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My eyeballs move under my eyelids as I slowly regain consciousness the blackness releasing me from its cold embrace. I could hear my heartbeat and voices whispering.

What happened to me? One minute I was walking through the door with my things and the next I'm waking up from a dreamless sleep.

I couldn't make out what the voices are whispering about. Slowly feelings come back to the rest of my body and I could make out what they are saying.

"She just needs to rest, make sure she doesn't skip her meals anymore, " an unfamiliar voice instructed causing my brow to draw together in confusion.

"Thank you, Dr. McCain, " this voice was familiar to me. Doctor? Why is a doctor here? "I'm glad that you could come over after my abrupt call, " the voice added.

"Anything for you Mr. Wesley you've done so much for me and my family, I did tell you that you can call me anytime you need me, " the unfamiliar voice continues which I'm guessing is the doctor. There was a pause in the room until one of them decides to speak again. "Take care, " the doctor said going to the door I presume.

The sound of the door opening then closing after the man had left. I opened my eyes to stare at the back of the remaining person in the room with me.

Suddenly I was nervous looking at him just standing there with his back to me still looking at the door where the man had stood a few seconds before it closed on his retreating form.

I didn't want to move to alert him of my consciousness well not yet. The room was silence I could hear my heartbeat with nervousness coming at me in waves consuming me.

He heaved a breath his shoulder slumping. He walked out of the room closing the door. When I left I started breathing again, I didn't know I was holding my breath until he left.

I laid there for what felt like hours before I decided to leave the room to get something to eat. It was the reason why I lost consciousness and I didn't want to faint again.

I sat up slowly as I don't want to have a dizzy spell putting my feet over the edge of the bed sliding off of the bed to stand on my feet.

I took my time to the door down the hall then down the stairs and towards the kitchen. I stopped in my track when I saw him standing over the stove. He wasn't in his suit anymore. He was wearing sweats and a plain white t-shirt.

When I stepped into the kitchen I must have alerted him of my presence since he stopped what he was doing turning around to look at me.

"Sit, " he commands going back to what he was doing. I was still standing there watching him before I did what I was told to do sitting down around the island on one of the stools that was there.

I watch him move around the kitchen adding spices and other things inside the pot.

Minutes later he dished out a bowl of what he was preparing coming over to me and putting the bowl of liquid in front of me that I'm guessing is some type of soup.

The aroma of the soup went up my nasal passage playing with my sense of smell making my mouth water but I didn't touch it as I stare at the person who cooked it and place it in front of me.

Why did he cook for me? Why isn't he still angry with me? Before I passed out he was angry at me and we were shouting at each other but here we are in the kitchen him looking at me expectantly after placing the bowl of soup water in front of me.

He nods towards the soup telling me to eat. I only stared at him confused in what's going on. He sighs takes up the spoon dips it in the bowl holding it to my mouth for me to open up and take what he offers me in the spoon.

I remained in my statue position only staring. There was the only sound of my heartbeat and his breathing and mine in the room as it appears we are having a stare-off.

He sighs again which I've noticed he's been going a lot of that lately. "Come eat, you'll need your energy, " he tells me putting the spoon closer to my lips.

I was besting a statue right now winning a staring contest that I'm not intentionally playing.

He drops the spoon into the bowl of soup sighing. His hands resting on the counter as he looks at me like he's trying to find a way to make me eat.

"Rose you need to eat and I'll force you if I have to. You need to get something in that stomach of yours after emptying it in the toilet and fainting not moments ago, " he never breaks eye contact with me when he's talking so I could see how serious he is about forcing me to eat if I don't.

Seconds of silence pass between the both of us before I slowly reached for the spoon in the bowl of soup. Not taking him out of my eyesight I put the spoon in my mouth.

My taste buds especially my belly appreciating the soup. I watch him bringing another spoon full of soup to my mouth and before you know it I had drunk it all.

"Thank you, " I told him wiping my mouth with the back of my hands on the sleeve of my shirt.

"Do you want more soup?" He asked taking the bowl.

"No, I had enough thank you, " I told him showing my appreciation. I didn't even know that he could cook.

He carries the plate to the sink washing it. I watched him as he cleans up the kitchen and I wonder if he does this often. So far I haven't seen any help at his house since I've arrived.

He wipes his hand with a hand towel coming over to the island where I'm still sitting not sure what to do. I know before I lost consciousness I wanted to leave his house and move into my apartment but I'm so unsure right now.

I don't know what he knows since he had a doctor over checking me and I don't know what the doctor told him. If he knows that I'm pregnant, he hasn't said much since I came into the kitchen which makes me a little apprehensive.

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked. I looked up to see him bracing on the island with both his hands.

"Uh? What?" I asked distracted.

"When were you going to tell me?" He repeats eyeing me.

"Tell you what?" I claimed confused.

"That you're pregnant, " he clarified.

"What about it?" I asked not seeing the importance of him knowing that I'm pregnant.

"Rosie you could have hurt yourself and the baby with all the stress, " he explains. "And I locked you in a room with no food for almost most of the day, I don't know if I could live with myself if something had happened to you and that baby, " he adds guiltily.

I sighed getting up from the stool standing on my foot walking out of the kitchen going back to the room I'm staying upstairs.

I don't want to talk about my pregnancy. It reminds me too much of Josh. I'm not trying to forget him but he's still a sore subject.

I know he is behind me as I make my way up the stairs going into the room. I sit down on the bed looking around the room and not on the man entering. I don't want him to see how everything is affecting me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"No, " I answered my gaze fixated on the carpet floor like it's the most interesting thing I've seen in the room so far. "I don't want to talk about it, " I added so he knows I really don't want to talk about it.

"Are you okay with everything then?" He asked changing the subject but not really. He's just not asking me outright to tell him what's going on.

"I'm fine, " I told him.

No, I'm not fine. I'm far from okay. I'm being haunted by nightmares of my past. I walked in on my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend and I'm carrying his child. My life has turned into a mess.

A thought like that cause tears to pool into my eyes. I really can't keep myself together and I don't want to cry with Mr. Wesley still in the room with me. I don't want him to see me like that. No one should see me like that.

I've already embarrassed myself enough in front of him so I shouldn't break down while he's still in the room to add to my embarrassment.

My thoughts are torturing me.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now