Kim Myungsoo

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A thing seemed like a duster hitted me on my head right when I stepped inside the classroom. "Hana-ah..." Aeyun rushed to me and examined all over my body.

"I'm sorry! It was supposed to be Sehun the one that get hit by the duster and not you! I didn't mean it. Mianeiiii.."

Aeyun pouted beside me. Feeling so guilty maybe. I rolled my eyes and walk passed her, heading towards my sit. So, first period is Mathematics. But, how on earth that Oh Sehun brat also in this class? So far I know, I only had Physics same as him.

As long as he is not doing something that could fume me up, I ignore the fact that maybe he got new schedule and had Mathematics subject on first period same as me.

I leaned my head on the table, facing my left where a window placed. I yawned, feeling sleepy. Probably because of lacking of sleeping last night. Thanks to that Jongin guy.

If he didn't fell asleep in front of me by the time I had finished my homework, I'd probably left him alone in the room and jump on my bed early instead dragged him to his room.

Thanks to my kidness heart. I easily feel mercy towards someone in trouble. But, is sleeping is trouble? Whatever.

Oh. Talking about Jongin, he is more better than Sehun. Even though I need to walk to school in 5 minutes since he left me in front of an ice-cream stall nearby school, well at least... 5 minutes is much more saving my times than 10 minutes.

But Lord, why must they need to leave me somewhere before reaching at school? Grrr.


Aeyun was sitting behind Hana since she won't to ruin Hana's dreamland but it was wrong spot. Aeyun rolled her eyes, totally ignore Sehun that keep kicking her chair from behind her seat.

She badly want to wake up Hana that had fallen asleep since the first period. And until now, the teacher still hasn't show up yet. Probably had a long meeting.

Once again, her chair moving and Sehun's snickered behind him. She slammed her fist on the table, turning around and shot Sehun a laser glare, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" The latter smirk, lifting up a book in his hand, "Don't you see I'm reading?"

She clenched her fist, wanting to tear that poker face of Sehun right now. "Urgh." She walks towards her new friend seat, slumping on the chair forcely causing to the sleeping beauty to awaken.


"What the..."

My mind still in dazed since I just awaken forcely by the loud sound of something heavy fell from the sky beside me. I turn to my right and saw a frowning Aeyun with her hand crossed over her chest. Mouth moving seemed like cursing.

I sighed, sliding down on the chair a little to giving space for my head to lean on the chair. I watch Aeyun while smirking. All I could heard is 'that Sehun' and 'annoying'.

Sehun? Oh Sehun?

Pfftt... as expected. That brat is really an evil. Have done something that could fumed someone and then acted all innocent. Like yesterday how he left me at Bubble Tea Shop. Lord, thanks to my kindness that I already forgave him even though he didn't apologize.

"Yah," Aeyun turn to me, still frowning. "Bwoh?!" She hissed and flipped her hair. "Gosh how I wish I had a power of killing people mentally."

Duh this girl. I want to kill Sehun so badly too but, just wait if he do something more that make me upset then he must say goodbye to the world.

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