Dinner Guest

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I went downstairs after taking a warm shower and saw Kang Ahjumma on the midway. "Ahjumma!" She turn to me and chuckle. "Hello, Agassi." She bowed and smile, still had a little tease behind that smile.

I frowned, "You're still thinking about last night, don't you?" She grinned and shrugged. "What about last night?" I whined and stomped my feet on the stairs. "Ahjumma~ aish!"

I walk with my feet still stomping on the floor and headed towards the kitchen. I could heard Kang Ahjumma's yelling, "Don't do anything unappropriate in the kitchen!"

I rolles my eyes and groaned. Me and Jongin together? It would be the end of the world.

I entered the kitchen and saw Sehun apply few aid-kit on Jongin's body and arms. Wait, body.









He is shirtless.

Asdfghjkl. His body is no joke after all. Having abs and V-line. Wait, what?!

"Done staring?" I pulled out from the thought and look away. They did noticed me finally. I clear my throat and quickly run to the refrigerator, grabbing anything that I could grab since my mind still processing the picture of Jongin's body. Geez.

I do admit, he has a great body. And I need to delete away the pervert thought of wanting to crawling over his body. Omo.

"That's my yogurt."

The thing that I grabbed almost slipped from my hand until a warm and large palm hold my hand, saving the thing life. I froze, of course. Plus, standing in front of the refrigerator causing me to freezer more.

I cranked my neck a little to see whoever behind me but my eyes greeted a sexy broad chest that slightly tan. I quickly look at the front again and my hand bussied arranging the thing inside the refrigerator.

His annoying laughs voice crept into my eardrum. None other than him. Kim Jongin. Duh. His hand found my shoulder and quickly turn me around, pinning me onto the already closed refrigerator.

I gulped the lump on my throat, eyes looking everywhere but him and I noticed, it was only the two of us inside the kitchen now. No more Sehun. God please hear my pray that hopefully Kang Ahjumma won't enter the kitchen at this time.

Jongin's face going down nearer me, same as my face level. One wrong move, our nose could be touch and more worst, I'll lost my first kiss to this annoying dark kid.

The corner of his lips curled into a devil smirk, "I'm sexy and I know it." Someone call the doctor. I really need to vomit. Now I take back of what I thought about his sexy body. Euwww...

My fist found his tummy and I quickly left a punch there. Not too hard but his screamed is enough to tell the whole neighbourhood to save him. "Argh!" He whimpered in pain, eyes tightly shut.

I look down on where part did I punched and heol. I saw blood coming through from his palm that he used to cover the punch spot I left. "Y-yah.." I panic, looking back and forth at him and the cut on his tummy.

"Ho-how... Did I do that?" He didn't answered instead leaning his back beside me on the refrigerator. "Yah! Don't scared me!" I grew annoyed. I thought he was manly and could ignored any pain since he is the bully.

But, no.

"Sehun-ah!" I yelled for help, eyeing Jongin in concerned. Duh. One more time, why I easily feel mercy towards someone? "Yah! Oh Se--" His palm cupped my mouth. I gaze at him meanwhile he had those 'ask-for-another-punch' face. He looks so annoying with that ugly smirk.

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