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The door was unlock so I let myself in. I sighed closing the door behind me and make my way upstairs.

I grabbed a suitcase from underneath the bed and started removing clothes from the dresser drawer and from my side of the closet.

I was throwing clothes in my suitcase when someone walked in I didn't have to look around to know it was him so I kept on throwing clothes in the suitcase.

I should have known it wouldn't take long for him to realized I'm not at the hospital anymore. I should have just took only what I really needed for the time been and left to come back when he is not here for the rest of my stuff.

I am really not in the mood to talk to him right now. I wish he just watch me leave without saying a word but I didn't wish hard enough because as I close the suitcase to zip it he spoke.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked folding his arms leaning on the doorframe.

I ignore his question and zipped the suitcase taking up a duffle bag to pack some other stuff in that I'll need. I'll just come back here for the rest of my stuff since it is late and I don't know where I'll be staying tonight but I know I will not be staying here. He watched me as I go back and fro to the bathroom, in the bedroom and to closet and back to my bag.

I zipped the bag took up the suitcase and made my way to the door. I didn't make to through the door because he was blocking my way. I sighed when I realized he was not going to move.

"Rosie..." I cut him off before he could get another word out other than my name.

"Please Josh just let me leave. I don't have the energy to stand here and argue with you, I'm tired." I breath showing him that I am tired and I'm not up for whatever he wants us to talk about.

Honestly there is nothing that he as to say that I would want to hear right now. I'm drained from work today, from coming home to see them together, from the argument in the hospital with the both of them and coming here to pack and standing right here waiting for him to move.

I just don't have the strength and I really don't want to talk about it, I just want to have a nice warm shower and rest. That's all I want to do.

He sighed releasing his fold arms and look at me. "Okay but please tell me where you're going so I could at least know that you'll be safe." He said in that voice that always makes me cave when he wants me to see reasoning and to get me to do something or agree to something that I strongly disagree with and this time there's no difference.

I still love him but I just can't stay not in the house that it happened in. I will only be torturing myself if I stay because I would be constantly reminded of memories that we made hear by they are all tainted by what they have done.

I sighed. "Not here as you can see so if you would move out of the way so i could leave."

"That's means you don't know where you'll be staying for the night." He conclude watching me closely for a reaction to tell him that he is right. "Rosie please just stay for the night it's really late and I don't want you to leave at this kind of hour and you're not sure where you'll be staying and I know that Tia is out of the picture." He winced at the mention of her name and I stiffened.

I stand there with my bags in hand with him watching me. He wasn't going to move from the looks of it and I'm not going to relent. I can't stand staying here. Not in the room, the house that we have build a life in that the both of them destroyed.

I put down the bag, I looked him in the eye and took a deep breath. I really didn't want to deal with this not tonight or ever. I just want to forget but it isn't as easy as I would have thought.

The longer I stay in here the longer the memory take root into my mind and if I don't get rid of it and get away from the person that has created it and the place that it happened.

I don't want to stay here or with him and be reminded that he cheated on me with my best friend. I don't know if I prefer my dream over this but either way I think that I'll still be living a life tormented by that moment I walked in on them together.

I don't think you can imagine how painful and heart breaking this whole situation is. When you're in love with someone and you trust them and they do something like this it's not easy to forgive them. Staying isn't an option I'll be only hurting myself by doing so. It's best I leave and maybe I can return someday or not.

I sighed. "Look I don't really have the strength to fight with you tonight or tomorrow or ever for that matter about something that you did 'cause right now I'm exhausted." I told him taking a deep breath.

"But I can't let you leave Rosie. I know you don't believe me because of what I did but I love you and I still care for you and even more that you are now carrying me child." He said coming closer to me to hold me but I brush him off. He had a painful look on his face like it hurt when I walked away from him.

It also pain me to see him in pain but I know that if I ever let him close again I would become undone in his arms and I don't want that. I need time to gather my strength so I can face him with a strong heart.

Thinking about it almost let tears bridge the edge of my eye but I blinked it away and steel myself.

"I need space Josh I need to think about all of this and sort out the turmoils that is raging in my head and if you want my forgiveness you need to give me that because standing in this room I'm this very room reminds me that you fucked her."

"This is hard for me. I never expected you to cheat and if you ever did it was never with my best friend which makes this situation more difficult and when I make that decision you will know." I said taking up my bags to leave.

"So if you could please step out of the way." He hesitated thinking about what I have said and reluctantly he did so.

I didn't hesitate to make my exist. I made my way downstairs and out the door. Throw the bags into the back of the car and got into the driver's seat.

I close the door not before looking back up at the house I called home and thought it will be a home I'll call forever but now it doesn't look like it will be.

I reverse out of the driveway and drove down the street. The distance between me and the house getting larger as I drive.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now