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Jaeni's POV

"How long will you be gone for mommy?" Soobin asked, he was sitting on my bed while I got ready for dinner with Namjoon, he said that we were going somewhere fancy so I wanted to make sure I looked okay for that aspect. "I'm going with daddy sweetie so I'm not sure but I'll be here when you wake up in the morning so don't stay up late." I said as I fixed my hair.

I looked at myself in the mirror, checking if I looked okay.

I looked at myself in the mirror, checking if I looked okay

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I smiled.

I look pretty good.

"Since uncle Channy is still out of town, daddy hired a nanny and some maids to look after you so be nice to them okay?" I said and turned around to look at Soobin. "Okay mommy." He said. Just then, we heard a knock on the door. "Could you get that sweetie? I think it's daddy." I said and he nods. He jumps off my bed and went to answer the door. I continued to fix myself up.

"Wow." I heard someone say, I turned around and faced Namjoon. He was standing by my door, looking at me from head to toe, I looked at him as well and he was absolutely handsome.

 He was standing by my door, looking at me from head to toe, I looked at him as well and he was absolutely handsome

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"You look gorgeous babe." He said walking towards me, I smiled and blushed slightly. "Thank you, you look handsome as well." I said and he smiles. He wraps his arm around my waist. "I have something for you." He said and I raised my eyebrows. "Really?" I said and he nods. He pulls out a velvet blue box then opens it for me.

I gasped lightly, inside was a silver heart necklace that looked beautiful.

I gasped lightly, inside was a silver heart necklace that looked beautiful

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"Oh Namjoon." I said as he took it out of the box and gave it to me. "It's actually a locket, open it and see what's inside." He said. I opened up the locket and awed. Inside had a picture of me and him and the other side had a picture if Soobin. "Oh Namjoon, it's beautiful, thank you so much." I said and he smiled. "Can you put it on for me?" I asked and he nods. I turned around facing my mirror as he put it around my neck, locking it.

I looked at the mirror and smiled, it looked beautiful.

"It looks beautiful on you love." He said and kissed the side of my neck making me smile. I turned around and hugged him, placing my head on his chest. "Thank you for everything Joonie."

"Anything for you love, now let's get going." He said and I pulled away. I grabbed my purse and Namjoon called in Soobin. "Yes daddy?" He said. "Now son.." Namjoon said and bent down to Soobin's level. "While me and mommy are away, I want you to be nice to nanny and maids, we will back late at night so I want you to get to bed early okay?" Namjoon said.

"Okay daddy!" Soobin said. "Come on, let's go." I said, I picked up Soobin and Namjoon led me outside of my room to the nanny and maids who were in the living room.

When I entered, they saw me and their eyes widened. "Miss Jaeni?" One of them asked. I recognized all of them, they all worked at Namjoon's house. "Hello, it's good to see you again." I said with a smile. "It is, is that?"

"Yes, this is me and Namjoon's son, Soobin. Soobin, these are the people who work as maids for daddy, say hello to them." I said and out Soobin down. "Hi!" He said and the maids awed. "He is adorable! Definitely a look a like of sir Namjoon!" The oldest maid said. I giggled. "Love, tell them what they have to do for Soobin." Namjoon said. "Oh right, he needs to have dinner after we leave, there are plenty of options in the fridge of what too cook then he needs to get washed up and dressed before bed. His bedtime is at eight-thirty to nine." I explained and they all nodded. "Did you get all of that?" Namjoon asked. "Yes sir." They all said.

"Good, now I'm not saying this because I don't trust you, I'm saying this as a father, if anything bad happens to my son, there will be consequences. If it is accidental, I will have each of you explain and if there is an emergency, call us. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Alright, me and mommy are going now Soobin, remember what I said okay?" Namjoon said and ruffled Soobin's hair. "Yes daddy!" Soobin said then giggled. "Be good now okay sweetie.." I said kissed Soobin's forehead. "Yes mommy!" He said.

"Come now young sir." One of the maids said and Soobin walked to her. "Take care of him please." I said to one of the maids. "We will miss, enjoy your night." She said and I thanked her. Me and Namjoon walked out of the house and got into his car. "Ready to go love?" He said as we buckled our seatbelts. "Yes." I said.

He started the car and drove off to our date. The ride there was silent until I felt Namjoon's hand on my thigh. "You okay babe?" He asked, his eyes still on the road. "Yes, I'm fine, how long is the drive to the restaurant?" I asked. "About fifteen more minutes." He said and I hummed.

Fifteen minutes later, we arrived, Namjoon got out of the car first before he helped me out next. We walked towards the restaurant which looked really fancy, good thing we dressed properly.

"Good evening, do you have a reservation?" The hostess asked. "Yes, under Kim Namjoon." Namjoon said as he wraps his arm around my waist. "Right this way." The hostess said and guided us in, we were seated at the second floor of the restaurant which had a nice view and it was only me and Namjoon.

A waiter came and handed us menus then poured us some wine. "I will be back to take your order." The waiter said before bowing and walking off. "Namjoon this is beautiful, I really love it." I said in awe, he smiles. "Anything for you love." He said then grabbed my hand, kissing the knuckles. I blushed and smiled.

We decided on our orders and the waiter came back to take them, he left again and said he will come back with our food soon. Me and Namjoon drank our wine and had conversations.

"You're doing well as a father Joonie." I said as he sipped on his wine. "You think you so? I mean, I'm trying." He said and put his glass down. "You are, I can see that Soobin really loves you and you love him. You guys are starting to have a bond."

"Thank you for the assurance love, I really want you and Soobin to be happy, I thought I wouldn't handle it but now that I've been spending more time with Soobin, I'm begining to love being a father."

"That's what I felt when I gave birth to Soobin, I felt like couldn't handle being a mother but after some time, I began to love it too and it's been my motivation." I said smiling, thinking of the time when Soobin was just a baby. "And now we get to raise him, together as parents." Namjoon said and I smiled even more.

Our food then arrived and we began to eat, we had little chit chats as we ate and it was a really good dinner. After eating we had dessert and more wine, as we were finishing up, Namjoon asked for the bill and paid it.

We left the restaurant and walked towards his car, I was on the side of the car when Namjoon suddenly pushes me gently against the passenger side of the car. "Namjoon?" He didn't say anything and just pressed his lips against mine for a kiss. My eyes widened but I eventually melted into the kiss.

After a few seconds, Namjoon pulls away. "I want you Jaeni." He said pulled my chin to face him. "B-but Soobin.." I stuttered. "I can call the maids to stay in for the night." He said. "Mmhmm, f-fine.." He smirks.

A/N: I might need help with this one, INeedHolyWaterOopss Imma message you in a bit..

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