A Chance

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I have seek out from one bookshelf to another and I still haven't found the book. A book that I really need. A guide on how to move on. Yeah. I was that desperate right now to move on.

Though it have been a week since we ended. And here I am caging in our memories over and over again. Call me pathetic because I am.

"What are you finding exactly?"

I nearly get blood pressure from the sudden greeting. Gosh. Can you imagine how shock I am with this silence in the library and then someone approached you with the deep voice?

I look over my shoulder. Myungsoo leaned on his side on the bookshelf, arms crossing over his chest while smirking at me, raising one of his brows. I huffed a raspberry. There is no way I would admit to him that I actually a pathetic girl that trying to find that book.

"What are you doing here?" I changed the topic and pulls out a random book instead on the bookshelf in front of me. I miss you half to death. Heck. What the hell is wrong with the books in this library trying to provoke me even more?


"How about you? School has ended and you're still here."

Silently grumbling, I shove back the book on its place and look at Myungsoo. "I try to find this book but I guess someone might have borrow it before me," I confessed out. "Now answer my first question. What are you doing here?"

He closed the gap within us, just few metres away from where am I. Shivers run down on my spine after that as he stares down in my eyes.

"I'm waiting for you."


After thanking Myungsoo for sending me home and also after showering, I made my way to the library in the mansion. I will never give up on finding the book. I seriously need some counsel.

"You're forbidden going there."

I almost tripped on the stairs to the ground floor by the voice behind me. Seriously what's wrong with people today trying to shock the hell out of me. First, it was Myungsoo and now, Sehun. Ugh.

"Why though? This is a library and it's a public place." I told Sehun and proceeded my way to there but stop midway with his remarked.

"Jongin is inside. Do you mind?"

Geez... I hurriedly stomping my foot upstairs, walked passed Sehun as I heard him snickered. Of course I mind. The main reason of my problem was inside the library and I'm not going to trap myself into his casanova cage again.

"We have family dinner tonight!" I heard Sehun shouted to me before I pleasantly slammed the door to the ground floor closed.

What a day. Duh.


I just wear a simple above knee strapless dress for the family dinner. The red one. Grandma's present on my birthday last year and this is the first time I put it on my body.

"Are you done? I want to do your hair now." I heard Aeyun called me from outside the bathroom. Yeah. She is joining the dinner as well. Of course. Sehun inviting his girlfriend.

Upon I stepped out from the bathroom, I was pulled by Aeyun to sit on the make-up table. She is grinning at me through the reflection on the mirror.

"You're pretty, Hana. Really." I saw a sudden glimpse of sadness in her eyes. I want to ask her the reason but she is fast ahead than me. "And Jongin is too stupid to left you. There are no other the second you, the second Kim Hana more in this world."

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