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I didn't understand the look he was giving me now or his strange behavior towards me. I wasn't going to read more into it right now.

"I would have appreciated your presence more if you had been more on time." I says walking towards him.

He hummed swirling the liquor in his glass watching me with those eyes. "You seemed like you were having a good time I didn't wanted to interrupt." He then take a sip not taking his eyes off of me.

"Sure I was cause I love when men grab me unnoticed and forced me to dance with them with no space between us so we could feel each other heart beat." I said sarcastically. I walked passed him leaving him to follow me back to our table.

"So you don't know who you were just dancing with?" He asked with a raise eyebrow.

"No and i don't want to know the guy creep me out." I shivered visible a cold going down my spine.

I watch has he shake his head chuckling. "You're telling me that Andre Mollor creeped you out. Well that's a first." He continued to chuckle but I couldn't see what's so funny about this. "So you didn't find him attractive at all?" I shake my head. "Maybe panty dropping." I stared at him at that moment.

"Do you have a crush on him." I blurted but he only burst out laughing catching the attention of people close by.

"Gods no I'm straight so I'm all yours." I rolled my eyes and continued to walk. "It's surprising that you're not drooling over him or his money." He muttered the last part but I heard him making me stop and slowly turned around to face him.

"I don't know the guy okay I don't want the guy okay and you don't know me okay so stop comparing me to these tramp in your society." I dropped my hands to my side dramatically. "I'm not here for anyone but you so be grateful for that and not make assumptions." I know that that was what he was doing. Thinking I was going to go run off because a beautiful man looked my way. I don't care if the unknown guy as money.

I huffed walking back to our table sitting down looking anywhere but at him. "Rosie look I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you." He was apologising running his hands through his hair. This must be weird for him doing something he rarely does and that's to say he's sorry.

"You're forgiven Mr Wesley. Just don't do it again." I said giving him a small smile which he returned stiffly.

"What's with the formality you can call me Derek." He told me frowning but I wasn't going to go on a first name basis with my boss.

"This is a business arrangement and I tend to keep it strictly business. It would be unprofessional if I called you by your first name so if you don't mind I'll stick to calling you Mr Wesley." I explained to him.

"But I would insist you don't. I can't let people here hearing you calling me that so it's just Derek." He replied.

"I cannot sorry sir but we just keep it like how we planned it. A boss and his employee. Remember am just helping you out so you don't have to revert to on of your many ex's or find a girlfriend to only dump her tomorrow." I wasn't going to do that.

"Okay I get that but think about it as a friend and a friend if we are you can't keep calling me sir and Mister." He countered.

"But sir..." He cut me off before I could say another word.

"Please Rosie do this for me." He plead making a face I never thought my boss would have.

I was reluctant to agree but I did anyway. "Fine I'll you Derek." It felt weird calling him by his first name for the last five years I've been calling him Mr Wesley.

He smiled with his victory and sipped his liquor. The night went fairly well from there. I wish I could have a taste of the wine or something but I couldn't seeing my current condition. He didn't ask way I was drinking and I was glad because I wasn't sure how I'm going to tell my boss that I can't drink because I'm pregnant.

I will have to tell him pretty soon but I ain't rushing it. I'll be showing in a few more weeks meaning that I will have to wear bigger bagger clothes.

I needed to go shopping anyway for the baby, for me and my new apartment.

It's like I forgot that the man sitting beside me was my boss because I wasn't do tense instead I was more than relax laughing at his jokes like we were old friend. These type of laughing granted me another's chance to see the beautiful bathroom.

I turned on the faucet letting the water run over my hands as I washed them. The door opened at that moment and in walked in a gracious blonde clad in a dazzling black dress and red heels adding to her height.

She made me look inferior to her with her good looks even though Mr Wesley stylist worked wonders on me. But I was nothing compared to this goddess who walked into the bathroom.

She stopped at the door when she realized that someone else was in the room. Immediately a wide smile was in her red stained lips. She finished her entrance into the room like she owned the place coming tk a stop in front if the mirror beside me reapplying lipstick on her lips.

I was leaving when she stopped me. "Hey can I talk to you for a second." Even her voice is beautiful.

"Sure." I said turning around to face her.

"I'm Stella." She stretch out her hands for me to shake.

"I'm Rosie." I said taking her hands in mine smiling as she smiled.

"I just wanted to ask you something if that's okay with you." I don't know what she's going to ask me or why the sudden interest.

"Sure." I said shrugging.

"Who was that guy you were dancing with?" I didn't expect that question.

"I don't know him." I answered honestly. I could visibly see when she relaxed.

"Well I should be going." She walked out of the bathroom without so much of a reply. I just stood there confused on what just happened. Did she really just come in here to ask me about a guy?

What if I did know the guy would this outcome be different? I shake my head and left the bathroom without that weird encounter.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now