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"You're not leaving, " his voice breaks through the silence. I glance at him to see a serious look on his face the one that doesn't give you a chance to argue with his decision. That might work with his business partner but not me.

"I'm not staying, you're my boss and it's highly inappropriate that I live here with you. I don't want people at my workplace and magazines to picture something scandalous seeing that I'm living with my boss, " I argued an argument I'm going to win because I'm not living with him.

"You are going to live here with me and if you don't want your name to be in the mouth of my employees you don't have to go back to work and as for magazines I'll deal with that, " he countered and I sat up instantly my belly ready to send something up again but I keep it down. I guess I got up too fast.

"Excuse me! Are you even listening to yourself how ridiculous you sound?" I said baffled. "I'm not some homeless person sleeping on the street that you can take home and keep, I'm a grown woman in charge of my own life and the shit that happens in it and I refuse to stay here, you're not the boss of me, " I rant crossing my arms over my chest glaring at the man in the room with me.

"Rosie just let me take care of you if last night is any indication that you need someone to take care of you I'm taking it. You were screaming in your sleep what kind of nightmare where you have, " he said. "What kind of person would I be if I let you go seeing that you need someone to help you because if I didn't wake you up you would have screamed the house down. You don't have to tell me now what's going on but I'll wait for you to open up when you're ready to talk about it, " he added taking my hand in his that was laying on the bed. I was in astonishment my mouth hanging wide open before I close it and glared at him pulling my hands out of his.

"You don't get to decide that for me and I don't need your help, I'm tired of men thinking they can control my life, " I spat. "Thank you for your offer Mr. Wesley but I'm sorry that I have to decline, " I added bitterly.

He glares at me angry that I'm refusing his offer. He's very foolish to think that I'll accept such a preposterous request.

"You're staying here under my roof and under my care and that's the end of it," he said walking towards the door. I didn't get up fast knowing my head is spinning from this argument and from vomiting out my stomach into the toilet. He opens the door slammed it shut in my face disappearing behind it. I stared hatefully at the door reaching for the handle only for it to rattle in my hand but not opening when I pull it towards me.

"Unlock this door this instant! " I shouted when the door won't open with my will and might. "Let me out of this room you capital jerk!" I was banging on the door until I got tired I kicked it with irritation crossing my arms walking back to the bed sitting on the edge waiting for him to come back and unlock the door.

I waited and I waited but he never came and I was fuming realizing he had locked me in this room for the rest of the day and I can't get out then the anger faded and I started to panic.

I thought about food and what I was going to eat if he truly has locked me in this room so I can't get out and leave his house. I cursed him damning him to hell for not thinking about that before locking me in this room.

I crawled on the bed laid down in the middle looking up at the ceiling. I didn't know when but I had fell into a dreamless sleep which I was thankful for.

I didn't wake up until hours later when the door to my room opening. I glimpsed out the window to see that it was late in the afternoon. I didn't expect him to come back this early. I closed my eyes not moving to give him the impression that I'm still sleeping.

He sighs from the door walking further into the room. I feel the side of the bed dipping indicating that he has sat down on the bed in front of me.

I was still fake sleeping. His weight shift a shadow crosses my face and I knew it was his hand. His finger brush across my cheek as he removed a strand of hair out of my face putting it behind my ears. I flinch away from his touch opening my eyes. He sighed retracting his hand to his side.

"I'm sorry I locked you in the room, " he apologized. "But you gave me no other choice, " he added.

"You had you just chose to lock me in the room with no food nothing, " I replied in a whisper. I don't want to fight with him.

"You were going to leave, " he countered.

"I don't belong here, I don't live here and it's highly inappropriate that I should live with my boss. I can't stay here and I don't want to stay here, " I claimed.

"But I can take care of you, I have lots of money and you don't have to go back to work just stay here and live with me, " he replied.

"I don't want your money and I can take care of myself. I don't need you, " I almost yell but I was too weak to argue. He stayed silent so I rolled over getting up from the bed going into the closet where my suitcase is on the floor to start packing my stuff. I started throwing my clothes in the suitcase. When I'm done I pulled it to the door leave it there and go into the closet to pack the next one.

He got up when I pulled out the next suitcase going to the door he stops me holding my wrist. "Where do you think you're going? You're not leaving this house if you think I'll let you, " he said his face serious. I forcefully pulled my hands out of his hold.

"I'm leaving and there's nothing you can do to stop me, " I said through gritted teeth spinning around but I did that too fast causing me to become dizzy. For a second all I saw was blank but my vision soon clear.

He reached out for me after seeing me flatter for a second but I don't allow him to hold me. He wants to stop me from leaving and I'm not going to allow him to do that to only lock me in this room for hours again.

"Rosie are you okay?" He asked concerned lacing every word and if I look at him I could see it in his eyes but I kept my eyes trained anywhere but at him.

"I'm fine, " I said taking a step forward to leave but felt weak and sleepy shaking my head I try to shake off the feeling taking another step only for my vision to go black and before I could try and figure out what is happening to me I was unconscious my body falling to the hard floor.

I know I was going to feel the pain of falling to the hard ground when I regain consciousness but I didn't feel the cold slap of the floor but warm muscular hands catching me. That's when I fell completely under the darkness.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now