35. Breakfast in bed

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Jaeni's POV

I groaned as I reached for Namjoon on the bed but no one was there, I opened my eyes to see that it was early in the morning. I looked around for Namjoon but he was not in the room, I sighed and assumed he was in the bathroom.

Maybe I shouldn't wear a sexy nightgown when he's around.

I'm sore.

But, it felt so good last night.

I quietly giggled and blushed at the thought of last night, I snuggled into the sheets more as I was still naked and kitty yawned.

It's still pretty early.

I was about to close my eyes when I heard the room door open, I sat up a little and saw Namjoon walking in, he was in a shirt and shorts and was carrying a tray of breakfast in his hands. He smiled as he saw me. "Hey love, good morning." He said as he walked over, setting the tray onto the bed next to me. "Good morning.." I said and he leans in, giving me a kiss on my lips. I hummed as he pulled away.

"I got you breakfast in bed, I wanted to do something for you for last night." He said while smirking a little. I blushed. "Th-thank you, it looks delicious.." I said while looking at the food. "You taste even better though.." He said, his smirk growing wider. "Yah, stop being a pervert." I said and he chuckled.

"Eat your breakfast babe, meanwhile I'll prepare us a bath." He said and I nodded. He walks in the bathroom as I started eating, it only took me a few minutes before I finished as Namjoon walks back into the room. "You finish love?" He asked and I nodded. "The bath is ready, let's get cleaned up." He walks over to the side of the bed.

He pulls away the sheets before picking me up bridal style, he walks into the bathroom, the scent of rose bath soap hit my nose making me hum in delight. He gently places me in the tub filled water, I sighed while lathering the suds onto my skin, the warm water making me relaxed.

Namjoon takes his clothes of and joins me in the tub, he pulls me closer to him. "Let me wash your hair love." He said and I nodded. He pours some shampoo into his hand and then lathering it into my hair and scalp. I hummed again at how nice ot felt.

After awhile, we both were cleaned amd rinsed, Namjoon gets out of the tub first to grab some towels, I got out next as he handed me a towel. He drained the tub as I wiped myself dry with the towel then wrapped it around my body. "I'll be in the closet love." He said. "Okay, I'll just dry my hair." I said and he walks out of the bathroom. I walked to the sink, grabbing the blow dryer from a cabinet and plugged it in.

I started to quickly dry my hair, it only took me a few minutes before I was done. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed the shopping bags from yesterday and brought them into the closet where Namjoon was. He was already dressed up.

"You dressing up babe?" He asked as he saw me

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"You dressing up babe?" He asked as he saw me. "Yes, it's almost time for Soobin to wake up for school, can you wake him?" I asked I placed the shopping bags down. "Of course, do you want me to help him get ready as well?" "Yes please.." "Okay, we'll see you in the dining room for his breakfast okay?" He said then kissed my forehead. "Okay.." I said and he walks out of the closet.

I started to pick out an outfit from the clothes I bought yesterday, once I chose one, I walked out of the closet with my outfit and started to do my hair and makeup on the vanity.

It took me fifteen minutes to get it done.

It took me fifteen minutes to get it done

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I then started to put on the outfit I chose

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I then started to put on the outfit I chose.

I straightened out my too before getting my bag ready, I was gonna use the new Hermes bag I got

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I straightened out my too before getting my bag ready, I was gonna use the new Hermes bag I got. Once I was ready, I checked myself in the mirror one last time before leaving me and Namjoon's room.

I walked downstairs to the dining room, seeing Soobin sitting down and eating his breakfast, Namjoon was leaning by the kitchen counter drinking coffee. "Mommy!" Soobin said as he saw me. I smiled and walked over to him, kissing his cheek. "Hi sweetie.." "I missed you mommy!" He said while smiling. "Me too, how was hanging out with daddy yesterday?" I asked.

"Great! We played games and watched a movie!" "That sounds nice, finish your breakfast so you can go to school now.." "Okay mommy!" He said and continued to eat. I walked to the kitchen counter, Namjoon smiling at me. "Hey love, you look beautiful.." He said as he pulled me to him and kissed me. "Thank you.." "Do you want coffee?" "Yes please." I said and he pours me a cup before handing it to me. I took a sip and hummed in delight.

"Thank you Joonie.."

"You're welcome, I'll drive you and Soobin to school and work today, then back home as well." He said. "Are you sure? You're not busy today?" I asked. "Not at all, also Jackson called, he said there's gonna be a bachelor's party before him and Irene's wedding."

"Oh, Irene mentioned it yesterday, there's also gonna be a bachelorette party for us girls, I can call Chanyeol to take care of Soobin while we're gone."

"Will he be okay with it?" Namjoon asked. "Yes, he said he misses Soobin so maybe this is the chance for them to hang out." "Okay then.."

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