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I woke up the next morning with dark circles under my eyes and my hair a bird nest. I couldn't go back to sleep after that horrible nightmare. I couldn't let him touch me again even if it's just a memory, a dream.

It felt so real and I could feel his calloused hands on my skin his invasive touch. A cold shiver went down my spine as I thought of last night.

I don't think the stress and if I fall into depression would be good for the baby. Shaking my head I try to get rid of my demon to shut it out before it comes through the open door again. I still sat where I was sitting from 3 o'clock this morning watching the sunrise the rays hitting my eyes making them hurt. I shut my eyes blocking out the rays of the sun feeling the heat on my eyelids.

Five minutes later I was throwing the sheet off of me and dragging myself out of the bed. I find myself under the shower drops of water beating my body.

I stepped out of the shower refresh wrapped in a towel walking towards where my clothes are now stored.

I pulled on a pair of worn-out jeans and a t-shirt pulling my wet hair in a messy bun on top of my head.

I checked the time to see that it is 7:30 in the morning. I didn't know where the kitchen is but I need something to eat because starving myself is off the menu. I think I'm going to need one of that heavy breakfast.

I might not feel like myself today but I'm going to try to get out of this house and buy stuff for my apartment.

Opening the door to my room I step out into the hall. As soon as I closed the door behind me Mr. Wesley was coming out of his room too.

I avoided his gaze remembering last night when he came into my room. He saw me at my most vulnerable state sweaty and scared.

"Good morning Mr. Wesley." I greeted formally even though I'm staying in his house and he had requested that I called him by his first name.

"Good morning Rosie." He replies standing there not doing anything as silence spread between the two of us. You could say it is a bit awkward.

"Um...i was just going to go to the kitchen to make some breakfast but realized I don't know where the kitchen is, " I said looking anywhere but his face.

"It's down the stairs continue through the dinning hall take the door to your left, " he instructed.

"Thanks, " I said before leaving him at his door. Following his instructions it lead me straight into a kitchen. It wasn't much of a kitchen it was a master piece and I had to wonder if anyone cooked in there. It was spotless with stainless steel white tile and high cup boards. I don't think I'll be able to reach them.

I ran my hand across the island that's in the middle of the kitchen, it was large with pots above it, the surface was granite. Everything looked like it came out of a magazine and it was designed by the best interior designer.

I take down the pot I needed to use going over to the cup broads to take out the ingredients that I would need to make breakfast. I moved around the kitchen easily with the large amount of space which could hold nearly 50 more people and there would still he space for more.

It was hard finding what I want in the large kitchen when I did I put them on the island looking over what I've gathered to make breakfast satisfied I start to mix and turn on the heat under the pot. Soon I was making breakfast. Breakfast for how many persons you ask. Well, two persons cause I'm eating for myself and the little one growing in my stomach.

I was almost finished when he walked into the kitchen in his signature black suit. He went over to the coffee machine that I didn't know was in the kitchen. I haven't drink coffee in a while as I replaced it with tea. I don't think the caffeine would be good for my baby.

He turns around taking a sip from his coffee which I can tell is black from seeing the liquid in his cup from where I am. I put the last pancake on the plate getting the syrup drowning the pancakes. I had egg and beacon to the side.

"Wow, " he said looking down at my full plate. "I've never seen a woman eat that much, " he added still staring at the plate of food. He looked around then furrowed his brow. "And I can't believe you didn't left any for me. How about sharing?" He walking over to the counter taking up the fork I was about to do.

I snatched the fork out of his hands before he could touch my food. His eyes widened at my action. I really didn't want to share. It didn't matter if he was my boss and I was staying at his house eating his food but it's for two not there.

"Make your own, " I told him. I carried my breakfast in the dinning hall sitting around the table that is made to host around twelve persons. Why a big house and excess furniture when you live alone? I'll never understand.

He pulled out a chair from across me sitting down with his coffee. I glance at him wondering why he's sitting her with me when he could gave just finished his coffee in the kitchen.

I could feel him staring at me while I eat his eyes burning holes into my skin. "What?" I said with a mouthful when he was still sitting around the table staring at me when he had finished his coffee minutes ago.

"Nothing, " he still didn't look away or made a move like he was leaving. Doesn't he have work to go then again I have work to go and he's my boss. I hope he's not waiting for me to get ready for work so the both can arrive the same time. I don't want anyone to start assuming we are seeing each other after going to an event together and coming into work at the same time.

If he's worrying about how I'll get to work I'll just call a cab. I don't feel like going to work anyway and I was hoping he could give me today off.

I was about to the last piece of food in my mouth that was left on my plate when it hit me. I felt it, all if my breakfast coming up. I pushed back the chair I was sitting in it scrape against the floor. My hands fly to my mouth running out of the dinning hall. I heard him calling out to my but I couldn't stop. Will I make it to the room I'm staying in before I let it all out on his spotless floor and carpet.

I reached the room in time rushing into the bathroom diving for the toilet. I let it all out everything I ate moments ago. Maybe eating so much was a bad idea but it's all the baby's fault everything smelt so good.

I heard footsteps coming in my room but I was too busy with my head down in the toilet puking my guts. I think I'll be staying here cause I feel to weak to move.

"Rosie? Are you okay?" He asked concern evident in the way he spoke. I did reply not that I didn't wanted to I just didn't have the energy so I only hummed. He pulled back my hair his cold fingers brushing my hot skin. "Let's get you into bed, " he said reaching down and taking me up. I didn't protest when he carried me into the bedroom putting me down on the bed.

"I think I ate too much, " I mumbled laying down on my back.

"You think?" He said raising his eyebrows at me. "You literally ate three men breakfast by yourself."

"Don't judge me I was hungry, " I defended weakly. He shakes his head at me.

"I think you should take day off, " he suggested.

"I was going to since I have to move my things into my apartment, " I told him hating the way my mouth taste after throwing up. I really need to brush my teeth to rid of the taste and smell. The room went silent with my confession.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now