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I was driven to the nearest police station. I was read my rights and walked to a holding cell. This was like history repeating itself all over again and I have to wonder if this is going to be my life.

Killing people that hurt me in anyway. I was given a lawyer that i didn't needed yet again.

The one phone call that they had given me i had called Angela the lawyer who got my case when i was a teenager in this same situation. I told her the same story with less details. She was crying when i was telling her. I told her not worry and that i was going to be okay. I told her that when I go to prison i wanted her to take care of my child when it is born because i didn't want it to go through any system or my dead boyfriend parents to get it if they find out that I am pregnant with their grandchild.

She agreed. She was still crying when i end the call. I know this must be hard on her seeing me going through this again. I was like a daughter her when I was staying with her. I don't know how but through that case and she taking care of me until i was an adult we had build a bond and i saw her as a mother but i never call her one but she knew i respected her as one.

I know she must be disappointed in me for getting myself in this situation that could be avoided but it happened and i have to live with it.

My lawyer was trying to make me revoke my statement that i killed Josh and Tia hut i told him i wasn't going to lie to a court and the people when they had strong evidence against me so i plead guilty.

At the end of the process i was found guilt of all charges and was given 50 years in prison for killing two people. I could hear the iron bars closing me in that day in the court room and i welcomed the feeling.

Fifty years sounds like a long time but to me it sounds like a blessing. A blessing to be locked away from the rest of the world. I will be safe from my step dad, Tia and Josh but I'm pretty sure I'll be seeing them again since I know I am going to go to meet them in hell.

A killer can never have a sound mind or a dream without their victims tormenting them. I know they will start to haunt my dream and I'll soon start to hear their voices in my head.

But for now I will enjoy the silence.

For the baby as soon as it is born it will be taken from me and given Angela to take care of it and if I'm lucky and I get put on parole I would get to be apart of my child life.

Angela promise to send me pictures as he or she grows when she leaves with my baby. I was happy that the only person in my life that has ever cared for me is going to care for my baby so I know that my child will be in good arms.

I can't help but imagine if this didn't go down the way it did how my life would have turned out.

If I wasn't in a accident and didn't wake up in a hospital bed. How everything would have unfold if I didn't come home to them both cheating on me with each other. If I didn't kill them and walked away.

What if I had came home to my loving boyfriend who proposed to me that night or some point in my life.

I would surprise him by telling him that we created a life together. We would have been a happy family but would we?

They would be still sleeping together behind my back. Since everything behind close door is revealed somehow I would have still found out that they have been sleeping together. Maybe it would have been worse since we would have been married and have a family together.

She would have ruined a perfectly perfect family and love.

Whatever scenario I come up with it would lead to the same result. Anyway my story would have told or written they would have end up dead at the end because would kill them for the same thing I have killed them for now.

They would have still be the reason why I am in here and my child would have still been taken away from me. It's like I am meant to live the rest of my life behind iron bars.

I was met to be a killer from the moment I was covered in the blood of my victim. From the moment I killed someone and stared in their lifeless eyes. The moment I created a ghost. The moment my hands were dirty anf my soul was tainted by the one I took.

If I had a time machine and was given a chance to go back in time. I would watch the whole thing again and guess what I would never change a thing about it because no matter what I can't change the past. I can't change who I am.

I can't run from the fact that I am a killer. I am who I am. From Grace Hardie to Rosie Johnson who is now labeled a killer. In the two lives there was no difference.

I am Grace Hardie the girl that was raped and beaten by her step dad who retaliate and killed her step dad without a second thought. It was my instinct kicking in and I wanted to survive. I no longer wanted to be raped anf beaten by the man who was to take care of me and make sure I am safe not the other way around to be the danger he should have kept and protected me from.

I am Rosie Johnson the girl who fell in love and found a best friend. The girl who found peace with her past and who she was. The girl who started life over with a loving boyfriend and a best friend. The girl who saw a bright future with the people around her. The girl who was betrayed and cheated on. The girl who was reminded of the girl she locked away in a closet. The girl who killed and the girl who is now being shipped off to prison to do her time for the two person she killed.

Grace Hardie killed her monster of a step dad.

Rosie Johnson killed her boyfriend and best friend forever.

I killed three people.

Wicked step dad.

Cheating boyfriend.

And backstabbing best friend.

They all deserved to die.

If they ever come back from the dead they will die again.

I smiled.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now