Is it?

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Everyone were enjoy their dinner at the hotel restaurant meanwhile I scanned the bandaged on my right palm. I lost my appetite by thinking of it. How could it bleeding? I don't feel any pain that time until Jongin told me. Does this has any related to the guy that bumped onto me earlier?

"Aigooo, poor my princess." Mrs. Kim gave me that guilty look. I shook my head and smile, "It's alright. My bad for being so careless." Aeyun beside me give me a small nod, reassuring me that everything is going to be okay.

"Get well soon or you'll lost the chance to shopping in Jeju." Mr. Kim remark brought Mrs. Kim and Aeyun to laugh but me. They continue eating as I stirred the soup with my spoon. Using left hand is really weird for me since I was born with righ-handed.

The all of them have finished their own dinner and Mr. and Mrs. Kim decided to stroll for awhile before bed time. Now, leaving the four of us.

"Hana, I have a date with the restroom." Aeyun sent me those puppy eyes of her and left right away without waiting me reply. "Me too." Sehun's turn and they left me and Jongin on the table.

I avoided Jongin's stares who sat across me and went on playing with the soup. "You're really a turtle," Tch. There begin the Buffalo Kim Jongin start to annoy me. I slammed the spoon down and lift my right hand, showing him my right palm in front of his face.

"I. Am. Injured."

I pointed out my word one by one and roll my eyes hardly. How I wish this guy also went to the restroom earlier so I could enjoy my dinner in peace and--

"Open your mouth."

He was holding a spoon of soup near my mouth. Bewildered, I only look at him. Sure, he is annoying enough to the point I want to kill him but this kind side of Jongin somehow is new for me.

Without wasting any time, I open my mouth and gladly eat the soup, trying hard to cover my wide smile. I don't know why but I think he is slowly opened up his real self towards me although the side of him pissed me off still casually appears.

As in this case, he is the one that help me cured my bleeding hand earlier. Gratefully, he always bring emergency box in his red Ferarri everytime.

He continue does the same until there are no more soup left in the bowl even a litter. "Why are you so red?" He smirked, staring directly into my orb. "I-I'm not!" I desperately disagree. Geez. He even doesn't has any prove about it.

"Aayyy you're blushing, uh?" He laughs, pointing on my face.

"Sh-shut up!"



Aeyun exclaimed on his ears, pointing her index finger towards the shining moon in the sky and the light glistening on the surface of the beach as its reflect.

"Its beautiful!" She giggled and bouncing slightly towards the edge of the beach so her feet were meeting the cold water. Sehun could only observed her from far.

How much he want them to be like 2 years ago but he won't to hurt her again. Enough for him to still love her secretly.

His latest iPhone vibrated in his pocket. 'We'll arrive there tomorrow morning.'. Acknowledge who and what the meaning of the simple text, he nodded as if the phone understand it.

"Aeyun-ah!" The called person spun around, already half wet on the below dress up to her knees due to playing with the water. He couldn't help but to laugh. Aeyun skipping to him, "What?"

He heaved a sighed, scanning her features that he used to play whenever he was bored. Realized she was only in floral blue sleeveless dress, he immediately take off the leather jacket he wore and place it around her shoulder.

Unexpected Love [EXO & INFINITE fanfiction] (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now