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My ears become numb and I could no longer hear their voices or anything around me. It was like I wasn't on earth anymore the only thing that brought me back was the pain in my abdomen and the wetness between my legs.

My heart starting racing and I started to panic. "Ahh shit." I started shaking my head tears building in my eyes already. No no. Not my baby it's not time yet. I wanted to get up but I was too scared.

After another pain/ contraction I started looking for my phone. I have to call Derek or Sammy. Where did I put it? My mind is racing with thoughts and at the same time it's blank. And I'm on the verge of panicking and this is not the time. I've been going to those maternity maternity classes yet here I am letting everything that they have taught me slip.

Breathe Rosie and calm down. I told myself taking a deep breath in through my nose and then out through my mouth. It helped a little, now that I'm calm I can find my phone. I searched the sofa but it wasn't there and it was no where in the living room. Please don't be upstairs in my room.

But I was sure I came downstairs with my phone...

Maybe it's in the kitchen that was the last place I was before I came here to watch TV which was a mistake. I should've just went upstairs and sleep. I would have missed this unfortunate occurrence and found out at a later date.

Chasing away all negative thoughts oh of my head before it could sink its claws in my mind I focus on finding my phone. It took great effort to get up because I was afraid something might happen as soon as I get up. As soon as I realized that all is fine I head to the kitchen area.

"Ah oh my good," I cried. It hurts. I held onto the door jam gritting my teeth through the pain. I was breathing heavy precipitation was starting to form on my face. I have to endure it and get through this. Since I'm not due for the next two months something must be wrong, that's why I need to get to my phone.

Please don't let anything happen to my baby. When the contractions finally subsided I took a deep breath releasing my hold off of the door jam. I looked around in the kitchen and found my phone where I left it on one of the kitchen counter.

I was quick to grab it up speed dialing a number. I waited and waited. "You have..." I ended the call as soon as the automatic voice came on. Pick up the phone. Please pick up the phone.

I tried a few more times but got the same response. I could call Sammy but she's probably busy as well. I should call for an ambulance or a taxi. I decided to call for emergency who knows when a taxi would get here.

I was about to dial the emergency number but I got a call when my finger was second away from pressing the call button. I answered the call quickly uttering three syllables.

"The baby," I said getting teared up.

"What?!" He exclaimed.

"Derek my baby..."

"Slow down Rosie and tell me what's wrong," he said trying to calm me down since my words were mixing together.

"My water broke," I hiccuped. "Derek the baby is coming I'm already experiencing contraction... Derek please my baby, save my baby Derek," I sobbed.

"How? It isn't time yet," he was confused but he quickly recovered. "Calm down Rosie, don't cry or stress yourself too much, I know it's hard on you right now but try to relax take deep breaths in I'm on my way now," he said and I could tell that he was no longer in the building when he shouted over the phone that someone should get him his car.

He hang up the phone after he shouted to someone that he'll drive, telling me he's on his way. Another contraction hit me as soon as the call ended taking my breath away.

He arrived in record time calling my name. I answered saying I'm in the kitchen. I hadn't moved afriad that the contraction will arrive at a moment where I don't have anything to hold onto for support.

He led me out of the kitchen and helped me to sit on the bottom step while he goes upstairs for the bag that I had prepared. He came back down the stairs putting down the bag and helping me to get back up then taking up the bag next.

He led me out of the house to the car park out front and he did drive here by himself. As soon as he opened the car door I felt another contraction. It seems that the time lapse has decrease meaning I'll be having contractions more frequent.

Derek broke every traffic law driving at full speed, over taking and i think he ran a red light. In under fifteen minutes and one contraction he got us to the hospital and now he is helping me out of the car. He slammed the door helping me walk towards the emergency entrance.

He called to a nurse giving her instructions. Later she rushed over with a wheelchair. "Ah, Derek save my baby," I cried.

"Shh everything is going to be okay," he said comforting me but all I could think about is that this is too early.

"I'm sorry Sir but you can't come any further," the nurse said to Derek then wheeled me into the room. I watched as the door close behind the nurse back.


Skip Labor

I did one last push and my baby was out. I was sweaty and tired but all I wanted was my baby.

"Where is my baby? Where is she going with my baby?!" I asked panicking.

"Miss calm down the doctor is going to run some test and make sure your baby is in stable condition. Then be placed in the NICU. Rest assure your baby is going to be okay, he just needs to spend time in the NICU until two or three weeks to ensure the safety of the baby and other health importance," the nurse explained.

"Okay," I didn't argue with but laid down trying to relax and ease my mind but I was still worries about my baby. The nurse took care of me and I was transferred into another room. It looked like a special room to me. A bed, a TV, there was another door in the room must be the bathroom.

She pushed me into the room and helped me get on the bed. I was told to rest and in no time I was sleeping.

When I opened my eyes it was still dark outside for a minute I didn't remember where I was and what happened but soon I remembered that I was in the hospital and my baby was taken to the NICU.

I looked around the room to see Derek sleeping in a chair. How long was I sleeping and how long as he been in that chair. "Derek," I called deciding to wake him up and send him home to get proper rest.

"Rosie." He immediately woke up getting up and bringing the chair closer to the bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

At that moment I just felt empty and without warning I began to cry. Derek immediately got up to comfort me. "Don't worry too much Rosie it's going to be okay." I leaned my head on his chest while he hugged me. "The doctor said that his condition is stable and he only needs to stay in the NICU for a few more weeks before you can take him home. You'll be discharged in a few days and you'll be able to see him daily."

I sniffed wiping my face. "Josh was here half an hour ago but you were sleeping so he left said he'll be back in the morning to see you."

We stayed like that in the silent room as I listened to the beating of his heart.

"Rosie what happened? Did something happened to you because we had just been on the phone an hour before and the doctor told me it was due extreme stress?" He asked. I really didn't want to think about what caused this right now. I felt more betrayed than before because I can't believe she did such a thing. She's planning to destroy me and make my life miserable.

I was silent for a minute before I answered. "Tia did an interview on national TV."

He looked confused and disgusted by the mention of Tia. "What? What interview? How is that possible she's a no body?" He questioned.

"Because she used your name," I answered.


Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now