43. Telling

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Jaeni's POV

I was home already after my check up with Jisoo, sitting up on the bed, Namjoon wasn't home yet, as well as Soobin.

I feel so nervous.

We didn't plan this second child, we weren't even married yet and now a second child? I know Namjoon, he doesn't like it when things don't go to plan, but he doesn't like being lied to. I don't wanna make the same mistake I did before, leaving him not knowing I was pregnant for five years.

Will he accept another child?

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I froze.

He's here.

I heard our room door open. "Mommy!" I hear Soobin say excitedly as he walked in and made grabby hands towards me. "Hi sweetie, how was school?" I said as picked him up and placed him next to me on the bed. "It was good! Are you okay? Daddy said you weren't able to pick me up because you were not feeling well." Soobin said while cupping my right cheek. "Yes Soobin, mommy is okay, I was just tired." I said smiling.

Just then, Namjoon walks in. "Son, go to your room first and change okay?" He said to our son. "Yes daddy!" Soobin said, kissing my cheek before leaving me and Namjoon's room.

He's here.

"How are you feeling babe?" He asked, sitting in front of me, taking one of my hands in his. "I-I feel okay now, I already went to see Jisoo." I said. "How was it? Are you sick?" He asked concerned. "N-no, everything is fine, no illness." I said. "That's a relief." He with a smile.

Will he still smile if I tell him?

"N-Namjoon.." I stuttered. He looked at me, humming in response. "I-I.." I tried to say it. "I-I'm..."

Why can't I say it?

"Babe? What's wrong?" He asked, his face showing a worried expression. I couldn't take it, tears started to come out of my eyes. "Babe, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Namjoon asked, scooting closer to me and wrapping his arms around me. "Do you not feel well? Do you want me to call Jisoo?" He asked while trying to calm me down as I start to cry even more.

"I-I'm sorry Namjoon.." I said, sniffling. "Why are you apologizing Jaeni?" He said while cupping cheek and stroking it with his thumb. "I k-know we didn't plan this, b-but please.."

"What is it babe?"

"Namjoon, I'm pregnant." I finally said. He stopped for a moment.

Is he mad?

"I-I know, I-I'm sorry.." I said, I was about to get up and walk away crying but Namjoon pulled me to his chest. "N-Namjoon?" I said as I continued to sniffle. "Shh..try to calm down first babe." He said while he caressed my hair and rubbed my arm. After awhile I started to calm down and he spoke again.

"You're pregnant?" He said as he looked into my eyes, I nodded, looking down. "I know you must be upset and you have the right to be, we didn't plan this baby at all." I said. "Upset? But I'm not upset babe, I'm more shocked." He said and I looked at him. "You're not mad?"

"Mad? How can I be? The woman I love is carrying my second child." He said while gently placing a hand over my stomach. "B-but we didn't plan this baby, we're not even married and we're already having a second baby."

"Yes this baby was not planned but it's another bundle of joy, another happiness into our family." He said with a smile. "You're okay with this?" I asked. "Of course my love, in fact I am happy, Soobin gets a sibling and we get to raise a baby together. I'm not mad so don't stress out anymore, stress isn't good for the baby." He said and then kissed my forehead.

Thank you..

Namjoon moves to the level of my stomach. "Hey there little baby, tell your mommy that everything will be okay, I will take care of you, your big brother and mommy, I promise." He said and then kissed my stomach, I smiled. "Now.." He said as he stood up. "I'm gonna be reading a lot of baby books." He said and I chuckled. Namjoon smiles, he leans down, placing his forehead on top of mine and cupped my cheeks.

"Thank you Joonie, for loving me and this baby." I said. "I should be thanking you babe, you added another member to our family." He said and kissed me softly. "We have to tell Soobin." I said as we pulled away. "Yes, do you want to tell him now?" Namjoon said. "It's better that way." I said and he nods. "Let me get him.." He said before leaving our room and went to get Soobin, I placed a hand over my stomach. "We're gonna love you, no matter what." I said and smiled. Just then, Soobin walks in with Namjoon.

"Mommy?" Soobin said as he climbed up on to our bed and sat beside me, Namjoon sitting beside Soobin. "Soobin, we have to tell you something important." I said. "What is it?" Soobin asked curiously. "Soobin, you are going to be a big brother, do you know what that means?" Namjoon said. "Hmmm..what does it mean daddy?" Soobin asked a little confused making me and Namjoon chuckle. "It means that you're going to have a baby brother or sister soon, mommy is pregnant, she has a baby in her belly." Namjoon explained. Soobin gasped.

"Really?! I will have a baby brother or sister??" Soobin asked excitedly. "Yes sweetie, you will." I said and caressed his hair. "So the baby is in your belly mommy? Why is it small?" Soobin asked while pointing at my stomach. "Over time, it will get bigger and then your baby brother or sister will be born." I said. "Yay! I'm gonna be a big brother!" Soobin said excitedly and we chuckled again. "Now you need to be good and careful with mommy Soobin, because if mommy gets hurt or stressed, the baby will get hurt as well." Namjoon said.

"I will be careful, I will even protect mommy if I have to." Soobin said and I smiled. "Thank you my baby.."

I can't believe it was going well.

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