50. Taken

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Jaeni's POV

"So you'll be back in three weeks Unnie?" I asked on the phone with Jisoo.

"Yup, don't worry we won't be extending our stay, we want everything to be on schedule."

"Alright, I hope you and Jin enjoy your trip."

"Thanks, see you!"

I ended the call, I grabbed a cup from the kitchen cabinet to make some tea. Namjoon was out with Soobin, spending some time together, I wanted to go as well but I was having a head ache and felt tired. This was normal since I was already twenty one weeks in.

I finished making my tea, I walked up to the room with the cup. I placed it on the nightstand and laid down on the bed, sitting up and grabbing a book to read, as I read, I took sips from my tea. While reading, I felt my stomach move. "Oh, is that you my sweet girl?" I asked and placed a hand on my stomach. I felt my baby kick again. "Are you bored? Do you miss daddy and big brother?" I said.


I hear gunshots from downstairs, I immediately stood up from the bed, a maid came rushing in my room. "Miss Jaeni! We need to go! We're being attacked!" "What?! By who?!" "We're not sure but we need to go while the guards are dealing with the attackers!" She said, I slipped on my slippers and grabbed my phone, we ran through the halls for the back door as I dialed Namjoon's number, gunshots were still being fired.

Why is this happening?


"Namjoon come home quick!"

"Babe?? Why do I hear gunshots?!"

"Come home please! Someone's attacking the house--"


I screamed as I turned around, the maid was shot, I looked to see the person who did it and my eyes widened.

"Zico?" I said and he smirked. "Well if it isn't Jaeni, you're pregnant! Congratulations.." He said, I placed a hand on my stomach protectively, staring at Zico. "Better end that call Jaeni.." He said and walked closer to me, pointing a gun at my stomach. "Or you and your baby will die..." He said, I clenched my jaw, I could hear Namjoon calling my name through the phone.

I ended the call, I didn't want to risk my baby's life. "Good, now seems like your son is not here, he's lucky." "Don't you involve my son Zico." I spat out. "Whatever, you're coming with me and don't struggle, I won't hesitate to hurt you or that baby you're carrying." He said and pulled my arm.

Namjoon, save me.

Namjoon's POV

"Jaeni!!" I yelled but the call ended. "Daddy? What's wrong?" Soobin asked as he looked at me, I looked back at him, he looked worried. "N-nothing son.." I said and pressed a button to call one of the guys.

Jungkook walked in. "Kook, take Soobin outside for a moment and get Yoongi." I said. "Okay Hyung, come on Soobin." "Soobin, go with uncle Kookie for a moment okay?" I said. "Okay daddy." Soobin said and followed Jungkook out.

Yoongi walks in. "Hyung, Jaeni is in trouble, the house was under attack." I said. "Damn, I'll call backup just in case, let's go." He said and I nodded. I grabbed my keys and walked to my car outside, Yoongi getting his own car.

Please, my love and my baby.

I drove as fast as I can, anxiousness and worry was the only thing I felt. I arrived at the house and my heart sank.

Everything was ransacked, the guards were all bloody and so were the maids. "Sir!" One of the guards walked towards me. "Where's Jaeni?!" I asked, Yoongi stood next to me. "She was taken by Zico sir."

That bastard.

"GAHG!" I pulled out my gun shot at the air in anger.


"Joon, calm down." Yoongi said. "How can I calm down?? My fiancee, who is pregnant was taken by Zico!" I yelled and tugged my hair in frustration and worry. "We'll find her Joon, we will."

Please be safe.

Jaeni and my princess.

Jaeni's POV

"It's been a while huh Jaeni?" Zico said with a smirk, my arms and legs were tied to a chair so I couldn't move. "I wish you never came back." I spat out with hatred.

"Hmm, but I did didn't I?" He said. "Are you having a girl or a boy?" He asked as he pulled out a knife. "Why should I tell you?"

He pointed the knife at my stomach. "Do you want me to find out myself by cutting your baby out of your stomach?" I froze.

Not my sweet baby.

My angel.

"A girl, I'm having a girl."

"Wow, that's great." He said, I can tell he's taunting me. "Wonder if she'll be able to survive."

"Try to fucking harm my baby and I will kill you Zico." I warned. "Kill me? How Jaeni?" I stayed silent.

"Exactly." He said and turned around. "You better hope RM saves you."

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