24 Hours

611 17 5

It felt like tons of elephants jumping around my head as I woke up for school. Damn. This is the effect of sitting in the rain until 3 in the morning.

Yet, I still feel the pain.

I prepared myself for school today. And when I stare at myself on the mirror, I found someone else. It's so not like me. I look messed. I look like a zombie with those puffy eyes until I almost couldn't see my rounded eyes again.

I thought he will make my happiness last forever. I thought the words of 'happen ending' never hit us. I thought he is the second guy that would bring me to the cloud nine after Taehyung. I thought he is the one for me.

But, I was wrong.

I cried because of him. I cried because of a guy. I cried because of Kim Jongin. I cried for the wrong guy.


When I hope today is more better than yestersay, I guess I wrong.

The period cramps strike me today. Well, more exact since I was in the bus earlier. After we ended, I never wait for him to wake up just to go to school together. I was the first soul to wake up in the mansion, and went to school half an hour early than I supposed to.

The cramps, the fever I caught at the same time, are the worst combination ever. In addition with the pain on my head. Duh.

A hand grip on my arm as I nearly fall. I run my face away from looking at him. Not with this red puffy eyes and messy look.

"I-I'm okay.." I croaked, smiling a little. Myungsoo, however, didn't bought my lies as he spun my shoulder around to face him as my back hit the wall softly. I admitted that I nearly cry out loud again when I look at him in the eyes but I promised myself to be strong again.

He stares down at me intensely, "I know you are not."

How I wish it was Jongin to say that to me instead. I'm dying here because of him but it was Myungsoo who is the one be here when I need someone to lean on.

I fake a soft chuckled and slowly shrugging his hands off my shoulder. "I really am. And why should I'm not okay?"

"Because you look pale."

I sighed inwardly. I never can win against this guy named Kim Myungsoo. Ever. Even I'm lying, he knows it. "I'm tired. That's all."

I already proceeded my walk to the class slowly with my hand palming the wall beside so I wouldn't fall due to the dizziness.

"Tired of crying?"

I stopped on my track hearing Myungsoo's words. I tilted my head over my shoulder, thinking hardly how this boy managed to know it? Am I like an open book?

"Your puffy eyes told me everything." He mutters loud enough for me to hear since I just few steps ahead from him. And by the time, students already made their way inside this building.

I need to make this fast. I won't to bump onto him on his way here. I'm not ready yet to face him after he broke my heart twice. It still fresh. And I just reply to Myungsoo honestly.

"Then you know," I gazed at him, "I'm not okay at all."


"Are you forgot to put on your blusher today?" Aeyun asked me impatiently since she didn't have time to sit on her seat yet after entered the class.

I cranked my neck at her, "Why?"

She shrugged as she landed her butt on the chair, "You look pale."

Unexpected Love [EXO & INFINITE fanfiction] (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now