I'm in Love?

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Pushing open the library door on the ground floor of Kim's mansion, I saw Sehun on his usual spot, his head was on the table and he is holding a book in his hand.

But sleeping.

As if he is not here, I ignored him and sat across him, starting with the Physics homework that I need to submit tomorrow. What a good a thing he is sleeping instead of laughing his ass off like he always does due to the comic he read whenever I met him here.

I do my homework in a very peaceful situation until a moment that Sehun brat ruined everything in his sleep talking. "Don't... go.." He mumbled in his sleep, frowning as well.

"Yah," I poke his hand with the book I hold and he is still didn't budged. "Forgive me..." He continue ranting in his dream, pestering me to finish my homework. I groaned mentally.

Neating my things, I was ready to finish my homework at the backyard while taking fresh air but stop midway upon hearing my best friend's name slipped from his small lips. "Aeyun-ah..."

Heol. "Aeyun-ah... don't leave me..." I gasped so dramatically, totally agape. I don't misheard, do I? I know there are things between them. I can see it in Sehun's eyes and even Aeyun's.

Yet they denied it. But no. I see Sehun is the one that being so obvious about Aeyun but not the latter. I chewed on my upper lips, trying to complete SeYun's love story puzzle. Aeyun said they're enemies but I don't think so.

Could they are also had something to do with their past?

The vibrate of my phone on the table waking me up from my thought. Handsome Jongin. Heck. "When did he--" My whispered trailed off upon remembering the scene of him snatching my phone away from me at Jeju and typed something in it the day when he bought me this phone.

Geez. Too much self-esteem. I click open the letter button, a text message from him.

Meet me outside.


It's so weird the moment Kim Jongin wants to meet me at the backyard when he just can bugging me in the kitchen or in the living room or what.

There I saw him standing at the middle of the backyard, back-facing me, in all black, from head to toe. Black hair, black shirt, black sweatpants, black sneakers. I hardly found him at first.

Still holding my Physics homework, I walk to him quickly. More quicker, more better so I can finish my homework before midnight. "Why?" Asked me immediately upon reaching behind him.

He turned his body slowly to me, gazing into my eyes. His eyes shining under the moonlight. I ignored the flutter feeling on my chest due to the tenderness in those pair of eyes of Kim Jongin.

This feels like in a fairytail scene with butterflies flying around the two of us while we stares in each other's eyes.

"Stay away from Myungsoo."

And everything I imagined broke away as he said those words. The same warned again and again. I rolled my eyes hardly, annoyingly. "I thought the both of you have returned back to your old best friend relationship starting today?"

I stopped, remembering how delight they are having a conversation earlier when I came back from the restroom. So, that was just an act? He sighed, "You don't know him so well, Kim Hana."

"That's why I be friend with him to know him more better." I insisted, getting confused too. Jongin strongly protested me to be friend with Myungsoo but I don't find a very suitable reason for me to be on Jongin's side.

Unexpected Love [EXO & INFINITE fanfiction] (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now