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I was escorted to my cell. I paused at the open cell and was pushed inside. I glared at the guard.

"Is that anyway to treat a pregnant lady. Geez." I said shrugging my shoulder.

She rolled her eyes and closed the cell door. "What's her problem?" I mumbled.

I looked around the cell that I am going to be staying in for the rest of my stay in this lovely place.

The top bunk is already taken so that means the bottom bed is mine. I could see posters of someone I don't know then the rest of the room had a toilet.

This isn't much homie with the concrete walls. What they can't afford paint to paint the walls. I know we are criminals but we haven't lost our human side were still human. We still enjoy pretty things.

I know we kill, steal and do other things that is against the law and is considered a crime but we human.

I guess they forgot about that detail when that word guilt left the judge mouth.

I was too distracted to see that my in mate is in the cell with me. "Do you like your new home newbie?" She smiled but it wasn't the smile that I usually sees but the one that promise me pain and misery.

"Could use a little paint and some pictures?" I replied looking at her in the eye. I don't know but I think she wants to intimidate me or something. I don't know what's her deal yet.

She laughed like I just told her a joke. "I like you already... What else do you think this hell hole needs?" She asked still wearing a smile.

I made a face like I was thinking about it then answered. "The guards should be taught more manners and how to treat a lady, these uniforms are ugly and does not match my eye color, and who sleeps the same place they have to do their business that's just disgusting and I will tell you from now don't go when am in here, we deserve to be treated better than this, I think." She was laughing like she got the funniest joke of her life.

She jumped down off of her bed and was now face to face with me. "Don't tell me you're innocent and you don't belong here because I don't think you do." She said eyeing me.

"And why would you think that? I'm here right." I replied.

"Because you don't have the look everyone here has and I don't smell anything on you." She said.

I don't know what look she is talking about and I'm sure I don't carry any odor or whatever she is looking for.

"And what will that look or smell be?" I asked confused. She laughed at my naivety then explain.

"Like you have alot of dead body following you around. The haunted look in your eyes with the other look that says that you're not afriad to fuck anyone up who dare piss you off and the smell the smell of blood." She shrugged stopping in front of me after surveying me from back to front and around again.

"How would you see them if they are dead and why would I smell like blood?" She is really starting to creep me out. I have never met someone who talk like this.

Is she crazy? Does staying in these high walls and behind bars does something to the brain that makes you talk things?

I hope I don't suffer the same fate as her or anyone else who lose themselves in the prison life that they forget how life outside of this place is like.

She shrugged. "It's a prison thing. We judge you base on how you look and you're action and from what I have access from earlier you don't belong here. So tell me what you did to be here?" She crossed her arms and eyed me waiting for me to tell her why I am here.

"I killed my best friend and boyfriend." I replied.

"You don't look like a killer. You don't even. Look like a person who would swat a fly. Why and how did you kill them?" She asks wanting to know more. She could have just asked for my whole life story.

I shrugged. "It's really nothing I just shot them for not being who I thought them to be."

I don't know how that sounds but I think it doesn't sound right. I bet I sound like a crazy person for killing someone for not being who I thought they were.

"Really?! That doesn't sounds like a good reason to kill someone even though sometimes a persons kill someone for no reason or some obsession or maybe for the fun of it or whatever sick reason they have for killing. Stop lying to me there is more to your story. Everyone here as a story to tell whether they are innocent or guilty."

"She is dead because she was a back stabbing slut and she broke a promise she swear that she would never break and tell the last person that I would to know. He is dead because he cheated on me with my best friend. They made me do it." I summed it up.

"So they slept together and you killed them because they slept together?" She asked maybe to be sure it she doesn't believe me. "People do that all the time but I understand what you're coming from. I killed my first and second and third husband. I got away with the first but the third I wasn't so lucky and I have been here for 25 years."

"Why did you kill your husband? Did he slept with your best friend too?"

"No I did it all for the money. Insurance. It was so fun making their death look like accidents. The first one was a really old guy so that was easy the second and the third was a little complicated but I made them work but people got suspicious and here I am today." She narrates.

"So everything is a waste now since they caught you."

"No no I'm smarter than that. I'm in here but I still got all that money from my dead husband. I'm thinking about going to an off shore haven when I get out of here."

"That's an if you're getting out of here. I don't think they would put a husband killer and an insurance fraud person on parole. You killed three person and they were all premeditated." I said.

"I still don't have long in here they had suspicion that I killed my first and second husband but they don't have evidence and they could only pin the third on me so I don't have long in here but I'll keep you company." She explained.

"Are you sure that they aren't listening to what you just told me?" I asked looking around for hidden camera.

"No I'm in here already. They don't have time to continue on the case because it's already closed."

"So what are you plans once you get out will you continue where you left off."

"Nah once I'm free I'll just enjoy the rest of my free life." She mused and i know she is thinking about her life once she is free from here.

We fall into silence.

She climb up to her bed and lie down on her back. I did the same get on my bed and stare at the wall.

I drift off into my mind where my thoughts were running wild. I thought about my life now in prison.

I didn't know why I didn't just walk away and leave them there.

I drift off into a dreamless sleep.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now