just lacked of idea. And the ending of this chap is sucks =_= kkaebsong~


Third : Teen Top and 2PM cracked my biases groups lol

Forth : I LOVE YOU MY READERS!! *throws myungkai*


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