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The person standing in my hotel room was no one but my boss. It shocked me that he was here and that he was in my room because I didn't tell him that I was staying in a hotel room.

"What are you doing here?" I demand the moment I could form words after the shock was gone.

He looked at me then asked. "Were you crying? Why were you crying?" He said putting his hands in his pocket ignoring my question but looked at my expectantly.

"You're in my hotel room and I don't know how you get in but you probably break in." I said ignoring his question.

"I didn't break in I was let in now answer my question why were you crying?" He asked. I don't know if he is asking because he cares or he doesn't want me to come looking all red nose and puffy eyes to his stupid gala.

"Who could possibly be dumb enough to let in a total stranger in my room." I rolled my eyes at the staff at this hotel. A handsome with money comes and ask for a girl you just give them assess to their room without asking any questions or more seriously calling the police. What about waiting in the lobby but no let them wait in the room. It's easy to kill me like that.

He rubbed the back of his neck and I narrowed my eyes at the action. "Um if you don't mind I told them that you're my girlfriend but we had a fight and I wanted to surprise you hoping that you would forgive me. It took alot of convincing on my part before but after telling them that they let me into your room." He explained still rubbing the back of his neck.

My eyes was wide and my mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. "I'm not even your girlfriend and I don't like the fact that you used that to get into my room why could you just wait in the lobby." I pointed out the option he should have chosen.

He shrugged. "You still haven't answered my question." He said.

"Which question?" I said trying to avoid answering that question by acting clueless. I wasn't about to tell my boss that I was bawling my eyes out because my best friend and boy friend are happy without me while I stay in a hotel room all by myself.

"Rosie why were you crying?" He asked again for the third time.

"Why are you here?" I asked another question avoiding the question that I would rather not answer.

He pursed his lips and looked at me. He frowned when he realized that I wasn't going to answer his question because I was dodging it.

"Don't you remember you said you'd accompany me to the gala tonight." He reminded me putting his hand back into his pocket.

That was the last thing I wanted to do right now. I forgot it the moment I saw him and her. I don't even have the energy to tell him that I don't want to go. The only energy I have is to just give in.

"I don't have anything to wear and it's best you go without me or find someone else I'm a mess. I don't think finding a replacement would be that hard." I said laying back down to stare at the ceiling.

"I guess that much that's why I came here to get you." That means saying I don't have nothing to wear is off the list.

"But look at my face. It's all red and puffy. You can't go out with me looking like this." I countered this time but it still didn't work and I had to cross it off of my list too.

"The stylist can fix that too. We need to go because we are already late and it's going to take about a hour to get you ready." He said walking to the door.

Why the sudden interest? I thought as I pushed myself up that I am sitting then I stand and followed him out of the room taking up my purse on the way.

We left the hotel room. When we were in the lobby the girl at the front desk smiled at us and I cringe. I hope he never use that excuse again.

He opened the passengers door for me and I rolled my eyes. What a gentleman. I thought sarcastically. I know he is nothing but a gentleman.

I stepped out of the car to stand in front of a mountain because a house can't be this big to house just one person. Who the hell live in a house like mountain by themselves. It was a splendid sight and I fight my aws and gasp as they try to make their way out.

I didn't want to do that since as I didn't want to be like the other girls that he brings to his place for his reasons. But I couldn't help but let my eyes widened at the size and the beauty of it.

I wiped the stupid impressed look on my face and followed behind him for him to lead me into extravagant room after more extravagant rooms. He stopped in front of a door and using his two hands he pushed it opened and stepped in.

This time I gasped at the beautiful room with ocean blue colour and aqua green. It was like one of those room out of a magazine that you could only dream of having.

I touched every peace of furniture as I go. He opened a next door. I peaked around him to see a closet but not a empty one. It was filled with clothes and when you walked further it was more clothes all name brand.

I wonder who these clothes belong to because which man has a room decorated for a woman and a closet filled with woman clothes.

"You'll choose a dress from here." He said pointing to a plethora of dresses. I looked around to see all types of clothes from formal to casual. He walked out of the closet and I followed behind him to see him open another door probably the bathroom.

"You get five minutes to freshen up and then the stylist will be here to do you hair and make up." He left before I could say anything. I sighed walking into the bathroom closing the door behind me to strip out of my clothes and step under the warm water that showers down on my skin as I step in it. I didn't get to admire the bathroom like I did the rest of the room as he only said five minutes which was cruel of him because I didn't get to enjoy the warm shower.

At least it relaxed me a little. I stepped out wrapping a towel around me and one in my hair and walked out of the bathroom to see two girls setting up whatever it was in the room. When they realized I was in the room the one on the right captured my hand in hers and drag me to the closet while the other one stayed behind.

I was forced into two dresses with grimace then the third one was decided on the best since it goes well with my skin tone.

I was then pushed out of the closet dressed in a glamorous and expensive dress. I didn't get to admire myself in the dress in the mirror because I was rushed and pushed into a chair where the two girls brush, comb and poke me. I wince but didn't complain and let them groom me.

When they were done they stood in front of me like they were an artist admiring their work scrutinizing me from hide to toe and when they thought that I was presentable the pulled me out of the chair and pushed me out of the room.

I think there isn't enough time for me to look in the mirror and admire their work and to see the amount of transformation that I made.

He was there waiting for me in a black crisped suit with his broad shoulders. He was typing away on his phone when I walked or more like pushed out of the room. He looked up and I swore he stopped breathing but I could be mistaken. I could never take his breath away.

"Let's go we're late." He said turning away without glancing back at me. Maybe his stylists didn't do such a good job because he didn't compliment me.

Did I want him to compliment?

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now