𝖲𝖾𝗋𝗉𝖾𝗇𝗍'𝗌 𝖯𝖺𝗌𝗌𝖨𝖨

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"We should've found an easier way to get across"

"I can't believe we gave up our tickets, and we're going through the Serpents Pass" Sokka groans

"Shut it Sokka" I yell

"Yeah, I can't believe your still complaining about it" Toph adds

"Hey guys wait up, I'm coming too" Suki says from behind us dressed in her Kyoshi uniform

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Sokka questions

"Sokka, I thought you'd want me to accompany you?" She says shocked

"I do it's just..."

"Just what?, huh?"

"Nothing, I'm glad your coming" Suki walks past him to my side giving me a small smile which I return only a little weaker

"Here we are" I say looking at the Serpents Pass

"Huh? I thought it would be more windy, you know, like a serpent. I guess they misnamed it" Sokka admits making me role my eyes

"Oh brother" I mutter

We keep walking until we stop at a large wooden archway with a writing at the top of the sign

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We keep walking until we stop at a large wooden archway with a writing at the top of the sign

"There's something written on the sign, oh how aweful" Ying says sadly

"What does it say?" Toph asks

"It says.."

"Abandon hope" I says completing it for Katara

"How can we abandon hope? It's all we have" Ying says hiding her head in her husbands shoulder

"I don't know, the monks told me that hope is just a distraction, so maybe we do need to abandon it" Aang says

"What are you talking about?" I ask facing him

"How isn't going to get us to Ba Sing Se neither is it helping us find Appa. We need to focus on what we're doing right now, and that's getting across this path" He says stepping through the gates with me in tow

"If you say so" Katara says following after me

We all walk in a single file along the deadly narrow path, high along the cliff face.

"The Fire Nation control The western lake, right Suki?" I say

"Yes, I even heard a rumour about them working on something big on the other side and they don't want anyone finding out what it is" Suki says confirming my suspension

'What are you up to Father' I though until I feel an unknown presence but when I look back, I only see everyone else

'What is going on'

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