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The aroma of the food hit me like a bus as soon as I was at the bottom of the stairs. I didn't waste another minute, I made my way to the kitchen.

"I'm already done. You can just sit and wait to be served," he said as soon as I entered the kitchen. I refuse and help him to set the table.

Did I tell you I love his cooking? It's not every man can handle the kitchen like he does without almost burning the food and the kitchen.

He was wearing my favourite apron, which always brings a smile to my face. And when he offers to cook without being asked to, thoughts like I'm going to 'wife him' come to mind. Whenever I see the words kiss the cook, it brings back memories and I'm reminded of the time I kissed the cook. Let's just say we almost burnt down the kitchen. I grabbed the fire extinguisher and in a frantic put out the fire. In the end, we laughed our asses off. We were forced to order pizza for our dinner that evening, it was either eat the burnt food or order something to eat.

The memories we had made together were endless, everyday new memories are made.

I kiss him on the cheek and take my seat at the table. We say our grace, yes, we pray before we eat. I didn't wait I just dig in and stuff my mouth with mouth-watering food. I moaned as soon as it hit my taste buds. I looked up when I heard laughing. He looked at me amused and something else behind his eyes.

"What?" I asked with my mouth full of food. I covered my mouth instantly blushing at my table manners. I swallowed the food that was in my mouth with some water.

"Nothing," He replied with a smile. I look at him a moment longer before I started eating and moaning at the taste of the food.

I could feel his eyes on me each time I put food in my mouth to when I close my mouth, chew it then swallowed it. I look at him under my lashes to see him staring at me. When he realized that I was looking at him, he looks down at his plate and started eating like he wasn't staring at me.

When we were finished, we retired to our bed. I changed into my nightwear and got comfortable under the covers.

His side of the bed dip as he sat down on the bed, then he lay down beside me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulls me into his body, it didn't take long for him to fall asleep and I soon followed.


I slept so well last night and I'm happy to get up out of bed today, since today is our 5th anniversary. I am looking forward to the celebration of this lovely event. Having a relationship with someone so long and not married is something to celebrate and for that I'm happy. It's not the ring that keep people together or a piece of paper, it is the decision to stay together, to live in peace and harmony, to love each other unconditionally, to forgive and forget and lets not forget respecting yohr partner.

I'm not telling you to stay with a person that is always lying, a serial cheater or an abuser. The small things that people allow to break up their relationship could be done and buried.

I know people will think and say: if you love him so much and he loves you too why aren't the both of you married as yet?

People get married but do they spend the rest of their life together? No, some marriages have more problems than an unmarried person, and I'm not saying I don't want to get married.

The first few years of the relationship was rocky as best but as the year progressed we solved our differences and learnt how to compromise.

I only wish to spend the rest of my life with him whether married or unmarried. I hope he wants to do the same because I do see my future with him and I don't think I could cope with life without him there.

There is nothing more I would ask for in this life than to wake up with him in the morning, it's a blessing to be able to hear his husky voice, laugh together, to cry, and do everything with him for the rest of my life.

I was yawning and stretching when the feeling of something being off came over me so I looked around our bedroom nothing was out of place. So what was missing in the room?

I look at his side of the bed to only realize that he is not there. I frowned. I was looking forward to waking up with him, especially today since it is so special to both of us or did he forget?

My frown deepens staring at his side of the bed that was empty. I was disappointed to not be woken up by kisses, I thought I would wake up to a smiling face, wishing me a happy anniversary and a promise for more surprises.

I look away but look again when something caught my eye. I scrutinized the wide material then took it up. It was folded so I unfold it to see what it was.

I smiled. He didn't forget. I held up the paper close to my nose and smell it. I sighed in contentment. I got up out of bed cheerful, which is unusual for me. I always get up groaning about wanting to sleep more.

I skipped to the bathroom, which is one more than that I don't usually do, but I'll make an exception for today. Today is special and I'm not going to make anything ruin it for me. Not even my boss who always ruins my day.

For the first time in history, I was happy to get to work. I hummed a happy tune while I get dressed. Skipped down the stairs to the kitchen and grab my coffee and I was out the door ready to take on today.

When I entered the building I still had that smile on my face. I tried to be professional but I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"Good morning," I greeted the person at the door and I know I sound happy to be at work. They gave me a weird look, but I didn't mind they can think I have lost my mind.

"Someone's extra happy today." A voice said as soon as I enter my office.

"It's that obvious?" I asked, sitting down.

"No, not really if you ignore the smile, the skip in your walk, and the cheerful vibe you've been giving off since you entered this building. I'll say you're miserable. " She tells me with a smile.

"Then it's that obvious, huh," I replied, leaning back in my chair.

"Yes, it is. Tell me what has got you feeling so good you're smiling at work. Which is freaking everyone out 'cause you are the..." I interrupted her before she could finish.

"I know, I know, but who wouldn't be happy when celebrating their 5th anniversary with their handsome and so sexy and loving boyfriend," I said in the dreamiest voice. If it was any other day I would be cringing at how I sound but today I don't pay attention because I don't care.

"5 years, huh? It can't be five years, it felt like just yesterday you tripped and was falling on your face lucky thing Superman was there to save you. " She said and I laughed.

"It's five years and I can't believe it either," I said, sighing and more relaxed than I am most days. "Do you think he will pop the question for me?" I asked her. I hope he does.

"Of course. You're a keeper and if he doesn't see that then he is an idiot. Who is dating a girl for five years I don't pop the question. " She tells me and I smiled.

"I hope he does. And think he will he's been acting kind of secretive lately. " I told her remembering how he's been acting lately. I think he is hiding the ring and doesn't want me to find out.

She was about to say something, but someone called my name cutting her off.

"I need to go. We can talk on my lunch break," I said, getting up to see what my awesome boss wants. I left my office smiling and no matter how much of a d*ck my boss is being I still had that smile on my face.

When I left the office, I stopped at a nearby store to pick something up and as soon as I stepped outside, I was pushed roughly into a wall. My head came in contact with the wall and there was a burst of pain. I closed my eyes due to the intense pain, stars dance behind my eyelids as I fall to the ground.

I heard voices and someone screaming for someone to stop before everything went black.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now