52. A blessing after a worry

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Jaeni's POV

"Your baby is doing well Jaeni and Namjoon, I just suggest that you should rest as much as possible Jaeni.." Seulgi said. We were at the hospital, Namjoon wanted to get me checked as well as our baby after what happened with Zico. I was lying down on a hospital bed while Namjoon sat next to me. "Thank you Seulgi.." Namjoon said before she left.

"Are you sure you're okay love?" Namjoon asked and I nodded. "Yes Joonie, I'm fine.." The hospital room door opens to reveal Soobin and Chanyeol. "Mommy!" Soobin said and rushed over to me, climbing on the bed with Namjoon helping him.

"Hey sweetie.." I said and kissed his forehead. "How are you feeling sis? You got me worried." Chanyeol asked. "I'm okay now Channy, Namjoon arrived on time." I said and Chanyeol nods. "Where were you mommy? Daddy was freaking out." Soobin asked, I caressed his head. "Something just happened to mommy but daddy was there in time to save me." I said and looked at Namjoon who smiled.

"Ooh, but are you and baby sister okay?" "Yes my baby, wanna say hello to your sister?" I said and he nods, Soobin placed a hand on my stomach. "Hi sissy, it's me bug brother!" He said and we all chuckled. "Chanyeol can you take Soobin to grab something to eat first?" Namjoon asked. "Sure thing, come on little man.." Chanyeol picked Soobin up. "See you later mommy and daddy!" Soobin said and they left.

"Someone wants to talk to us babe.." Namjoon said. "Who?" I asked. On que, someone entered the room. It was Kyung.

"Hi Jaeni, how are you?" He asked as he walked closer. "I'm okay, the baby is fine as well." He nods.

"Listen, on behalf of everything, I am sorry for what Zico did, I should've stopped him sooner or tried to warn you, but I didn't because I thought that he couldn't hurt an innocent baby. Turns out I was wrong." Kyung said with his head down. "It is not your fault Kyung, we want to thank you actually, if it weren't for you, Zico would've killed me and my baby." I said.

"She's right Kyung, as a sign of gratitude you can join my organization, I know you need the money for your family so you will be paid a lot more than Zico did if you join." Namjoon said.

"Really?" "Yes, Yoongi will teach you the ways we work."

"T-thank you Namjoon, I will work hard." "I know you will."

After that, Kyung worked for Namjoon. A day later I was able to go home from the hospital and Namjoon didn't leave my side to take care of me, our son and our baby.

He was a bit more strict on me but I just brushed it off as I know it must've been stressful for him when I got kidnapped.

Months later, everything was more quiet, I was in the room with Soobin, Chanyeol was also here, Namjoon had an important meeting to attend to and though he was hesitant in leaving me, I told him he needed to go and I was going to be okay.

I was expected to give birth next week if everything goes as planned. "Jaeni, I stored all the baby's dresses in the closet, I have never seen so much pink in my life." Chanyeol said with a huff and I laughed.

"Well I am having a girl Channy." I said. I stood up from the bed when I felt pain on my abdomen making me groan. "You okay sis?" Chanyeol said and rushed to me. "Y-yeah just-- agh!" I felt pain again, I then felt water dripping down my legs.

My water broke.

"Channy, we need to go to the hospital." I said and grabbed my phone. "O-oh! Okay, let me get the bag." He said rushed out of the room. "Are you okay mommy?" Soobin asked. "Y-yes baby, listen can you get mommy her dress from the closet? It's the one folded on the chair." I asked, trying not to make my son worry. "Okay!" Soobin said and went to the closet.

I grabbed a towel to wipe my legs but another contraction hit making me groan. "Why now baby?? We planned it next week.." I said and Soobin came back with the dress. "Here mommy!" "Thank you baby, now go to uncle Channy okay?" I said and he walks out to look for my brother. I quickly changed into the dress and dialed Namjoon's number.

"Hello babe?"

"Namjoon, my water broke."

"Shit, really?"

"Yes, me and Chanyeol will be on our way to the hospital soon."

"Okay I will be there, deep breaths baby and stay calm okay?"

"I will try, please hurry."

I ended the call, Chanyeol came back with the bag and Soobin, we quickly went out of the house and got into his car. He quickly drove to the hospital and before I knew it, I was checked in.

I breathed heavily as I felt another contraction, Chanyeol came in the hospital room. "Where's Soobin?" I asked. "With Jisoo, Namjoon's on his way, remember to breath sis." He said caressed my shoulder to calm me down.

Namjoon came bursting in the room, a slightly panicked expression on his face. "Love!" He said and rushed over to me. "Joonie, it hurts.." I whimpered, he kissed my forehead. "I know, I'm sorry I can't do anything, Chanyeol what did the doctor say?" Namjoon asked. "She's only four centimeters dilated, it might take an hour before she reaches to ten." Chanyeol said.

"Thank you for bringing her, now just breath okay baby?" Namjoon said and held my hand.

After hours of painful contractions, Seulgi came in. "Hello Jaeni and Namjoon, how are you doing Jaeni?" "Like I'm dying." I said and Seulgi checked on me. "Ten centimeters, you should be able to push soon." Seulgi said and I looked at Namjoon.

"We're going to see our baby." "Yes we are love." He said and kissed my forehead. "Okay Jaeni on three I need you to push, ready?" I nodded. "One..two..three push." I pushed, holding on to Namjoon's hand. "Alright, again, one, two, three, push.." "You're doing well baby." Namjoon said and kissed me. "Well done, you're crowning Jaeni, one last push, one, two three.."

I pushed again, feeling exhausted but I have to keep going.

"We have her, we have you're beautiful baby girl!" I cried in happiness and Namjoon kisses me. "You did it baby, I'm so proud of you." Namjoon said. He cuts the chord and they cleaned up my baby before placing her on my chest.

I looked at her pretty face, she was beautiful. "She's amazing, just like her mother." Namjoon said and I smiled. "What should we name her?" I asked. "I was thinking of...Yeji?" "Kim Yeji, I like it." I said and Namjoon smiles before kissing our daughter's forehead.

After everything has calmed down, I watched as Namjoon carried our daughter in his arms, he looked so happy to see her and it made me smile. Chanyeol came in the room with Soobin. "Hey daddy!" Soobin said. "Hey buddy, come meet your baby sister." Namjoon said, Soobin sits on the couch and shows Namjoon Yeji.

"She's so cute!" Soobin cooed and we chuckled. "Give her a kiss son." I said, he complies and kisses his sister's forehead. "She is beautiful, can I Namjoon?" Chanyeol asked and Namjoon carefully hands Yeji to him. "What's her name?" Chanyeol asked he looked at his niece. "Yeji, we named her Yeji." "Sounds fitting for her."

A few minutes later, Chanyeol left as he had work tomorrow and Namjoon had already put Soobin to sleep on the couch while Yeji was breastfeeding on me. "How is she?" Namjoon asked quietly. "She seems to be feeding well." I said and looked at my baby girl. Once she was done feeding, I cradled her in my arms, Namjoon sits next to us and stares at our baby.

"Do you think she will have a lot of admirers?" "Yeah but she won't be able to date them while I'm around." Namjoon said and I chuckled. "You're being over protective already." I said as Yeji started to sleep.

"Thank you for giving me two beautiful children Jaeni." Namjoon said and kissed me. "I should be the one thanking you, you accepted me and our kids, even if they weren't planned."

"Well I guess things are meant to not go to plan because I'm happy to have you and our kids."

"I love you Namjoon."

"I love you too Jaeni."

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