46. Telling the aunties

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Jaeni's POV

"Is that Soobin?!" The girls said as Soobin hid behind my legs, I chuckled. All the girls were here at the house, I wanted them to meet Soobin and tell them about my pregnancy since Jisoo and Seulgi are the only ones who knows about it. "Yes, this is Soobin, Soobin say hello to your aunties, there are mommy's friends." I said, motioning him to greet them.

He shyly walks in front of them. "H-hello.." Soobin said. All the girls awed. "He is so cute!" "Look at those chubby cheeks!" "He looks a lot like Namjoon.."
They said and chuckled, I sat on the sofa, Soobin sits on my lap. They each introduced themselves to Soobin before we chatted. "Thanks for inviting us Jaeni.." Irene said. "It's not a problem, I actually invited you because I wanted to tell you something important." I said. "What is it?" Jennie asked. "I'm pregnant.." I said and their eyes widened. "Really?!" Lisa said. "Yes, Jisoo and Seulgi already knew because they were the ones who gave me a check up." I said.

"Oh I'm happy for you!" Wendy said. "All of us are, congratulations!" Irene said. I smiled. "Thank you.."

"We should plan a gender reveal for you and then a baby shower!" Jisoo said. "Yeah! We should." Rosé said. "Woah, girls slow down, my baby isn't that big enough to find out what gender it is and Jisoo unnie, your bridal shower is coming up first." I said.

Jisoo unnie is having her bridal shower in about nine days, we're going to be celebrating it earlier than usual because a month before their wedding, she and Jin will be going to Paris with their family.

"I know but we need to celebrate for your baby! Once my bridal shower is done, I'll plan the gender reveal, Seulgi can help too since she is also your OB now." Jisoo said. "Yup, you can count on us Jaeni." Seulgi said with a smile. "Okay, I'll leave it to you." "Yes!" We all giggled. We talked about Jisoo's bridal shower and the gender reveal for my baby. They were more excited about the gender reveal actually. Soobin wanted to play in his room so I let him down and he went up to his room.

"Do you think Jaeni's having a boy again?" Irene said. "I bet on girl!" Joy said. "I think all of us girls will bet on girl, what about you Jaeni?" Jisoo asked. "Well I'm good with any gender really, Namjoon is the same." I said. "Did you designate a room for the nursery yet?" Jennie asked. "Yes, it will be next to me and Namjoon's room, he wants to make sure that he can hear the baby when they cry."

"I bet Namjoon is happy that he's gonna be a father again." Irene said. "He is, he is actually more protective over me now and you'll always see him read a baby book during his free time." I said and they chuckled. "Aww that's sweet, he's really trying to be a father, I'm not saying he isn't because you both have Soobin, but I guess you're having a newborn baby soon, it's gonna be different for him."

"It will be, taking care of a newborn baby is a lot different than taking care of a toddler like Soobin, but I know he can do it." I said and they smiled. We talked more until dinner time actually, to which they stayed for, I called Soobin to come down and eat and he obeyed. Namjoon won't be home till late since he had a lot of work to do.

He actually hesitated on leaving for work today but I assured him that I was gonna be okay and that the girls were here to keep me company.

After eating and chatting, the girls decided to go home. "Thanks for having us Jaeni and congratulations again." Irene said. "thank you and thanks for coming." "Bye Soobin and Jaeni!" They bid us goodbye and left. "Soobin, let's get you to bed now." I said and guided him up to his room. I helped him wash up and brush his teeth before getting him into his pajamas and tucking him in bed. "So what do you think about your aunties sweetie?" I asked him while I caressed his head. "I think they're nice mommy, they seem excited about my soon-to-be baby brother or sister." He said and I smiled.

"They are, speaking of sweetie, what do you want? A baby brother or sister?" I asked. My son hums while thinking. "Baby sister." "Really? Why a baby sister?" "So that I can protect her like how a knight protects a princess!" He said and I smiled. "Wow, that's really sweet of you son." I said. "But mommy, will you and daddy still love me even if after my baby brother or sister is born?" He asked. I cooed. "Of course sweetie, we will love you and your baby sibling equally, no matter what." I said. "Yay!" He cheered and I giggled. I kissed his forehead and caressed his head.

"Go to sleep now son, okay?" "Okay mommy, goodnight, I love you." He said. "I love you too son." I said and turned his night light on before turing his lights off and leaving the room. I walked to me and Namjoon's room, walking in the bathroom to shower. After I showered, I slipped on a nighty and brushes my hair by the vanity.

I heard the door open, I saw Namjoon walk in. "Hey Joonie." I said, standing up and kissed his cheek. "Hey love, how was your day with the girls?" He asked as he took his coat off. "It was great, they're all so happy about the news of our baby." I said and he smiled. "How about our little one?" He asked while placing a hand on my tummy. "Our baby is okay, surprisingly well behaved and didn't make me sick today." I said and smiled again, his dimples showing.

"How was work?" I asked as he walked to the bathroom to wash up. "It was fine, busier than usual though." He said. I climbed into bed because I was feeling tired already. I waited for Namjoon to finish, he came back already dressed in comfortable clothes and laid next to me in bed.

"You know Jisoo and Seulgi want to plan a gender reveal for our baby." I said, Namjoon wraps his arms around my waist and leveled my stomach. "Oh yeah? They're that excited."

"I was thinking the same thing, plus it's Jisoo's bridal shower in a few days and I thought we should've been prioritizing it first." "Oh yeah, it's gonna be Jin's stag party on the same day as well, are you sure you'll be okay with attending it on your own? I'm worried about our baby." He said while rubbing my stomach.

"I'll be okay Joonie, it's also gonna be a one day event anyway, I can handle it." I assured him. "Okay, get some rest now babe, I'm sure you're tired."

"Alright, I love you Joonie."

"I love you too Jaeni."

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