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I woke up the next morning with red puffy eyes and more exhausted than when I went to bed. I was driving around in circles until I decided to go to a hotel until I could find somewhere else to stay more temporarily.

My bags are still on the floor beside my bed where I left them last night as soon as I came in. The same way I dropped the bags on the floor was the same way I throw myself on the bed.

It didn't take long for me to burst into tears. I know I should pathetic but I couldn't hold the river that wanted to flow. It didn't help that I was constantly reminded of why I am here when I realized I had no one to sleep next to. To talk the night away when I feel like sleep wasn't going to come any time soon.

And the fact that when I wake up I'll be in a hotel room in a cold bed alone and not with the one I am in love with.

I didn't wanted to get out of bed but I knew that that wasn't an option. The world is still up and running and it won't stop to give me a break because my life is in pieces.

At that I reluctantly got up out of the bed and walked towards my bags to pick something out to wear. I looked into the mirror and I have to tell you the girl looking back at me is exactly how I thought she would looked. Unhappy. With big puffy eyes and the lack of sleep showing. She looks just like those girls who got their heart broken. A total mess. I sighed and the person in the mirror did too. I ignored how I look for awhile and concentrated really hard on not to cry and get myself ready for work.

I still had to face that girl again. I looked on and she waited for me to do something so I looked away and opened my make-up kit. It's mostly for emergency and special occasions but it's an emergency now.

I don't want to go to work looking terrible and miserable so that my co-workers will throw worry glances my way or throw questions at me. I know I will not be able to handle it because I am barely holding myself up.

I worked my little magic and the person looking back at me look so much better than they did minutes ago but the one thing that is a tell tale to what I'm currently facing is my eyes not even the fake smile that I put in place couldn't hide the look of haunt and pain that I am feeling.

I just hope they will pay attention to me less today so I can get through the day. I took a deep breath in and steel myself. I greeted the person at the front building in he usual way I do and made my way to my floor and to my office.

So far so hard but no crying. I can be myself for about 6 more hours. I cried and screamed in my head to think that I can make it through 6 hours without someone noticing that I am far from normal. What was I thinking coming into work like I wasn't going through shit. I don't think I am going to make it to 1 or 2 hours before I can all teary especially not with a boss like him.

I stiffened when there was a knock at my door. I curse my luck when I forgot my morning visit from my office friend Melody. I took one more of those breath before she could let her self in.

When she opened the door a smile jumped on to my face immediately it almost hit me out of the chair. It was so strain I felt my muscles right to keep it in place.

I saw the look on her face that she wasn't buying my act of being okay this morning and that was all it took for me to burst out into tears.

She immediately came around my desk to gather me into her arms. She didn't ask any questions. It's like she knew I need this type of support so she held me until the river almost dried up.

I tried thanking her and to tell her I'm okay but the words couldn't get pass the lump in my throat. I tried telling her about what happened but the only thing that escape me was more tears and sobs that I try to keep quiet so the rest of the office doesn't know that I am crying.

I don't know how long I've been crying for but it felt like hours. I was sniffing when she released me. She looked at me sadly. I know if I tell her what got me so wrecked she would be looking at me more than sadly.

We sat down in the chair in front of my desk and she waited for me to talk. She handed me some tissue that was somewhere in my office.

She waited for me to open up even though we are very much at work and we have work to do but she sat and listen to my story. It wasn't easy to retell but I made it through it with all the break that I take to compose myself when I started crying again. She didn't rush me and waited for me to talk again when I break into another fit of tears.

"Sssh Rosie. I know it's hard but you'll get through it. Focus on more important things than what they did. You're pregnant, focus on that..." I started crying again when she mention my pregnancy. Everything just reminds me of him and then that. She rubbed my back and waited for my sobs to quiet down. "...and you need to take really good care of yourself now and that means no more crying." She said.

I looked up at her and she gave me a weak smile. She rubbed my shoulder comfortingly. She opened her mouth to say something but the door slamming opened interrupted her.

We both snapped our head to our boss whose face shows nothing but irritation and a hint of anger. I look away remembering that I was crying. I really didn't wanted to deal with Mr Wesley today of all days.

"Mr Wesley what can I do for you?" Melody asked cutting through the silence.

That still didn't improve the look on his face that he was giving us. Melody stand up from where she was sitting.

She opened her mouth to say something again but the look that Mr Wesley gave her made her close it instantly and excused herself from my office not before giving me that look.

When she left I still didn't acknowledge his presence and kept facing away from him to hide my face.

He cleared his throat but that still didn't earn my attention so he spoke next.

"Ms Robinson could you please explain to me what is going on and why I paged you and there was no response." He said watching me.

I could feel his eyes assessing me like he's trying to figure out what's going on with me.

I stand up with my back towards him dabbed at my eyes and make sure I look presentable as I can with all the make up smudged around on my face.

I cleared my throat put on my best work face and turned around to face him. To show him that everything is okay I put on my best smile. This one was a little better than the one I forced this morning.

"Mr Wesley my apologies. I was just feeling a little under the weather but I'm okay now." I said my voice hoarse from all the crying.

"Are you sure you're alright Ms Robinson because I can't have you working if you're not?" He said still watching me to see if am fit to work.

"Yes as I said before I wasn't feeling so great but I am now. So what did you wanted me to do for you sir?" I asked hoping that it would stare him away from the scene that he saw when he barge in.

He didn't believed me but he let it go anyway abd brief me on what he wanted me to do. I grabbed my notepad from my desk, sat down and wrote.

He left and I begin my job.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now