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Her losing her strength didn't stop her. She wasn't giving up on trying to kill me but I could tell she was trying her best to ignore the pain.

Seeing that I couldn't keep this up for long I tried to get off my back by rolling over on my side. It was tricky but I did it, better than laying on my back.

In this position, it was better to squeeze her and I did. She lets go of the knife with one hand trying to pry my legs off her with the other. She was digging her nails into my flesh. Gritting my teeth I slammed her hand to the ground knowing the pain would loosen the one hand holding on to the knife.

Finally, she lets go but it isn't time for me to sigh in relief knowing this is far from over. Her intention in coming here was to kill me and I will never think for a second she would give up that thought because she no longer has a weapon. She will kill me with her bare hands if she has to.

I can't believe that my best friend of five years has come to this. This deranged person is not her at all and I wish the girl that I met those years ago would come back and tell me this was a complete joke.

Knowing this is reality and this is Tia. And she is trying to take my life I had to fight with all the strength I had in me. She let go of the knife when she could no longer hold on due to the pain.

It's good to know that she's crazy and not tough. I kicked her in the stomach and then another kick putting her at a distance from me.

She held her stomach in pain glaring at me with hatred coming from the depths of her soul. Angry that I'm fighting back. She must have thought killing me was going to be easy seeing that I'm the only one home.

She made a big mistake. I'm a fighter and I will always fight to protect my life plus I have someone I'm fighting for. I will not die at the hands of this psychopath.

"You fucking bitch," she cursed getting up and I scramble away on my back. "Why won't you just die?" She was getting hysterical. "I'm going to kill you with my bare hands so I can have the satisfaction of squeezing the life out of you, feeling you take your last miserable breath."

I tried to get up and run but she was already on me, pulling me back by the foot my skin rubbing against the floor. I was kicking in vain as none came in contact with her body.

Tia roughly pulls me to her with more force mixed with frustration. I wasn't going to let her get the best of me. The person I was seeing now is a stranger trying to strangle me to death with a crazy look. I tried to wiggle from beneath her. She stops my struggling by clamping me with her thigh.

Digging my nails into her skin to earn a hiss of pain from her, making her angrier. She slaps me hard across the face. My hands immediately cover my face to protect it from the onslaught of her fist.

She took advantage of the defence to wrap her hands around my throat proceeding to squeeze the life out of me. I tried to prey her fingers from around my throat which was futile. I tried scratching her again. Tia did relent but I could see her clenching her teeth through the pain.

If this goes on longer I might pass out from the lack of oxygen or I might be strangled to death by her. The latter is most likely to happen. It was no use trying to pull her hands from around my throat.

In my last attempt to get free, I reached for the most sensitive part of her body that is in reach in my current predicament. The little strength I had left was slowly leaving my body with a lack of oxygen.

Without hesitation, I dig my fingers in her eyes preparing to gorge them out if she didn't release her hold. She screams as I cough rolling over on my side taking a deep breath finally able to get oxygen in my lungs.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now