The Pair

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"What are you doing here?"

Asked Sehun annoyed at Aeyun, who seemed gave not attention to him since she came awhile ago. Aeyun glance at him to provoke him even more before flipping all her wavy dark brown hair aside so her neck was exposed to the summer weather.

"Jeju," She replied him while crossing her arms. She was waiting for Hana at the entrance of the mansion when the person she least want to meet begun the conversation.

She could hear Sehun scoffed, "This is a family vacation. Who told you to come as well?"

Impatient with his never ending attempted to annoy her even more, she tip toed and grabbed a fist of his hair.


The thing I gripped fell on the floor upon hearing a loud screamed from downstairs. As a habit already after I arrived at Seoul, I roll my eyes hardly at the thought of Aeyun and Sehun were fighting.

"As usual..." I mumbled and picked up the shirt that had fell on the floor earlier. Sometimes I just thought of their relationship.

Aeyun once told me that she had been known Sehun since born and she also seems closed with Kim's family and the proved was when she paid a visited on me yesterday. Mrs. Kim treated her like the way she treated me. And it feels like a princess. Well, it's rare isn't for a guest to get a treat like that....?

She actually hasn't finished her story about her life with Sehun since she stopped at their moment in middle school and she owed me that. I will ask her later. Up until now, that's all I know about their 'love-hate relationship'.

But wait.... why I think of them in a sudden? Heol nevermind. I just--

"Quick, turtle."

Uh? I tilted my head to the right and a wide smirk of Jongin greeted me in annoying way. For the second time today, I rolls my eyes. I think I locked the door earlier? Geez. After zipped my luggage for the vacation, I walks passed him as if he is the oxygen around me.

Wait, he suits as carbon dioxide actually that I need to breathe out from my life.

"What-- Yah! Don't ignored me like that or else you'll go to the vacation by bus!"

I stopped on my track at the door and spun around, peeking at him below the cap I wore. Well, it's summer duh. "Whatever you say but I'm sure Mrs. Kim is more open up to her guest than her own son."

His eyebrows raised in amused, "But Omma already departed for the vacation since she want to book for the hotel."

Crap. I clear my throat awkwardly. The vacation is at Jeju and it take maybe 3 to 4 hours journey to reach there by aeroplane but Mrs. Kim is more prefer by car so maybe it take 6 to 7 hours? I can't imagine 7 hours in bus. Not my style.

I didn't realized he already move towards me until a pair of muscular arms wrapped around my waist. "Y-yah..." Why am I stuttered?

His hand reached out for my luggage. "Because you're a turtle, it might take a year for you to reach at Jeju so you're forgiven."

What? "Buffal--" I stop midway. Eyes wide open. Ears caught Jongin's evil laughs as he made his way towards downstais with my luggage. My legs feel numb causing my body to lean back on the wall.

Did he just kissed me on the cheek just now?


"How about I'm driving and Hana with me?"


Aeyun's below lips stick out to pouting by Sehun desperate remark as I eyed her weirdly. She, Park Aeyun will driving with me in a same car as her? Not now. I still want to live longer and marry to Myungsoo. Hihi.

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