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Just as I thought. They had a lot of questions for us at the conference meeting mostly about our relationship with each other. Derek was well prepared for these questions. He did if and but, he didn't stutter not a single hesitation. It was like he had practice the questions with them beforehand but that wasn't the case he was just good at handling these sort of thing.

But for me all of this was overwhelming. I didn't like the attention. Derek answered most of the questions that were directed. The ones that made me feel uncomfortable. It was like being attacked but each time he would come to my aid.

The whole process was exhausting. To not buckle and panic under all that pressure. The reporters are like vultures. What if Derek wasn't there? They would have eaten me a live.

I could finally breathe now that it's over but I could only relax all the nerves and tension in my body once we were in the car going home. I completely hated it.

I could feel their eyes searching me. For any mistake, waiting for the slightest slip up. How could anyone live like that? With strangers always sticking their nose in your business just for. They can either create you or destroy you.  

I'm still not happy with Derek for dragging this out. This conference meeting and having to endure the rumors could have been avoided. What a jerk.

There would have still been whispers but still. Now Tia is running wild. "How are you feeling?" I shrugged looking out the window watching everything pass me by in seconds.

"Just a little tired." And I am.

Looked like I was more than a little tired because the next thing I know I'm waking up from the sound of a baby crying. I throw the cover off of my body jumping out the bed. I didn't bother with putting on a slippers on the cold floor. I was in a rush to get to him when I stopped. There was no more crying just silence.

Do they do that? Stop crying when they want to. I don't think so. Moving my legs again to walk I arrived in the room to see Derek sitting in a chair with the baby in his hand feeding him with a bottle.

The scene in front of me was impossible but it's happening now. I could never imagine Derek Wesley holding a baby much less feeding one. And the thing about it is that he looks so natural like he has done this a thousand times before. He wasn't holding the baby like some awkward father for the first time.

Dare I say fatherhood fits him. I wanted to go unnoticed by him longer but he lifts his head looking in my direction. Did he feel me staring at him? I'm sure I didn't make any sound when I came to the room.

"So much for making you rest," he mumbled.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked walking into the room.

"Four hours." Outside was bright I guess now it's night time. I can't believe I had slept this long. I haven't slept this long ever since and I don't feel that tired.

"And you didn't wake me up?" Why didn't he wake me up. "What about him?" I said referring to my baby that he is holding in his arms. It's not that I don't trust him but I don't know if he knows how to take care of a baby. "Who was taking care of him while I was asleep? I don't see your mother."

"You don't have to worry," he said brushing it off but when he sees the look on my face he added. "I might not look like I'm capable of it but I am. It's not that hard see, and before she left she showed me how to. I'm doing it right. Right?"

He was indeed doing it right no need for me to worry or panic. "Plus this is good practice don't you think so, I have to learn anyway, someday I might have a child of my own," he added as an afterthought with a smile on his face.

He was doing so good that you would think that he has done this many times before, telling someone this I don't think they would believe you.

Taking the empty nipple bottle from his mouth I take it from him putting on the cover.

"Do you need help?" I asked when I saw him throwing the baby towel over one of his shoulder.

"No I'm fine I can do this." And I watch him hold the baby close to his body softly patting it's back.

Warmth flooded my heart at that moment watching the scene before me. At the beginning when I found out that I was pregnant I was picturing every moment with me, Josh and our baby together and how we would be taking care of Kenzo together. Never thought that there would be no us. Now instead of him, holding our baby so lovingly and delicately it's a different person, a man I never thought I would have to rely on when we weren't close in the beginning. It was a employee and employer relationship, then I had turned in a damsel in distress and he turned my hero. Now a friend, who had force his care and willingness to help on me.

I had no choice but to accept. I had no one to turn to, no one to care, someone who would understand, could see through my okays when I'm not but he was there, he came to my rescue. I didn't ask him to, he wanted to help, to know me, there was nothing I could do to stop him.

I was in pain and he volunteered to take it away, to help with my worries, lift my burdens. With all that he gave I didn't have nothing to give and he didn't ask for anything in return.

It was like we both needed each other but I needed him more than he needed me.

God I was suffering, going through the worse but he saved me. I can never be ungrateful but with all my heart I'm thankful.

Glad that he took the initiative to jump into my cold water to save me from myself with no fear of freezing to death.

I just wish I knew how to repay him for all that he has done. Looking at the both of them now a smile curve my lips.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now