Last Romeo

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I proceeded my path inside the school building, letting my mind to play with Jongin's figure for these passed few days.

What if I am jealous?

Geeez. His words that night still haunted my life until now. I chewed on my lips, pulling on my fringed and continue to walk to the hall, where students begun to form a big circle in front of the information board. What happened?

Aeyun then headed to me, pouting, "What were you and Luhan talked about on that night?" I narrowed my eyes at her flawless face. When will this girl realized that she is in love with Sehun instead of Luhan?

I'm just a shadow of who is the real one she loves.

Now, I have something to do with that feminine boy. He owed me SeYun's past. "Yah! Did you heard what I say?" Aeyun nudged me hardly on the stomach using her elbow and I managed to regain my balance without falling behind with a hand wrapped around my waist.

Thanks to Myungsoo.

"Wow, girl. Be cautious." He chirped at me, with dimples on both his cheeks appears dazzlingly. Weird. I feel nothing but embarassment because he just saw me almost falling. Usually... duh. You know how fangirling I am whenever Myungsoo is around me.

Probably because of Jongin had beat him?

Aeyun pursed her lips in annoyance beside me, "There goes your Myungsoo." She then faked eyes smiling at me before giving me a space to be alone with Myungsoo. I wondered how will she react if I say Myungsoo is no longer my crush but Jongin.

"Will you join the audition?" The dimples boy asked me after awhile in silence. I tilted my head up at him in confusion.

And then I'd realized his hair is no longer dyed in blonde but now is black. Pure black. He is never been ugly with any colors of hair. And he looks more matured with those black hair pulled to the back. "What audition?"

He chuckled before holding up a paper in his hand on the air. "A theatre. To be a juliet for the last romeo."


Lunch break.

There was a long line of the participation for the theatre audition in front of the room the moment I walked passed it to the cafeteria. Whoaa... daebak. It just a theatre though. You're not going to be a celebrity anyway.

A finger poked my cheek as I turn away from the scene. And Myungsoo's deep chuckles greeted my ears before his hand move around my shoulder. "Are you joining it?"

I huffed a raspberry and shrugged. "No. Not my style. How about you?" He shoved both his hand in the pockets, beaming so sincerely to me. "I don't know."

Well, he is not gonna participate it or else the male students here will never be the last Romeo since I'm perfectly sure Myungsoo is the one that chosen. You know, he is suits as the Romeo.

I was in the midst of thinking about the theatre when my wrist got grabbed. "Follow me." Jongin then pulled me with him, away from Myungsoo.


"I thought I told you to stay away from him?"

My back leaned on the wall under the stairs with him just few inches away from where I was. How could I reply him when I just experienced the same peculiar feeling of my heart racing in my chest?

He once admitted that he was jealous seeing me with Luhan. Could he also be jealous seeing me with Myungsoo just now?

His right palm slammed beside my head, taking a deep breath. "Kim Hana," Here is again our eyes battle. His beauty, twinkling eyes. And I could see an emotion in there.

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