There is A Place

571 22 2

((4 years ago))

"Do you want me to go with you?"

His hands wrapped around her waist from behind as they walked together down the road like that. Of course people would be cringed and stares at them like they're crazy but they could care less.

They only saw each other in their eyes.

Mijoo slightly chuckled, slapping Jongin's hands that casually placed on her waist softly. "I'm okay by myself. You have dance lesson after this so no need to go with me anyway."

Jongin pouted, pulling on her waist making both of them to stop walking. Mijoo sighed, poking his frown cheeks. "You're a big boy now. Go to your dance lesson or forget me--"

She was cut off with a short peck by her boyfriend. Jongin smirks afterwards. "You know you're my inspiration for me to dance. I need you there as well."

She rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "But I need to return this book to the library by 4." The whining voice of Kim Jongin started to grew louder. Mijoo finally gave up, "Give me 30 minutes and I'll be there."

His eyes smiles as he laughs, "I know it you can't resist me." He then planted a kiss on her temple before started to walk off but stop on his tracks, turning back to her and waved violently.

He doesn't know why but his heart felt so heavy to leave her alone today. It just... he is so worried of her going alone anywhere right now. As if she isn't secure without him around.

But again, it was just his feeling. He knows Lee Mijoo is a strong, a tough girl that he loved.


"Hah! Do you think I would laugh on jokes like that? Telling me that Mijoo was hospitalized?"

He was on rest from the dance lesson when Sehun going straight to him and began to babbling about his girlfriend was kidnapped and got stabbed several times and now was in coma.

It was hard for Jongin to believe at first until he called her phone, and a familiar voice picked it up.

"You're a dead meat, Kim Myungsoo."


My hand roaming on the wall as I travel down the corridor to my class. The dreamt seemed so real to me causing me to have a damn headached as I woke up. It feels like my head would explode anytime soon.

I was Mijoo in the dream.

I was kidnapped. I got stabbed. I'm in coma. But that's not because of Myungsoo. He never killed her.

"Myungsoo killed Mijoo," Kris looks at me. "That was what have Kai told us."

"And you believe it?"

Kris shook his head, "No. Because Myungsoo called me that time and his voice grew panic as he chanted Mijoo named over and over before the line went off."

"Hana, are you okay?" Aeyun grabbed my arms and help me to walk even though I was slightly ambled. My legs felt numb. I was curious. Curious of the dream.

"Gosh. You're sweaty! And hot!"

Aeyun's worried face and her shouted was the last thing I could see and hear before my surrounding went black.


"Where am I?"


Jongin jumped onto the space beside me. "You're not even at school for an hour and now already went home." My pupil moving up to gaze at him under my bangs and he probably noticed my difficult to look at him in the eyes since he helped me pushing my bangs beside.

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