XOXO, X or O?

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I pulled the comforter around me, ready for my slumber when the door swang open. I sat up straight, glaring at Jongin on the door frame, in embarassment because of the crying incident earlier and also because of he is scared the hell out of me with the sudden force.

"I don't have any place to sleep."

He nonchalantly said and pulled himself and his luggage inside my room. Oh well, grandma has returned back to her room tonight so this buffalo have no room to sleep that's why he just barged into my room like this?

I chew on my lower lips, eyeing his movement as he throw the luggage beside mine on the floor. He then walk to me and sit next to me without invitation.

"Mind to move a little? I might fall when sleeping later." I roll my eyes at his cocky speech. "I don't even agree on your decission to sleep in my room." I quoted clearly. He shrugged, "At least you can't do anything to me now."

I was pushed by him to move a little on the side of the bed as he laid down, without even taking a glance at me or saying anything like a 'thank you' or what. So now, I was sandwiched between him and the wall. He is right. I have no choice so I can't do anything to him such as kicking him outside of the room instead letting him to sleep beside me.

Just one night. Urgh.


"Are you sleeping?"

I heard him mumbling since I'm back-facing him. I'd rather staring on the pink wall than his face though. Humming in responded, I hope he won't disturbing me again since I'm superb sleepy right now.

"Yah." He nudged my back. I blew on my bangs harshyly, still ignoring him. Once again, I will kick him down on the floor. "Turtle." I roll to his side and ready my legs to kick him but he was fast enough to put his legs above mine.

"Move." I sternly said. He smirks, "Only if you want to talk to me. I'm not sleepy." I adjusted myself properly to his direction and shoot him a glare. "Well, I'm sleepy."

He raised an eyebrow with another smirk tugged on his lips. Looks evil. I have this urge to rip his arrogant face but refuse it because I know how much Mrs. Kim loves him and I don't want her to cry her eyeballs out just because of his beloved son become the ugliest man in the world.

I am cruel, isn't? Heh.

"Alright. Sleep." He spoke after a few moments of silent. Okay. That's rare for him to suddenly let me go easily but whatever. I roll back to my previous style of sleeping- facing the wall and pulling the comforter again around my body.


"Are you sleeping?"

This time, it's me. I bite my lips, waiting for him to reply but no. Heol. All of this was his fault. If he didn't bothering me at my first sleepy level phase earlier, I'd probably dream of Myungsoo right now instead of shuffling around to find a very comfortable spot to sleep.

I cranked my neck towards his direction and fortunately, I saw his eyes blinking, staring on the ceiling above. I roll on my right side, looking at him. "Yah." I poke his waist. Still, he laid like a statue. I pursed my lips, poking his waist again and again until he tilted his head at me. Finally.

"I can't sleep."

I rolls my eyes seeing his usual smirks. "So what you want?" My eyes roaming around the room, thinking a possible idea to fit this wasting time that supposed to be my sleeping time. Jongin's chuckling crept into my eardrum, "Now you knew what I felt earlier."

I rolled my eyes. Yeah. And that because of you, buffalo for making me can't sleep now. Tch. "Don't you thinking about any game in your head now?" He shrugged, "Nope." I whined without I realized only to be emabarssed again after that with Jongin laughing his ass off beside me.

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