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The first thing I did when I got inside was to turn the lights on downstairs. I hate the darkness, it's so creepy, I just hate the fact that I can't see a thing, and sometimes it likes to play tricks, and it is always hiding shadows.

People will say that I am paranoid, thinking that something bad always happens when the house is dark. I slowly make my way to the living room, switching on the lights as soon as I am near the switch, eliminating the darkness and its shadows, as the light shone in every crevice and corner. I relaxed when the room was no longer covered in darkness. I still surveyed the room, nothing was out of place, nothing was missing and the room looked no different from the way I left it.

To think we were going to enjoy our 5th anniversary together, to only come home to an empty and dark house. Sighing, I sat down on the sofa, closed my eyes, letting my head fall back.
It's not often I come home to a house like this, dark and quiet. It seems strange to come home like this, especially on a day like this. 

Josh was missing and there can't be an anniversary without him. Everything was going so great since morning, but after being attacked is like everything fell apart suddenly.

I was looking forward to the surprises, the dinner, the roses, and the biggest surprise that I would give to him. I guess my surprise would have to wait.  I'll have to think of another time and way to tell him. I am sad about how our anniversary was ruined and it didn't even begun yet. I could only imagine how it would have went. Sigh.

And now my imagination was running wild on how I thought my 5th anniversary would be like when I heard a noise coming up from upstairs, and the first thought that came to my head was that I was right, the darkness does give rise to bad things to happen.

The first action I took was to call Josh, but again it went to voicemail, and like some human beings I did the most idiotic thing. I went to check out the noise. I'm stupid I know, I should've called the police. But if it was nothing, I'd look ridiculous when they come in, search the house, and nobody's in the house.

When I was going up the stairs there was no sound so I decided to stop and listen. Was it all in my head? I thought. I rolled my eyes at myself for being paranoid. Shaking my head, I decided to go back downstairs. What has gotten into me? It's not the first time I'm staying at home alone. So why now, did my brain decide to play tricks on me? I did hit my head hard today. Yes, it must be, I've suffered a concussion, and it is messing with my head.

I went to the kitchen to get a cup of water to drink, and then I'll be going to my bed. The doctor did say I should take it easy for now. I'll just forget about our anniversary for now. We can have a belated anniversary. I watch the glass as it turned from empty to full in a matter of seconds.

I was about to put the glass to my lips when the sounds were coming from upstairs again. This time it couldn't have been my head playing tricks on me again. It was loud. Someone has actually broken into the house. They are pretty skilled, breaking in without setting off the alarm.

What should I do? Call the police? Or check it out myself?

If you guessed that I called the police, you're wrong, I went with the stupid option, I decided to check it out myself. Why? I don't know. You can just say I'm foolish and I'll blame it on the head injury that I'm suffering from.

I was moving toward the direction of the sound as silent as a mouse. I don't want to alert the intruders of my presence. The only sounds you could hear were my breathing, my beating heart, and the occasional sounds the intruders were making.

Halfway there I remembered I didn't bring any weapons with me. Why didn't I bring a knife with me? I can't believe how dumb I am, to not bring any sort of weapon to defend myself with.  Should I return to the kitchen for a knife, or a rolling pin, or maybe the skillet would probably do a better job? It has a length, to keep the distance between the intruder and me, if there is a need for confrontation, and it has weight, solid enough to knock he/she out.

But I could miss my chance to catch the intruder, besides I'm just going to investigate not confront whoever is robbing the house. Then a thought occurs to me. They could be armed.

Should I risk it? No. I stopped to think things through, it was then I remembered that there is a gun in the house. Josh keeps one here for safety reasons. I should go get it. It's in his office not too far from where I'm standing.

I found it. Don't worry, I know how to use it, Josh had shown me how to use it. I took it out from his desk drawer, wishing I don't have to use it, but I need it to protect myself.

I left his office, it was time to see who dares enter my abode. Nearing where the sound was originating from, it became louder and louder and more clear.

There was shuffling and moaning. My heart stopped being and I was filled with dread. I was frozen with shock, and the hand holding the gun loosen.

This can't be happening. I kept repeating it to myself. This can't be happening, not to me. He wouldn't do this to me. It can't be Josh, it must be someone else. I've heard about persons who break into homes not to steal the owner's possessions but to eat their food, wear their clothes and have sex in their bed.

It has to be that, it could never be Josh, he would never cheat on me. But this only occurs when they know the occupants won't be home for the weekend. I was in doubt. I didn't want to believe, that the lovemaking noises coming from my bedroom was from Josh and another woman.

My eyes watered at what the sounds implied, and before I knew it I was standing in the hallway silently crying. No sound, just my heart bleeding on the inside, and my tears wetting my skin.

How could he do this? Why would he do this to me? He has another woman in my bed, our bed, on our anniversary while I was in the hospital. Did he even know that I was in the hospital? He probably did, they must've called him, to tell him I had an accident.

This gave him full reason to cheat, cheat on the day of our anniversary because he knew I wasn't going to be home tonight. He probably thought I would be spending the night in the hospital. I was laying in the hospital unconscious while he was here enjoying himself instead of taking care of me in the hospital.

Did he even visit me? Or did he say okay, she's in the hospital, so I can bring a woman over?

My feet were getting weak, so I bent down by the knee, and was now stooping. To think I thought we were a happy couple, that he would never cheat, he was honest, respectful of our relationship and he loved me enough not to cheat.

Was I living in a fairytale? Was I wrong to believe that he loved me? Hearing those disgusting sounds coming from the bedroom, that I share with that cheating bastard has finally broken the illusions, that I had in this relationship. I'm finally awoken from my dream and now I'm thinking.

Thinking about how long.



Was I blinded by his fake love, that I didn't see the signs? Was it my fault for closing my eyes and loving him? I thought he could do no wrong, but everyone cheats, both men and women, so why did I close my eyes and love? Instead, I should've opened my eyes

If I did what I had to do to protect myself and my heart, I don't think I would be crying. I would never have felt a betrayal like this. I guess I was naive. I watched too many romantic movies and I thought heroes protect their damsels in distress. He did save me from falling and cracking my skull open so he turned into my hero. Now he seems more like a villain to me.





He wore his mask well.

The grip I had on the gun tightens. How could he? Before I knew what I was doing, I had the bedroom door banging on the wall and the lights on, illuminating the cheating bastard, and the bitch he brought to our house. My face was twisted in disgust but fell when my eyes landed on the woman.

They stared at me then glanced at each other to stare back at me again.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now