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I couldn't believe I was going to be celebrating 5 years of relationship with my boyfriend Josh. He is my knight in shining armour. He saved me literally and figuratively. He saved me from falling flat on my face the 8th of March 2014.

You ever watched those movies when suddenly everything was in slow motion. The same way I fall on that sidewalk was the same way I fell in love with him 2 months after we started dating. I know two months is too soon to say you love someone but it is for me, but I never confess that love until 8 months after when he told me he was in love with me.

We've been together ever since and tomorrow will make five years since we started dating.

I'm so excited for tomorrow and I have a big surprise for him. I hope he'll be as excited as me.

"Honey, I'm home." I called out as soon as I enter the house. We moved in two years ago and this feels like a dream to me. If it is a dream I don't want to ever wake up from it.

We do have our disagreements sometime, but after a while we are back on the same page. The longest we have avoided each other was only a month. It was a hard time for me because at that time we were already living with each other and I missed us, him a lot.

Thinking about it now seems like a 100 hundred years ago, although we have only been together for 5 years.

"Josh," I called when I didn't hear a response.

"I'm in here." I followed the sound of his voice to find him in the kitchen under the sink. I stopped at the doorway and lean on the door jam and watch him work. His muscles flex and contract as he worked underneath the sink trying to fix the leaking pipe. I bite my lip, watching him work, as I was reminded about last night, how he held me, and touched me with those hands. Let's just say it was a long and rough ride.

"What are you doing?" I asked notifying him of my presence.

"Fixing the sink." He said like he is stating the obvious and confused.

"I know. I mean what are you doing fixing the sink. I told you to call a plumber instead," I replied, pushing off the door jam and walking over to him.

"Why call a plumber when I can do it for free? Are you doubting my skills?" He said, wiping his hand with a dish towel.

"No, but you know what happened the last time you tried to fix something in the house." I tell him and raise my eyebrow but there was a smile on my face.

I thought about what happened when he tried to fix the shower and other things he tried to fix. It is always fun watching him fixing stuff that is broken in the house for it to break and create more damage than it did before.

"This is different, this time I knew what I was doing. That sink there is okay babe trust me we don't need a plumber." He reassured me.

"That's what you said the..." I was acting like I was thinking about the amount of time he fail to fix things that are broken and in need of professional help. "...hundredth time since we moved in with each other."

"Is that so?" I hummed a response. "Do you want to know what I am going to do for the hundredth time," He said seductively.

"Clean up the mess you made?" I said batting my eyelashes. He came closer, his breath fanning my neck. I had to fight the shiver that was about to run up my spine.

He knows me, he knows the effect he has on me so he smirked. "What mess?" He pulled me into his arms. It was really hard fighting against him when I am this close to him. I can feel his warmth seeping through his clothes and into my skin.

"The mess you made when you were under the sink fixing it." I conjured up all my strength and said. He made a humming sound like he was thinking about it.

"How about this?" He said connecting his lips with mine.

I moaned in approval of the taste of his mouth and how he kissed me like he was starving.

My hands that were by my side finds their way in his overgrown hair that needs a haircut.

He moaned into my mouth and push me back on the counter that is now pressing into my back. The kiss is more heated than it was before and I find myself sitting on the counter that I was just pushed up against.

Every time with him feels like it's my first time. Every time feels like I am ascending to heaven. His lips on my skin his fingers digging into my skin.  The sound we make together. Skin to skin creates a fire that burn is from within.

And when that fire burns out we collapse together. I can't describe how he makes me feel at times. The feelings he evokes can't just be described as love, but something more.

I know these feelings can be dangerous if I can't control them. Like I don't even care if I crash and burn as long as he's mine and he still loves me.

Nothing will change, no one can come between our love. This bond that we have created together is the strongest bond I have ever created, with a person in my entire life.

When you have been with someone for 5 years, it's hard to let them go. When you think of your future, you think of them in it too. Not seeing him in my future is painful and every time I think about it, my chest squeezes, and it's very a painful feeling.

It's not everyday you find a faithful, honest and loyal man like this and I'm glad I snatched him before any other girl could. Who takes care of you when you come down with the flu, cook for you, clean for you, a man that is husband material, boyfriend material. I got the complete package and for all the things that has happened from the day I almost crack my skull, all the fights and arguing, the tears, all of them I am grateful for. If it wasn't for all the problems, struggles and obstacles we wouldn't be together today on this day and tomorrow.

I step out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body and getting another one to wrap around my wet hair. I dry my hair with the towel and then my body.

I was putting on my underwear when he poked his head through the door. "Dinner is ready." His eyes rake over me as he said this. "But I think I'm hungry for something else." He had that mischievous look in his eyes.

I was tempted  but I remembered that I just had a shower and I'm not that excited about having a next one and I'm kind of sore down there from our activities earlier.

I take up the wet towel balling it up and throw it at his head. He closed the door before it could hit him. The towel fall to the ground in front of the door. I could hear him laughing as he walks away from the door and down the stairs.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now