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"And what are you doing?" A voice asked and i jump. I turned around to face the man that has been tormenting me in my dreams.

I have been having nightmares every since he left my room that night. I can't sleep soundly again because of him.

"Where is my door and why did you take it off? Was it broken or something? I asked.

I know where it is u just feel like asking. I know what he is going to gain from this by removing me door.

"Because it's easier to get to if there is an emergency. I want to keep an eye on you from now on." He said leaning against the wall opposite to me.

"You could do that when the door was there." I told him.

"You always kept the door locked and how am I suppose to get to you with a locked door." He argued.

"But i need my door back. Put back the door I want it back there." I said gesturing to where the door was.

"No that's how it's going to be for the rest of your life." He said serious and I couldn't believe he was thinking about not putting back a door there.

"But you can't do that I need that door for my privacy to keep you out. It's the only place in this house that I can escape you." I told him.

"And why would you want to escape me?" He asked confused but I know he's not confused he knows that I don't want him close to me after what he did.

"It doesn't matter but I want that door back there." I said. This is the longest conversation I have ever had with him in years and I don't want it to last longer. I hate being in the same room with him and breathing in the same air has him.

He raised his eyebrow at me. He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to me but I took a step back. That didn't stop him from coming closer to me and I back step until I hit the bottom of the bed and stopped.

I felt like a prey and he was the predator which he was backing me up in a corner so that he could do whatever he wants with me.

"Darling you need to know that I am not putting back that door. So I can walk in and out of your room as I like. You don't get no say in this." He said putting his hands on my cheek and i flinch away. He seemed to like that reaction so he smiled.

I side step him and stand as far away from him as possible.

"But you don't have any right to be in my room." I told him with as much confidence I could.

"I don't?" He asked raising his eyebrow. He was watching me with those eyes of his that makes me tremble inside with fear and anticipation. I never know what he will do nowadays. First time he was predictable but now I don't know anymore and i don't want a repeat of what happened months ago.

"No you don't. This is my room and I need my privacy. It's not okay for you to just walk in and out of my room as you wish." I told him as strong as I can without showing him that I am weak and i fear him.

"Well this is my house and I can go anywhere in it as I like especially in this room." He said.

He took a step forward and I took another step backwards. "You're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen you look like your mother but so much sexier." He said his eyes filled with lust.

"Get out of my room!" I shouted running to the other side of the room away from him. "And stay the hell away from me you monster! And don't you ever talk about my mother!" I said looking around frantically looking for something to defend myself.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now