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I was having a rollercoaster of emotions, I didn't know what to say, how to feel, I didn't know what to do, and I was lost and confused. I felt so betrayed At that moment and all I felt was pain. It felt as if someone was stabbing me in my heart over and over again. I was in so much pain, seeing what was happening before me. Have you ever felt a pain so unbearable that you want to die? But the thing is you can't die from this pain because you don't feel this pain when you're shot, stabbed, fell down a flight of stairs, beaten to near death, or been hit by a car. In fact, you wish it was one of these accident that happened to you rather than this. I was staring at the scene in front of me with wide eyes, wishing I could close them, but no matter how hard I tried they stayed open, locked on the cheating couple. I wanted so badly to wash out my eyes so that I could erase the image, that has now stained my eyes.

The image of naked bodies joined lovemaking, sweat gathering on the skin, running down his back from their sexual activity. The only thing I could do was open and close my mouth like a fish out of water. No words were coming out of my mouth, but my heart, my mind, and soul were screaming.

Why did they do this to me?

What did I ever do to deserve this?

Why me?

Why did it have to be my best friend?

How long?

This can't be happening.

Not to me.

Like statues, the three of us stared at each other, no one dared to move, we could only stare in disbelief.

Disbelief that they are cheating, and disbelief that I caught them in the act. The room was silent, the only thing I could hear was my heart racing painfully in my chest and my breathing, which I was trying so hard to control. My eyes were burning, as I try not to break down and cry in front of the adulterers. I was disgusted, but I was mostly hurt.

Hurt that he would do this, that he would cheat on me, cheat with her. If it were some random woman, would it hurt this bad?

Yes, but not this much, to the point I wished to be run over by a truck.

Hurt that she did this, that she slept, or currently sleeping with my boyfriend and soon-to-be father of my child.

Deep down I knew, it is written, it's a fact that some men cheat, but I was hoping that he was one of the few that does not cheat. He acted that way. He was a good actor, he fooled me for 5 years.

Air escaped my mouth as I tried to calm my emotions to regain my control. But how could I? In front of me, on our bed, a bed we share every night, in our house, a house we were planning to start a family, to live our life together, was a man I called my boyfriend, a man I love and a woman I called my best friend, who I trusted, f*cking each other.

Now I'm starting to question myself and their relationship. My head was starting to hurt again, and I remembered the doctor telling me I should take it easy and rest, but how can I take it easy and rest when I come home to a scene like this?

I rub the side of my head, rubbing my temples, trying to ease the headache that I was feeling. They both flinched at my action, and I raise my eyebrow.

I followed their gaze to realize that the gun was also raised while I was still rubbing my temples, and it was pointing in their direction. Now I understand why the room was so silent since I entered. They must be thinking I might lose it and kill them.

The moment I realized that I wasn't being robbed, but cheated on, I forgot about the gun, now that they are staring at it, how could I still forget about it?

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now