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"Can you not do that?" I frowned giving him a face.

"Do what?"

"That, you look stupid," he ignored me still doing it causing me to laugh.

"Will you stop?" I said still laughing. I slapped him on the shoulder looking around to see if anyone was seeing him goofing around with me.

Luckily no one was and for that moment I completely forgot that he was Derek Wesley and in front of me was just Derek. 

I threw fries at his face and it hit him smack on the cheek and guess what it had on a lot of ketchup. His mouth dropped open and I'm afraid he'd catch some flies in there if he didn't close it.

His eyes narrowed ready to attack thinking quickly the only thing that would stop him from attacking me with his fries.

"Look someone's taking our picture," I exclaimed pointing behind him seeing that it was the only distraction I could use so that he doesn't get his revenge.

His head turned in the direction so fast I thought he broke his neck but I think he only got a whiplash. I covered my mouth trying not to laugh.

"I don't see anyone," he said looking from left to right. He turned back around when he couldn't spot the imaginary person taking our picture. When he saw the expression on my face he glared at me realizing that I had tricked.

"Now you're going to get it." Who would have thought he was this playful? I know I have seen a lot of this side to him but sometimes it still shocks me that he had this type of behavior. I've known him for quite some time now from working with him and he's never like this. He never jokes around, he was always cold and distant.

It was raining fries in my face and I know I would be taking them out of my hair too. "Stop! Stop!" I surrendered using my hand to block the assault.

I peeked out of my eye to see if he's going to surprise me with any more fries attack but instead I heard the clicking sound of a camera. I looked from the phone in his hand and the smile on his face.

He took my picture and I had fries in my hair. I grabbed his phone only to grasp air when he moved it out of my reach. "Let me see it," I demand.

"No, you're going to delete it," he refused. I rolled my eyes holding out my hand for him to hand over his phone. You put up a finger telling me one minute before he could hand over the phone.

There was a full-blown smile on my face, my eyes closed and my hands up protecting my face and there were fries in my hair. My hands immediately shot up to brush the fries out of my hair.

I was still staring at the picture when he broke the silence that fell over the table. "Are you ready to go?" He asked and I nodded absentmindedly.

I look so happy in the picture, the happiest I've ever been for in a long while without any restrain, and here it is captured in a picture. I returned his phone the image no longer in my eyes but in my mind.

Now all I'm thinking about is that I want that but not in a picture or just for a moment. I want to freely be happy without thinking that that might happen.

"Are you okay?" He asked clicking his seat belt into place. I nodded. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure, I'm just tired," I replied and I sounded tired too. He hesitated before nodding going with it.

He helped me out of the car. The door swings opened and I walked in before him as he closed the door behind us. I thought about going upstairs to lay down but the living room was so much closer for me to relax.

I told him I wanted a room downstairs but he refused because he wanted me closer to him so I had to climb these stairs day and night. Damn him. Saying I don't go out much and I need the exercise but whatever I know he's just calling me fat.

But as soon as my therapy is over I think I'll move back in. It's a small place but it doesn't have so many damn stairs.

"Surprise!" There was a chorus of shouts. My heart leaped into my throat and even the baby kicked. Shit, these people about to give me a heart attack. Why the hell did they do this don't they know that they shouldn't sneak up on a pregnant woman especially one close to her due date?

Suddenly, a burst of pain hit me and moaned in pain holding my belly. "Shit!" I cursed and immediately Derek was beside me asking me if I'm okay and Josh on the other side asking what's the matter, both of them looking worried.

I know what you're thinking. Why is cheating Josh here? Why did I forgave him? I know what you're saying too. That he doesn't deserve to be here and I can't believe you let the son of a bitch back into my life and whole lot of words you'll be staying but I can't because they are not meant for my mouth.

So, yes I've forgiven him but not only that I'm letting him have a chance in this child life. I know I know you don't have to tell me. But I'm an adult not a child so I'll leave that to you. I don't want to be petty. I'm ok letting by gone be by gone. Looking forward to the future, don't get me wrong, I've learned from my past and that's why we are going to be separate parents.

I could feel the level of testosterone rising between the two a battle ready to go off any second. I hissed in pain and that stopped their pissing match. Those two will never see eye to eye but at least they are civilized.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Josh asked.

"Of course she need to go to the hospital don't you see that she's in pain," Derek snapped irritated by Josh question or maybe just by his presence. Anyone could tell that he didn't want him here, near me or inside his house but he did it for me because I decided to forgive him.

"Could you guys stop the arguing? I'm fine and I don't need to go to the hospital," I told them.

Josh is the first to snap out of it his eyes softening when he turned them to me. "But you're in pain, you could be going into labor right now and I don't want to risk it."  I could feel Derek rolling his eyes at Josh.

"Come, Rosie, I'll take you to the hospital," Derek said. I could feel something coming up and it's not vomit I'm way pass that stage. They're about to start up at it again.

"Ah ah," I cried snapping both of their attention to me forgetting their argument.

"What is it?!" The both asked at the same time worried and panicking.

"I want to sit down help me, help me over to the coach so I can sit down," I told them. They both looked each other. "Come on now!"

"Alright, alright," they look at each other again. "But wish one of us should carry you," Josh asked.

"I'll carry her you go arrange those pillow in the coach so she can relax," Derek ordered like the bossy time he is.

Josh opened his mouth to protest but closed it when Derek gave him a scalding look. Josh hurried off without protesting doing what Derek told him to do. When he was done he moved out of the way and Derek put me down. I adjusted myself a little bit before settling down.

"Ah," I have out and they jumped to my aid. " It's nothing I was just faking to get back at all y'all and plus I was tired." I told them smiling.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now