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We were shown to our table where he pulled out my chair like a gentleman and I sat down. It didn't take long for a waitress to appear at our table.

"Good evening Sir," she was staring at him and who wouldn't he was very attractive. No need to deny it. I bet if I wasn't here he would charm off her pants and panties off of her. He cleared his throat breaking whatever wonder world she was in. Blinking her eyes a few times she came back glancing over to me finally realizing that he has company and I might be his date which I'm not. It's just dinner. "Ms..." She handed us the menu telling us about the special before she left with our order. "Excuse me, I'll be back with your order." She left so dishearteningly. I felt bad for her the handsome man didn't look her way or gave him a second of her time.

"You always attract them don't you?" I said

"Are you jealous?" He said wearing that stupid look on his face.

"No, I'm just curious. How do you deal with so much attention from the opposite sex?" I asked putting my hand under my chin leaning forward and looking at him.

"Well I don't," he answered simply with a shrug.

"What about your reputation? The man who changes women like how he changes his underwear?"

"Who says I change my underwear?" He says with an eyebrow raised and I don't know should I believe him.

I frowned shaking my head. "She was totally into you and you brush her off just like that aren't you the famous Derek Wesley the panty slayer." He flinched

"I'm not."

"You're just denying it. I see your different girlfriends around the company."

"Truly I'm not. I'm a total gentleman," he says placing his hand on the left side of his chest like he is swearing. "I didn't sleep with half of those women only the ones that got a little serious. Only three I swear." I don't know why he's telling me this so didn't pay much attention. 

"That's not what the media says."

"And you believe them?" He asked staring at me waiting for my answer.

I shrugged. "I don't know. They do tend to exaggerate things," I said seeing that I am too a victim of the media.

"Of course they do. I've never treated a woman like trash. I do have a lot of exes not because I'm a playboy it's just hard to date when you're someone like me. Every woman you meet out there is in it for the money, the fame, and power so it never works out," he explains.

"And you kept dating?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He shrugged. "I was hoping that one day I'll find someone that I love and she loves me for me."

"Among all the vultures?" I asked doubtfully.

"I don't know I was hoping though but it never happened. And I've tried to date average but it never works out since the media always screw things up, she couldn't handle the spotlight and the attention so we called it quits. She went back to her average life and I continued to be me." He sighs.

He sounded so lonely and sad. I don't know what he went through and I don't think it's easy to date with other people outside butting in and your partner only in it for the materialistic things instead of love. It can't be easy to deal with them.  I felt bad for him. He must have gone through a lot of disappointment.

"Still trying that dating thing?" I asked.

"No, I haven't dated anyone recently," he admitted.

"But you're still hoping to find someone soon because you're not getting younger and you're quite old." He's not old he's only 29 years old. Three years older than me.

"Who's getting old? Whatever I still got my looks," he said confidently. I've never seen a man as confident as him. "And no but I have my eyes on someone," he added.

"Oh," I said in a low voice I don't know why but I had this feeling that I didn't understand. "Then I wish you luck then." I took up my glass of water to make a toast while he took up his wine glass. I couldn't drink in breastfeeding. "I really hope that person is the one you're looking for and that you both will find love in each other." Our glass clicks together.

"Me too." He said taking a sip from his glass and I did the same. I was sincere about him finding someone who loves him and who he loves. Everyone deserves their share of happiness and he does. He's so kind and sweet, loving and caring. What woman wouldn't want to fall in love with him? I know I would if I was another person and I didn't work for him.

Everyone knows the work ethics no relationship between co-workers especially your boss. Our food soon arrived after that and we ate our food making small talks in between. The night was going better than I thought. I really enjoyed myself. He made me laugh and I felt so light. Nothing was bothering me and I forget that I was being slandered and hated.

Forgot the outside world and it was just me, him, and the table before us as we talked and eat and laughed. It felt different, it felt new and I liked it but I knew I'll be soon sucked back into reality.

It was pretty soon too. I excused myself from the table to use the restroom while he paid for our dinner. I was washing my hands when I heard the bathroom door opened and closed and the person entered.

I didn't pay any attention thinking it was just another woman coming to use the bathroom or fix their makeup. Guess who walked in? If you guessed her you're damn right it's her. She'll never leave me alone can she? I haven't had peace because of her. She's the reason I kept getting stared at and talked about whether when I leave a room or when I entered a room.

It's easy to ignore the gossip and the talks about me but that doesn't mean that it doesn't affect me a little.

Who would have thought someone you called your best friend would be so mean and cruel to you? To have seduced and slept with your boyfriend and now is slandering and framing me for something I didn't do. She twisted the truth and turned it on me. She got quite the active imagination.

I still can't understand and see why she does what she does and says what she says. We were best friends. We shared each other ups and downs, woes and joy but how could she do this to me. She claims she wants everything that I have. But what do I have? All I had was Josh and she took him, she can't take my job, she only could get me fired and Derek is not mine so what could she possibly want from a nobody like me with nothing, no family. I'm not even rich. I don't have vanity, anything that she wants. Maybe she just hates me for no reason.

And now on this night, she's here to pop and burst the little bubble of happiness that I just had. Seeing her face reminds me of the cheat, the backstabs, and don't forget her unforgettable interviews.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now