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Derek POV

"Did you get what I told to get?" I asked getting straight to the point when he answered his phone.

"Yes, I'll send everything to your email right now and you can decide what you want to do with the information." Came his immediate reply.

"The money will be sent to your account as soon as I hang up the phone."

"Thanks boss..."

Before he could say anything else but hang up the phone and send the money to his account.

I unbutton my jacket sitting down in front of my computer to see what Justin sent to me. I needed to get this out of the way before I do anything else and prepare my special surprise.

No one threatens my Rosie and her son. She can't bully the people around me. I never thought she would have gone this far. Don't blame me for being too harsh.

You called this down onto yourself when you decided to mess with my family.

I did even pay attention to my thoughts then I didn't needed to. Clicking the email I just received I went through everything smiling. Not that charming one the one that says you messed with the wrong person.

Tia is going to be on another talk show and I'm going to schedule to be there. This will be a big surprise for her, giving her a present in front of all the people who would be watching.

Let's see how you continue to go around claiming that I am yours.

Rosie POV

Derek and I were sitting back stage when one of the employee told us it's time to go on stage. We followed behind her as she talked into the ear piece attached to her ears.

"Stand here," she instructed us. "When the hostess introduces and calls both your name you both go inside." I nodded while Derek had a disinterested look on his face.

"When you go on stage you'll sit opposite the woman that is already on stage," she said referring to Tia. I leaned over looking out on stage to see where she's seated.

She was smiling, looking as confident as ever. Self-centered. Loving the attention acting like she was always in the limelight. Living rich, surrounding herself with rich people like that was always her class.

I tried hard not to roll my eyes at her antics. She has turned into a totally different person, there sitting on stage smiling at the hostess, answering all her questions is not the Tia I know. Not the one that I had come to know. Now she is a totally new person, a stranger that I'm meeting for the first time.

"Now to welcome our other guest," the hostess began while Tia looked changed to confusion but remembering she's on stage she tries to hide the expression on her face.

When the hostess introduces us, she couldn't hide the surprised look on her face. "Now let us welcome Derek Wesley and Rosie Robinson..."

She glares at me when everyone's attention was on Derek and I entering. The hostess greeted us before we sat on the love seat. My hands were sweating and I was a little nervous. It's the first time I'm on a live show and I hate the attention. I could feel their eyes boring holes into every single part of my body.

When the camera was back on her she was smiling a sad smile like seeing us together hurts her. She fakes a sniff trying to hold back her fake tears.

Gaining sympathy from the audience. When all that was over, the introduction and the boring parts she dives into the real reason why we are here. You could see the anticipation on everyone's face.

"We all have heard Tia's story, the betrayal, how her best friend seduced her boyfriend." The host was going on and on about Tia lies. She was liking every bit of it.

I wanted to roll my eyes but I kept my composure. Turning to me she started asking me questions that I saw in her eyes the moment we came on stage. "How does it feel to betray you best friend?"

"How should I feel? Remorseful, sad... Honestly, I feel fine," I answered with a straight face. The crowd booed.

"But she's your best friend and you don't feel remorseful?"

"Was. My best friend. Why should I feel remorseful?" I shrugged. And yes the audience was hating me for the lack of guilt. "It's her you should be asking these questions not me."

She looked at Tia then at me. "Why? Isn't that her boyfriend?" She points at Derek. "That you have been seen countless of times with."

I laughed hard too and everyone was looking at me crazy. I don't blame them. I was laughing uncontrollably. Wiping a tear that slipped out of my eyes I sobered up.

"The lies that she has been feeding you, everyone here and people on the media are so far from the truth it's hard not to laugh at."

To think I was nervous about this whole thing. What did I think? I was going to be attacked, getting tomato or something thrown at me for being portrayed as some evil best friend who betrays her best friend by sleeping and stealing my friends so call boyfriend.

It's all so funny now. I was worrying myself for nothing all this time. Although I don't know what Derek has planned I'm going to say what I have to say whether or not they believe me or not. I just need to get this over and done with so I can go home to my sweet angel.

The sound of sobbing took everyone's attention off me to the woman

"Rosie, how could you I trusted you and you're doing this to me," she said her voice breaking with every word to convince everyone that I'm breaking her heart and I'm the bad person.

A crying woman always gets everyone vote. Sympathy. She's playing on winning this using human emotions.

I started clapping her. Why? She's a good actress and she's doing so good. I think after this she might get a job in a movie.cc

"Wow, Tia you surprised me. I have to congratulate you for putting on such a good show. I didn't know you have such a talent. Wow." I could see the hate in her eyes but she didn't remove that pathetic look on her face.

"You've fooled everyone and even me because for five years I believed your acts. I was there for you after countless heart breaks, your ups and downs and this is how you repay me. Slandering my good name just to feel better about yourself."

"Sitting there crying and acting pathetic 'oh Rosie how could you' how could I? How could you Tia? You're the one who slept with my boyfriend and lied about it. He's not my boyfriend. He is actually my ex boyfriend," I added pointing at Josh.

There were whispers and murmuring in the audience. Tia looked panicked and then it's like she remembered that she had good acting skills. How she had lied before and everyone had believed her lies and that's why she is famous now. It's the reason why she has reached this far. So why stop now.

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