Let Me Know

778 26 3

A week of summer holiday has come to the end. And I'm still avoiding Jongin during the left period of the holiday after what happened between us in the car.

Buttoning my blazer, I walk through the stairs as I heard Kang Ahjumma's yelling voice for me to eat my breakfast before going to school. I don't know what's wrong with me but I just stepped on my shoelaces and fortunately, it happened when I'm on the last stairs.

The last thing I saw is Sehun before I fell with a loud thud on the marble floor. "Sorry. I was late few seconds." I gazed up at him under my bangs that nearly cover my eyes and blew it away as he looked down at me innocently with both hands in the pocket of his school pants.

Tch. Does he think I'm seriously blind because I clearly saw him standing on my falling spot and he didn't catch me. What a spoiled brat.

Brushing away the dust on my skirt, I bend down to tie my shoelaces when a hand landed on my shoes more faster than me. That bronze skin color hands easily tie my laces properly before our eyes locked with him giving me a smirk.

Well, there is a toast between Jongin's teeth the moment he gave me the smirk. I shift away before the butterflies started creating a party in my tummy. I'll never get to avoid him today.

"Stop the PDA. We're nearly late for school."

Sehun shouted to the both of us from the main door as me and Jongin were still glued beside the stairs. I clear my throat, hating this awkwardness between us. "Thank you. You can go first with Sehun. I'll go after I take my breakfast."

I walk passed him but almost choked as he grabbed my backpack, making me to stop walking. He pulled me back in front of him and without words, he stuffed the remain toast of his inside my mouth.

Another smirks was given to me. "That was indirected 'X' you know."

And my cheeks burned in embarassment.


"And when this added to this, it will become ......"

Everything that my Chemistry teacher, Mr. Yoon explained seems air that passing by on my ears. I cupped my face with my palms due to the distracting focus in class. I can't help but to imagine his lips again on mine.

Heck. I'm acting like a pervert.

My seatmate nudged me on my stomach softly. I cranked my neck to her, my expression asking why. Aeyun pass me a small paper that she maybe tore it from her notebook.

Are you okay? Your face is red.

I mentally groned and cursed myself for being so obvious about this. I forgot that my face could easily become red in about a minute or two when something that embarassed me happens or I'm getting angry.

I picked up my pencil and jotted down my reply under Aeyun's.

I'm best, absoluletly, perfectly okay.

She snickered upon reading my reply. I want to ask her why but instead, I remain silent. My mouth feel heavy to move suddenly.

The bell rang when the class ended and Mr. Yoon called it a day. My classmates returned to be loud after he stepped out from the class. Mostly boys of course that causing this class to jar with their deep voice and laughing.

"Heol. Kai and L are sitting together. How come I didn't noticed this? Daebak." My neck cranked following Aeyun's direction and I finally know what she means.

Jongin and Myungsoo are sitting beside each other at the back of the class. So far I know, Jongin was late for Chemistry so I bet there are no chance except to sit beside his enemy.

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