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I slapped him across the head back when I caught up to him. He cried out in pain but I didn't care. He's still my boss and he could fire me for that so why did I do it.

"Ouch. What was that for?" He asked rubbing his head glaring at me.

"Stupid men thinking they can control me and tell me what to do." I mumbled. "You think I don't know why you brought me here asked me out on this ridiculous date and then my stuff is here in my room. You're just like them." I was pointing in his face now as I rant. "Now tell me where my room is so I can get my stuff and leave." I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"No." He breath out unfazed by my ranting. My eyes widened shocked that he would deny me of my things to leave this place.

"No?" I was baffled. I pinched my nose bridge shaking my head. I don't want to shout so I take a deep breath. "Can I get my things and go?"

"I'm not letting you stay at the hotel so no." He said seriously like there was no room for argument but there is because definitely not staying here.

I wanted to shout but I'm too exhausted to breath too hard and rise my voice. "Why do you even care?" I asked tired.

"Because I'm you boss and I care about my employee safety." He replied but I don't believe him.

"So why don't you have the whole office stating at your house it's big enough." I said rolling my eyes.

"Because none of them are staying at a hotel." He countered. I was silent for a minute but that didn't mean I'm not going to argue with him.

"So? I've know you for what 5 years and you've been mean and grumpy all the time never once thank me or be nice but all of a sudden you are giving me a raise, asking me on a date, dress me up and now this. What's your game Mr Wesley? Whatever it is I'm not playing." I told him.

"There's no game Rosie. I'm just offering you a place to stay than that damn hotel until you can find somewhere else to stay that is more permanent." He offered and I looked into his eyes for a minute searching for any deceit or hidden intention seeing none I sighed giving in.

He took my silence as a yes turning away leading me to the room I'll be staying in. There was only silence between us as he takes me to the room with me lost in my thoughts. I didn't even paid much attention to where he was taking me and the decoration of the direction I went in is still a mystery to me.

He stops in front of a door his hand on the door knob. He turned around to face me. "My room is just down the hall if you need anything." He said.

"Okay." I answered absentmindedly.

He opens the door steps aside to let me walk in. I walk in looking around but not really seeing the room. He tells me where my things are then left. I walked over to where my clothes are now stored take out my nightwear and walked towards where he told me the bathroom was.

When I finish showering I slipped on the bed under the sheet. I stared at the ceiling blankly until my eyelids became too heavy and gave up.

"Come here." He called gesturing to me to come closer. I didn't I cower in the corner of my room shaking my head my face wet with tears.

I was shaking in fear pushing my body further in the wall wishing it will open up and take me whole away from this room, away from this monster.

"Gracie come here come to daddy." He said stroking himself.

"Please don't." I said crying harder and if it was possible I started shaking more.

"Be a good girl and come to daddy." His voice was hard as steel meaning he could start beating on me any minute now but I couldn't move, I won't move. My body was numb and shaking.

I could only shake my head tears streaming down my face has muttered a please don't. But all my pleas fell on deaf ears. Every begging I was doing in vain because no matter how I beg please and sorry and don't he won't stop.

I can still feel his dirty hands on me from the million times before and no matter how much time I've bath and scrubbed his claws are still digging in my skin bruising. He has ruined me I can't let him break me take the rest of me with him but no matter how much I've cried and fight the demon finds a way to over power me.

"Gracie." His teeth was clench now. I didn't move or bother to beg but cried.

His angry footsteps walked over to me grabbing a hold of my hand his hold bruising. My safe corner disappears as he drags me across the room. He throws me on the bed and I crawl away from him and his touch.

He grabs a hold of my foot causing me to cry out. "No! Please no. Let me go!" I sobbed kicking and trying to get away from him. "No!" I screamed struggling when his hands grabbed ahold of my top. "No! Please stop!" His greedy hand was on my breast squeezing.

"No!" I screamed my body sticky with sweat. Someone was shaking me awake but my eyes was still tightly shut as I thrash in bed trying to get the monster off of me and away from him. "Please stop." I whimper.

"Rosie wake up it's only a nightmare." The voice said still shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes sweat rolling down my face to see a familiar face greet me. I was panting my hands gripping the sheet tight. When I realized it wasn't the man from my nightmare. It's not him.

He's dead.

He's dead.

He can't hurt me anymore.

He's dead.

It was only just a nightmare.

"Rosie are you okay." I flinched away from his touch my head snapping towards his face.

The room was still dark the only light was coming from outside from the moon and it wasn't full. I could hardly see his face but he was there. I nodded but I realized that he couldn't see me much.

"Yeah just a dream." My voice was harsh, rough from all the screaming as I try to convince myself that it's just a dream. "A bad dream." I added silently. I was trembling both from cold and the memory in my dream.

"Are you sure because I could hear you screaming from down the hall and I thought you were being attack or something but when I came in here you were fast asleep screaming and I've been trying to wake you up for 5 minutes now." He said sounding worried. I cleared my throat before I talked again.

"It's just a dream Mr Wesley go back to sleep don't let me keep you up with my nightmare." I reassured him.

The room was silent as we both stare at each other in the darkness our breath the only sound.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now