I Want You Back

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He sees her figure running out through the door, going towards him that has been leaning his body on the side of his red Ferarri. He was flustered. He don't have time to hide from her anymore.

Hana looks at Jongin with emotionless on her face as he did the same besides, his expression was soften. At least he knows that she isn't easily pushing him away from her.

"I want you back," He utters confidently, eyes locking with her. He wouldn't bothered himself to see her in that thin gown pyjamas or he might as well couldn't handle himself.

Being a gentleman he is, he unbutton his leather jacket he wore and walks to her, wrapping it on her petite body to warm her up. Now, both are standing so close to each other. Even air find it's hard to pass through the gap between.

His thumb brushing against her cheeks. She didn't realized that she had been crying in front of him. See, how fragile and weak Kim Hana is when it comes to Kim Jongin.

He bent down a little to her level and connecting their forehead together. Maybe the whole neighboorhood would be find this really weird for them to show off their public display affection but, who cares?

They need each other.

They want each other.

"Take me back." He whispered, his cold lips brushing against her quavering lips.

"I gladly to do so." She beamed.


After a lot of discussion and nagging she gets from her brother, as her grandma easily agreed compared to Taehyung, Kim Jongin finally gets to sleep in the house.

Both were facing each other. His eyes never left his features even for milliseconds and she was flustered. "S-stop staring..." She mumbled. He chuckles, playing with the end of her hair.

"Can't I staring at my girlfriend?"

His chuckles turns to a loud laughs upon seeing both her cheeks becomes red. Damn, how much he missed to see her like this. She glares at him, "Why aren't you going back to Seoul?"

He smirks, "How about you?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Because this is my hometown, not Seoul."

He shrugged, "Because you're here, not in Seoul."

She playfully smacked his arm causing him to hiss in pain. "I'm serious. Wouldn't your mom worried of you?" He pouted, rubbing the sore part. Here it comes, the rough Kim Hana.

"Baby," Her stomach doing flip-flap hearing him calling her that. "I don't have school tomorrow. We have no school tomorrow." He scooted closer to her before rolling on top of her. She palmed her mouth from letting a out a sudden shrieked.

"Kim Jongin!"

He send her his signature smirk that makes girls rolling like a buffalo to him. "Stop seducing me. It's hard to handle, you know."

She scowled, "I didn't."

"You are."

"What did I do?"

"You in your night gown pyjamas. Your sexy glare. Your soft hair. Your scent. Your--"

She hushed him, putting a finger on his lips and giggles. "Why are you acting so byuntae?"

He immediately smacked his lips with her for a good few minutes before pulling back, but travel butterflies kisses on her features and jawline before going back to her lips and give her a very long and passionate kiss.

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